Reminder that the time from Skyrim to now is about the same amount of time from Oblivion to Skyrim...

Reminder that the time from Skyrim to now is about the same amount of time from Oblivion to Skyrim, and we still have no release date.

That means Todd is working super hard to make this game great after the disappointment that was FO4. This will be good right guys?

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Doubtful, but I'm still optimistic. Skyrim wasn't a bad game.

They'll announce it this year at E3 and release will be this November.


It's not even being worked on let alone planned right now. Stop being a faggot.

So is this like half life 3

>thinking we're getting TESVI anytime soon when Bethesda still hasn't even released their shitty Hearthstone knockoff yet

And when it DOES come out, they're probably going to further copy Bethesda and stop making "numbered" games in favor of quick, low-effort money makers. Fallout Shelter was the beginning of this change.

Nope, it's going to be just as bad is not worse.
Todd will copy and paste it all.

Bethesda's a normie developer, they don't think FO4 was a disappointment to anyone.


God DAMN I fucking hate western fantasy and their stupid as fuck names.

Why is Japan so much better at fantasy stuff?

Because they don't just regurgitate Tolkien.

If it's not Blackmarsh then I don't care

Reminder that no new Elder Scrolls game will be released on the PS4. MAYBE on the PS5.

>Unironically wanting Bethesda to completely gut the Black Marsh to make it more friendly to the common folk

It's only been a year since Fallout 4 why would we be getting another entry in this series?

>Fallout is not Elder Scrolls you dip

Yes, it is. Ever since Bethesda took control, Fallout has just been Elder Scrolls with guns. The only thing that separates these two series' is name and canon.

Todd himself said TES6 IS in development

I can see it now
>only about 20% of Black Marsh is a marsh,
the rest is just regular forests and greenery
>being invaded by the Empire (who are winning) so most npcs aren't Argonian

>27 major cities

>11 Major Cities

>8 Major Cities

>Fallout 4
>1 Major City

> -4 Major Cities

Bethesda wants to work on something other than Elder Scrolls and Fallout for once. We might not see TES6 before 2020. Hopefully by then they'll use a real new engine, and not Gamebryo 2.x.

Can we all just agree that Hammerfell or High Rock would be far better than any other place in Tamriel for a new game? It's not very hard to fuck up deserts or textbook medieval settings.

Games are bigger now. It's gonna take a while to make it.

>See that star?

major cities

Fallout 4 wasn't a good game until I got into the settlement mechanic. There's potential there, lots.

There hasn't been any sort of copyright filings by Bethesda that say what the newest game is going to be, unlike every other TES since Daggerfall.

>being invaded by the Empire (who are winning)
Why is this such as surprise? Before some furshit Mary Sue crap we never saw or heard about, Argonians were the lowest of the low. Their homeland so shitty and toxic most races would die from in it and they were legally enslaved in certain parts of the empire and even if they weren't enslaved by Mer they still had to do the bidding of a fucking leaf.

You're a fucking moron, Todd said that "Nothing was being worked on" half a year before the release of Fallout 4

Don't be ridiculous, man. Todd wouldn't lie.

Why does everyone want a Valenwood game? Wood Elves are little weak midgets that aren't even cool or interesting at all. They're near the shit tier of races. A summerset isle game where you can side with the empire or thalmor in a world war would be better. It's heavily implied in Skyrim that things are building up to that.

They'll probably introduce co-op as some fucking revolutionary gimmick in it

lol I guy I know was honest to god just hired to work on it. Sounds like actual production began recently.

i don't know, argonians seem pretty cool to me, and I like the whole symbiosis stuff with those sentient trees in their homeland. Khajit are a lot more annoying.

I don't think elder scrolls 6 will be good, though.