Why did once masculine guy become a twink?

Why did once masculine guy become a twink?

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You are a faggot OP

You don't know what twink means. He was a twink in oot and in all those pinks. He is steadily reaching femboy mode.

Link has never been masculine lol

I wouldn't say he looked masculine, but he does look like a polygenderqueer 2 years into transition now. I don't know who's the art director but they should fire the character artists.

The same reason Link became a cat.

I'm not sure by what faggotty standards that eyeliner wearing fuccboi passes as masculine.

Twilight Princess is the closest Link gets to masculine, but he still looks like a bishie.

wait that is supposed to be a guy? i thought that character is female lol

link is my bf

>Why did a twink become a twink

Because twinks are cute


Literally wanting the "traps aren't gay" audience

In Japan, overt masculinity is basically synonymous with being gay.

The closest link has ever been to masculine involved a girl treating him like a dog

both genders can relate to androgynous characters

japs like twinks

how is this hard to understand?

Because Link is asexual??? And he needs to have the physical appearance of both the male and female??

I can't believe at all.
Do they have self-contained beauty standarts?

>I can't believe at all

look up 'cho aniki'

i bet link has a smooth and shiny buthole if you know what i mean

He behaves like a man but appearance wise he varies from some kid to pretty boy with shades of androgyny and femininity in between

He looks way more pleasant and aesthetically pleasing now.

His BOTW design is objectively better.

How can Link's boipucci ever recover?

It could've gone a better direction really.

that E3 2011 footage was merely a tech demo demonstrating the hardware of the Wii U


I like the first few character designs most. He looked a little more doofy than cute. His ALttP design is my favorite.

He's a child for one and an elf for another.

link to that Link?

if you consider digging through dirt for dropped money wherever you go and autistically shrieking 'behaving like a man' I can only conclude you loathe men

I was thinking fighting for what he believes in, struggling and overcoming odds, using his brains and his brawn. Things like that

Is this his Hyrule warriors character model?

There is nothing masculine about he right

>dual wielding a gun and a bow
it honestly doesn't get more manly than that

Yeah. Second-sexiest Link next to his Soul Calibur 2 design.


What game is this? I don't remember this ever happening

Because more teenage girls got into Zelda.

Link has never been masculine. Since the first game people were making fun of him for wearing a skirt.

It's the postal boy costume from Hyrule Warriors

>there will never be a Zelda game with this artstyle
Official art for Zelda 2, btw.

Then they should have turned him into a masculine black man, not a sissy white boi

Link was always a twink

if we look at artstyle

mm link >botw= minish cap = ww > ss > tp > oot = everything before that.

Why is Majoras Mask artstyle so gorgeus? Just look at the difference between oot and mm. OoT looks like some 80´s comic while MM has all this shadowing.

MM really took the series to a height they never reached again. In terms of artstyle everything in this game was scary, even if you look at the fucking artwork, sometimes you can´t tell which character is supposed to be good or evil.


>majora's artstyle will never come back

feels bad man

tfw my dick responds to this because he looks so much like a girl

mmmmhm yeah boy that's it


He has and people forget that. He was always a teen and all teens are more akin to femboys in athestics than they like to admit. Right now, I'm 15x stronger than when I was 16 and from what I remember, all my class mates were more or less around the same build at that age.


>draws a girl and call it Link
why are fags this degenerate?

>fighting for what he believes in
link never tells anyone what he believes in. he could believe ganon is right and just be thwarting him for a laff
>struggling and overcoming odds
he has infinite continues, the odds are stacked in his favor
>using his brains and his brawn
your brains actually. you do all the thinking for him and he just brawns

He's an elf.

>he never played OoT or any Zelda before that one


Fuck you moviefag noldor were badasses

Says the site obsessed with dickgirls and lolis.

He looks more masculine in current builds than he did in the announce trailer.

You gonna keep taunting people or you gonna sauce?

because japan

Just search for Link SFM you lazy homofaggot.

close enough!

>your favorite artstyle will never come back

>Toon Link will


>never will have OoT/MM or 80's Link anymore
just toon my shit up



The only time he's ever looked manly was when Katsuya Terada drew concept art for Zelda II.

Terada never drew concept art for Zelda II.

Yes he did.

he already looks like a girl, they should just make one of his reincarnations female and have her be lesbians with Zelda.

That's not concept art.

Just look up porn if you are that thirsty.

What? Yes it is.
It was used in Nintendo Power and in the the licensed strategy guide.
>in b4 you try and dispute the meaning of "concept art"


God, this shit is fucking fantastic.

>next cycle of the hero
>the hero is a set of twins this time, boy and girl
>they think the boy is the hero of legend
>he tries to fight the big bad
>sister becomes warrior to get revenge
>she has the triforce courage

>Breath of the Wilds is going back to what makes Zelda games good
>The best way to follow up is to make an edgy plot twist that has been done more times the the Zelda series has reused it's own plot
Don't be this retarded user.

he didn't though

snowflakes like your comment would not even transition

>edgy plot twist
Say you don't like it, that's fine, but it is far from 'edgy'.

I'm retardedly hyped for botw by this has got to be my least favorite link design ever

hello is this the boipucci thread

How do I get shredded like Link? I've already got a feminine anime face and wide hips (but I'm not gay, I promise)

>Pointlessly dark story point
>Making a character who has no purpose other to die
>It's dark just to be dark
Totally not edgy :^)


>6 years later

we get a game that looks much worse on the next console.

>tfw when this is quite literally my body type thighs and all
>tfw have a masculine as fuck face
>tfw covered in hair

just end my suffering



Link's never been too masculine. Even as "adult" Link, he still looks like a boy in his teens who still has some growing left to do.

he's cute and i'm glad mmimmzel will never draw porn

Boipuqqi you mean

prove it

I'd pass on that game. Wouldn't even pirate it.

reminder hes a dad

Has it really been done that many times?

Needs more thicc link