Post your William-sama
>TFW no simple casual clothing like the dude guys wearing while sitting in the castle
>132,2% reduction
so does the damage heal you?
Why does every revenant from level 30 to level 80 wear the Warrior of the West set?
>20 magic
Games too rough for ya, eh?
no i respecced so i could do the dojo training missions
>He's not playing the same way I am
>Must be because the game is hard
Don't do that. I could say the same thing to you if you were using chain and sickle with its stupid fucking amount of stun it has.
I would but not going to use a usb stick just for this thread and fuck facebook and twitter
slothfags everywhere
Nah, I'm a handcannon/dual swords faggot.
Low stance is too high of a DPS.
I'm just saying you shouldn't be a faggot and pretend Nioh is hard. It gives you way too much shit to trivialize anything. From sloth talismans to ridiculous DPS.
Or were you a man and fought the dude on the bridge without pushing him off?
dumb question but can anyone explain the "unlimited" special effect thing on equipment?
is the percentage the chance it will not use up whatever resource?
The revenant system completely breaks the game
So I know the white tiger boss' weak point is his eye, but is it just a very small hitbox or can you only hit it at certain times?
Are Sup Forumsirgins actually cheesing the weapon thief sidemission from the third region
Small hitbox.
>looking up a ps4 on craigslist
>chock full of Nioh listings
>"it's just not a game for me"
lol. Anyway the slim is cheap enough new probably. Does Nioh have any ps4Pro features? I'm a bit worried about worse performance in some games, dunno if it's a straight upgrade.
>lmao he uses a hammer to drive nails instead of his forehead what a scrub
where should I try hitting him? I've been aiming at the left side of his face and it never connects even though my sword is going through his fucking eye.
1080p 60fps. That's its
If you
-use talismans
-use a set bonus
-use iai slash or its equivalents
-use one of the ninja sets
You are garbage at video games
His ass.
Forget aiming for the amrita stone, the outcome isn't worth the slim chance of hitting it. Just hold X and sprint around his pounce attacks/laser beam and smack his ass for being a bad kitty.
Just beat Orochi.
The fight wasn't that fun but it wasn't as bad as the centipede
>Mfw 20% unlimited Omyo sloth
Normal PS4 lets you choose between 1090p and 60fps. PS4 Pro can do both at once. Otherwise, nothing different
If you
-level up
-use living weapon
-find kodama
-use elixers
-use spirits at all
-use any marital art at all
-use co-op
-use revenants
-use ki pulse
-use anything other than bare-handed
-use ninjitsu
You are garbage at videogames
Is londoner the only european armor
>buttmad sloth cheesing faggot trying to deflect the truth through hyperbole
if you
-play Nioh
You are garbage at videogames
Oh, be careful when you're behind him and watch out for him raising his tails. He has a grab attack that'll fuck you up, so sprint away whenever you see them so much as twitch.
so how good is this game? I finished the first demo but didnt bother with the second, and a dude is willing to sell his copy to me for 40 bucks
Garbage at videogames detected.
Oh yeah 40 bucks is a steal. I'd take it.
So, some user told me that "Nioh isn't a Souls by design". Was he right ?
>t. revenant farmer
>orochi not as bad as centipede
>centipede bad
>orochi less so
How did a broken person like you happen?
Did you like the demo? It's more of the same, that first demo is basically the first level, though the actual level is a little easier. There are a few small changes, like the removal of durability, but it's otherwise mostly the same gameplay.
Its a child of souls no doubt but it does enough to differentiate itself that it cant really be called a souls-like
Who /YouAreNioh/ here
Its more like Ninja Gaiden, diablo and Onimusha had a kid, and that kid thought the souls games were alright.
"Bonfires" and respawns at checkpoints are the biggest souls-like things this game has.
What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?
Regardless, it's different to Souls in a lot of ways, but the devs did cite Souls as an inspiration and some of the basic mechanics clearly reflect that.
>he hasn't been stomping purple revenants for those sweet materials
>he hasn't been fighting for the glory of his clan
lmao fucking retard.
theres no more durability? thats fuckin great
I want to be a girl.
Make it a dlc I don't even care.
>Or were you a man and fought the dude on the bridge without pushing him off?
People really cheesed that guy? He had a slow as fuck axe that had no chance of hitting you, ever.
There's a new system in its place called Familiarity in its place, which still encourages changing weapons, but doesn't punish you for not.
Don't forget
>joining the Tokugawa clan
Literally made for shitters
Please stop using this word. You are like the guy who crys 'cheap' when he's losing a fighting game
I think it's because it's one of the first full sets that's fairly easy to get
how do i post screenshot from ps4?
Yes. It shares some basic gameplay elements like resurrection checkpoints and reclaimable death markers, but in terms of actual combat it's highly variable and ranges from being playable as a slow, patient "chip away at their health" game like Souls to a sanic fast Ninja Gaiden-like. It reminded me of DMC3 in a way, where there were a bunch of bosses you could play cautiously and slowly, but ultimately it was incredibly unfun to play it that way and it meant going out of your way to ignore the wealth of options you had available.
Souls wasn't the first game to do the "reclaim your lost shit after death" mechanic, too. Diablo did the same thing, except you lost your equipped gear and a chunk of your experience which you didn't get back.
Well put.
I knew toyotomi was filled with shitters that need crutches
You make a twitter and send it there
I heard you can put a usb in and just transfer it but I use the twitter way
normies fuck off
Cant decide if I want this or for honor
for honor, the fact that you are even considering it means your a flamming lala homo faggot and we don't want them in nioh community.
Well I cant decide cause I hate having to play my ps4 cause I only have one monitor and its a pain in the ass. For Honor wasnt very good in the beta, but Im bored and want a game that I wont play cause I work too much.
Get a sick day from school there kid?
For Honor is going to be meta-gamed to all hell in like a week and no-fun allowed from there on out. I also got my fill when playing the beta, so ymmv.
This is how I do it. Don't even need Twitter. Fuck that shit.
>download PS Messages on a tablet/phone
>sign into your account
>go on your PS4 now
>send screenshot in a message to an alt account you may have
>go back to PS Messages
>look at the msg you sent
>download from there
I can't fathom why For Honor players are trying so hard to force some kind of rivalry between the two. They're absolutely nothing like.
>guys I can't decide if I want to listen to music or eat a sandwich
There is literally nothing stopping you from having both.
sandwich fags are cancer
The only thing stopping you from having both is a functional brain that sees Foe Honor dying after one week
It's easy to get, bonuses are fantastic and every revenant just keeps dropping a higher level version of it so you never need to switch it out.
Jesus fucking Christ please off yourself
i dont understand, why are people bitching at what builds people are playing with?
its not like the game has PVP, right? so why does it matter?
One of these games is on PC. One isn't. You do the math.
just save the picture on a USB stick
Welcome to Sup Forums, where everyone is an elitist fuck for no real reason
Ot's boring. The Japanese theme is boring. There is no variaty of enemies. The graphics look like shit. Stop pretending to like this game.
Nyotengu preferably
Save these comments for reddit you fucking faggot, these low-value, blanket statements won't net you any upvotes
Is there a difference between sloth and lightning?
sloth drops difficulty down by 1
>hit ass
>block jaw
>repeat 20 times
Centipede was one of the most boring bosses.
There was exactly one little moment of tension when it managed to paralyse me.
Orochi is a bullshit boss but at least the idea was good
waiting for PC release
Comparing Nioh and For Honor is like comparing Bloodborne and Overwatch.
That's a good comparison though
Bloodborne and Nioh - great games, but more importantly made with heart
Overwatch and For Honor - soulless corporate trash that is only relevant due to marketing
I joined Kikkawa
I apologize, I was under the impression you were saying Centipede was a harder or more frustrating boss.
Just finished the game. Was bretty gud, much better than I expected. Some complaints from me is that the game is a bit too long, perhaps. Halfway through the game the most interesting fights are the boss fights, and the time it takes between getting from boss to boss is a bit on the long-ish side for my taste. It's fine for a first time, but I dunno how I'll fare in replays, if I do.
Unlocking Guardian leveling after beating the game is kinda lame as well.
never knew ben garrison was into touhou
what's a good area to find saika clan clothing? I settled for the rifle captains outfit but the saika has better colors.
how about you kill yourself filthy ninjistu casual scum
You get the smithing text for it in a submission in region 3.
fuck you I just want to refashion shit. I'm wearing the legendary strategist set anyway, so double fuck you.
Nioh threads are shit, just people telling you how you should play the game.
>tfw just can't seem to enjoy the game
I wish you could recolor armor when refashioning it.
I feel proud that the real William Adams actually comes from my town in England, we even have a festival
they have recolored versions of outfits for different regions, but I wouldn't mind a clothing dye system like Assassins Creed or something.
>i feel proud
i bet you didnt give a shit about his history until the game came out.
Rate my Willy, Sup Forums. Pls no bully.
If you
>use hands to play video games
>use feet to play video games
>use tongue to play video games
>use eyes to see video games
>use ears to hear video games
You are garbage at video games
Just buy digital you dingus
Did you guys get any major feels during the game? The White Tiger battle buildup came sort of out of nowhere and the song made me very depressed too. I liked the little fucker.
Does anyone know if it's possible to get another Mariner's shirt?
Somehow mine is missing (I probably accidentally scrapped it) and I wanted to use it for refashioning.
don't listen to consolewar shitposters EVER