Saber sama

saber sama

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saber a shit

Fate was a mistake.

>Tfw the Fate fanbase is now full of porn addicted ADD kids who can't be bothered to read the VN.

I'm actually reading the VN tho

post your favorite saber

>tfw the blacked memes arent OP

I want old Sup Forums back...

What part are you at?

Vampire Saber

Have they just given up on the remake and decided to live of F/GObux?

>can't handle Caster without Emiya's help
Why is she such a jobber holy shit!?

What are your favorite scenes from the Fate series?



Probably. Given that major Tsukihime background characters are just being introduced as minor F/GO entities now.

saber's ok
i like mai waifu a lot more, though

in terms of nasuverse characters, my favorites are tamamo, f/sn ilya (as opposed to prisma), and len

>saber kills berserker in the forest in fate
>saber (corrupted) also kills berserker in the forest in hf


it's like pottery

Nasu was doing Kino before it was cool.

Your waifu is VERY fluffy.

transforming primate murder into that is unacceptable

No just reused ideas

why thank you

>Tequila girl

I'd buy whiskey maybe, but we all know Saber's a sake bomb girl at heart

>archer fights berserker trying to escape from illya's castle in fate
>another archer also fights berserker trying to invade illya's castle in ubw
>it is episode 14 in both the anime series

what did they mean by this

God I hope not. I need my Satsuki route. (no, Melty Blood is not enough)

>what's saber so nerves about?

Best Saber coming through

deepest lore

How much longer until every character is Saber?

Shirou: Kirei Kotomine... Get away from here. I'm going to destroy the Holy Grail. If I don't, Sakura will...

Kotomine: That is something I cannot let you do. I only have one goal. And that is to allow this spell to complete itself.

Shirou: Quit messing around! That thing, Avenger, that's inside of her is the embodiment of all that's evil in the world!

Kotomine: I will not accuse one that is not even born yet of crimes. Nothing is born evil, and nothing is useless to the world. No one has the right to punish a creature until it is given a chance to live.

Shirou: Do you truly believe what you are saying? You know that thing only exists to kill. It would be the very definition of evil for us to do nothing even though we know that it will kill many people when it gets out!

Kotomine: While that act may be evil in and of itself, we do not know what the person himself believes.

Shirou: What?

Kotomine: Does the actual "All the World's Evil" lament over the "evil" he commits, or does he smiler from the "good"... After he has lost everything... After he has destroyed everything... can that final person in the world forgive himself? I want to know that answer to that question. One who is born with nothing... One who is born unwanted by all... The meaning of life... The value of something existing that has no value... It will teach us these things.

Shirou: Sakura... So you used Sakura just for that?

Kotomine: Yes. I have killed many for this very cause. Therefore, I will not let my hard work be ruined. Let us begin. You are the final Master. Our time together has come to an end.

Theme Song -

I adore the scene of Kiritsugu at the Grail. Yes this scene is horrific but it also is a wonderful illustration / deconstruction of Consequentialism, Deontological, and Virtue basic ethics. For the most part I am a consequentialist / utilitarian but the grail scene illustrates why you can't be an exclusive consequentialism and that you need to temper your beliefs and your ideals with the other two ways of looking at the world as well else you will break yourself, or you do not realize the horror of what you unleashed.


Technically it's what PM would have been had it stayed with Merlin instead of becoming Gaia's personal human killer. I still think that it's garbage to tie something so integral to Tsukihime to a Fate character, though. Same with rendering the mystery and importance of the five magics completely worthless by having Solomon and Merlin being able to use all of them.
I don't care that they're the most famous magicians in mythology, Nasu undermining his own lore is just shitty.

Kotomine is right btw

It was just one guy hitting a punching bag while speaking in a cool voice before tipping over

VN-only fags need to jump off of a cliff
I'd say the same thing to any jRPG that got a decent anime adaptation. Anime is just a better genre for such story-driven things

I want to see you creampie Altera!

I got banned from Sup Forums for insinuating Saber was a coalburner

Kill yourself. F/SN only has a good anime adapation for one of it's three routes. Even then you're still clueless.

The anime doesn't have all the infodumps, Shirou's deep monologues and status screen with all the powerlevel arguments that the game does though

Usually you'd be right but Nasu's writing style doesn't work that well in anime, you need the internal monologues and shit.

I wish Sup Forums banned American's shoving their interracial fetish into everything desu.

>Anime is just a better genre for such story-driven things
vns are a far better genre for story-driven things
anime-only fags should jump off a cliff desu

Do not lewd Heroic Spirit Altera

Lewd giantess Altera

Top, middle or Bottom?

I'd much rather wait until more get adapted than reading VN shit. Seriously.

>vns are a far better genre for story-driven things
no they are not. I would not have arrived at my conclusion had I not spent a decent amount of time reading manga, VNs, and watching anime

>Shirou has nearly every single one of his important character-monologues about his ideals and past removed, his banter with Rin is severely limited, and the removal of the death scenes + alterations made to the Gilgamesh, Kuzuki, and Archer fights removes any sense of danger being posed towards him
>Instead he's a standard oblivious MC with no idea Rin is into him until near the end of the show, has mild PTSD and survivor's guilt instead of being barely human in any meaningful sense mentally, and appears to have ten layers of plot armour
>le invisible air can kill berserker xD isn't Saber great - takeuchi
>Kuzuki's fighting style is never explained properly and as a result his fight with Saber and then getting reamed by Shirou makes no fucking sense
>Changes made to the fight with Archer completely alter the tone and meaning of the scene - while the beginning alterations are fucking amazing the fact that Shirou then proceeds to fight him on near-even footing while barely sustaining any damage completely ruins the original idea of the fight being one where Shirou is beaten fucking senseless but manages to win purely by reminding Archer of the beauty of his ideals and by showing his conviction

I'm reading Fate and I recently finished the Berserker fight
Does this VN really get better?
I think that the battle royale setting has potential, but the boring decisions everyone makes, the highly autistic MC and the boring Saber backstory is making me highly consider dropping a VN for the first time

Only after we ban trap faggots.

>you need the internal monologues and shit
No thanks. Its not like I regard any of Fate's writing as amazing anyways

It's been forever since I read Tsukihime, but I don't remember PM being important to it other than being a Dead Apostle Ancestor.

>Fight against Gilgamesh is completely fucking retarded, its no longer Shirou desperately closing the gap between them to leverage Gilgamesh's lacking swordsmanship skills to press his one weak spot while using UBW for covering fire, but is instead Shirou dodging, blocking, and spinning his way through the now far-superior GoB by the skin of his teeth for three minutes before ending the battle in a single exchange - it makes no sense for him to be so strong
>In particular, Caster's master scenes really did nothing to add anything to her backstory or make one more sympathetic to the character - it'd have been far better to focus on her past as a princess, how Jason spurned her, and her fall to witchcraft if Ufotable was looking to add context for her actions and motives
>while fucking hilarious the powerboost Rin and Luvia got in their wrestling match at the end contradicts canon and makes it seem absurd that Rin was such a non-factor in any fight besides the one with Caster
>while quite pretty and fluid most of the fights lack any real sense of 'weight' besides a few instances of Lancer jumping and leaving a crater and Berserker fucking up shit passively by merely running - beyond those, however, the majority of the Servant's didn't seem nearly as powerful as they actually are and the choreography gave no sense of them possessing any notable degree of skill or experience, merely super speed and the ability to pull of some rather unbelievable contortioning

This came outta no where and was the hypest shit.

Also fake Assassin's final fight with Saber where he lived up the legend of Kojirou Sasaki. Caster's group had some great scenes.

I just started a bit earlier today.

I'm in the Fate route at the beginning, day 3

I dont like the fetish, I Just found those threads great shitposting material

>no they are not.
yes they are. I would not have arrived at my conclusion had I not spent a decent amount of time reading manga, VNs, and watching anime

Like I thought you're a porn-addicted ADD child. Got it.

the other two routes are much more interesting. I'd suggest sticking with it until UBW and if you find yourself still bored then drop it

>tfw you couldn't be bothered watching anime so you read manga instead

serra is cute

The game gets good in the second route but the big payoff is in the third route

What are you expecting for a 2004 VN? Just read it and don't complain.

Both need filled up user, do not pick favourties for lewding.

Gayfag here
Imma go middle, post better boys next time.

It comes and goes. The second route really picks up, while heaven's feel has GREAT stuff despite poor pacing.

The first chapter is basically a set up for much more interesting stories.

Seriously. KnK was probably the best adaptation and that still suffers from all the inner monologue being missed, as well as a couple of scenes and other things.

It's background lore from KS/Talk/CM. PM is Altrouge's pet, so it would've been important in any events surrounding the Aylesbury Ritual, especially when Merem and Blackmore pledged to work together to fight her faction.

The biggest problem I have with the TypeMoon universe is that Nasu decided he'd make the FSN VN based on the Fifth HGW.

Word of God says the first two wars were jokes that ended really quickly and wouldn't be entertaining. I can accept that. I'd be happy with just mentions of that.

But where Nasu fucked up was deciding that the Fifth war would have multiple, all equally canon routes, utterly gimping the prospect of sequels beyond expansions of each route, adding more routes, or utter continuity clusterfucks like H/A.

By making the Fifth HGW the VN with multiple routes, he limited how the universe can be used. From that point, only the preceding wars can be given singular canon narratives, although constrained by what is said in the Fifth HGW about them (this is not a bad thing, in the case of Fate Zero it worked really well. But only because Urobutcher is good at writing when you give him clear plot points to include and adhere to).

So if you like the universe, too fucking bad, the only decent work that can be produced in it without retcon is adaptations of the Fourth and Third HGW. Fate Zero was excellent, leagues better than FSN, because Nasu didn't fucking write it and it had a single narrative.

If FSN had been something like, the 15th war, with the first war happening much earlier, this wouldn't be as big a problem. But Nasu utterly lacks the ability to plan for the long term.

I wouldn't even be this upset if other works could at least adhere to the same universe. I like that Tsukihime takes place in the same universe, but again he gimped the future use of any characters by using multiple routes.
But then you've got shit like KnK, which is excellently written in comparison, but no, it has to occur in a parallel universe that follows the same rules.

damn straight!


You two are literally yelling "nuh uh" "yeah huh" at each other anonymously over the internet.

So basically, Shirou is a pro-choice faggot.
wtf, I hate fsn now.

Because VNs often has a forced reading order, especially Tsukihime and Fate Stay Night. Unlimited Blade Works cannot stand on its on because it lacks Fate's world building and character setup, and to a lesser extent the contrast with Heaven's Feel. Adapting VNs that aren't straight out porn is incredibly hard, because late night anime are restricted to at most 25/26 episodes, and most VNs worth adapting are 60-70 hours monster. You adapt the first route, you still have questions that is answered in later route considered to be plotholes. You adapt any other route and it lack the foreshadowing and world building done in the previous

yeah no shit, i was literally copy/pasting what he was saying and changing the words so they said the opposite

someone who doesn't bother to actually back up what they said deserves nothing more

Saber check my 2

Not really he just wanted to save his GF

>removal of the death scenes + alterations made to the Gilgamesh, Kuzuki, and Archer fights removes any sense of danger being posed towards him
Death Scenes is why Ilya absolutely scares me. I stumbled onto every single one of her BAD ENDS when I first played.

The fact every route trys to make us feel bad for Ilya after all the horrible shit the does to Shirou in the bad ends is bullshit.

I'll take this one, thanks.

KT, even.

True you can't hate Gil, no matter how much you try.

Thats most little girl characters in general to be fair. Rule of cute makes people forgive so damn easily.

Just for you.

Here's the thing. Pretty much everything is based on presentation alone: we don't care about the plot holes in Kojima games or the sillyness that is heroes wielding sword bigger than themselves; we care that it looks neat and makes us feel entertained. I find that most VNs are awful in that department. Anime, like film, lays everything out in the open so its easier to enjoy, especially if you're not trying to be a "super fan" or anything of the sort. The same could be said for YA novels, jRPGs, most manga.
Of course each of these has its GOAT that couldn't be experienced in any other way.
I do not believe that is the case for Fate and neither do you.

What did she mean by this?

I love how kotomine only shows his top speed while abducting a child

Can't call him a fake priest when he takes child abduction so seriously

I love my wife.

aside from the obvious fact that vns allow far more actual dialog and description, non-kinetic ones also give the viewer agency and a sense that actions in the world actually have consequences, which helps make the world feel real
and honestly i just prefer the pacing in a vn. anime almost always just comes off as heavily compressed and you never get to know the characters as well as you would in a vn. and since like 90% of fiction is character-driven, the closer the connection to the characters, the more you're going to appreciate the work.

Lying through her teeth and trying to act tough

Saberfags are equally bad as pony, jojo and undertale fans.

Forgive her, she's autistic.


To be fair most Servants could probably be put on the Autism spectrum.


No the Nerofags are the worst.

Caster deserved to be the primary antagonist. Gil was a mistake.

>insulting other people's waifus
Disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself.

but it's canon
old men

The only reason she is threatening at all is the ass pull that is rule breaker. Assassin is trash tier and Saber, the main servant is super magic resistant.

Well of course.
Autism literally gives you super powers in the Nasuverse.
Look at Kojiro, he was literally a random farmer with autism so strong he could break reality by swinging a sword.

>No Caster route where you bully her in private