That didn't take long

that didn't take long

Fuck pcfats, always gotta shit on everything

No wonder everyone hates you

>4k reviews

really makes you think

They need to balance their shit.

Faggots only spam their unbreakable combos and you can't do shit. Increase stamina cost or nerf damage after doing it multiple times or something.

Fucking annoying when some viking shieldfag spams his shieldcharge or when lawbringer removes your entire staminabar with his tackle. Bullshit.


apparently its because there are connection issues and a shitload of bugs.

maybe you should read before shitposting on Sup Forums

Why wouldnt a garbage Ubijew game be shat on?

>unbreakable combos
never encountered something I couldn't block or parry, or just dodge.
>Viking shieldfags
again just, fucking guardbreak and punish
don't be so predictable and it won't be so easy to be grabbed

Does the Steam version still install uPlay in background and requires it to launch the title?

This game is honestly pretty good. I am playing on PC since tuesday and have yet to experience a disconnect or anything of that sort.

Sure they need to balance the characters out a bit, but this has to be expected from a class-based multiplayer game.

Uplay is also not too bad anymore.

People are shitting on Ubisoft for no reason. It's just a stupid bandwagon.

>Ever listening to Steam reviews

It really didn't make me think at all

Of course.

People who have a bad experience with a thing are 5x more likely to make it known than someone who has a positive experience.

t. someone with metrics on customer relations

Shit... Thanks, dropped.

Every single Ubisoft game is unfairly shit on upon release, its nothing new.

>>apparently its because there are connection issues and a shitload of bugs.

>connection issues
>console users caring

Is For Honor going to be the next Evolve?

Why are you surprised, they are asking for 60 bucks.


This should be a warning on its own, not to mention uplay

Ubisoft shill here.
Please buy it and tell for your friends, it's fun!

While I do agree they get shit on, there's valid reasons for it.

Uplay being easily exploitable is one of them.

Pretty much all unblockables have either incredibly obvious wind ups or take ages to throw out.
You really just need to learn how to play against them.
It's not much of a balance issue, it's more of a player issue.
So many people complaining about pretty much every single class in the game, it's not the classes that are unfair, you're either just facing very good players, or you yourself are just shit and need to take a critical look at how you play and your opponent plays, and improve your plays with conscious effort.

Consider suicide if you were duped into buying this dead on arrival game

The lack of dedicated servers fucks the game for me.

I was already having a meh experience in the beta, and now that half the players are gone, it became terrible.

It's the matchmaking that is shit, I always get matched against these faggots that have played non-stop and already prestiged twice. I'm not a pro by all means but it's fucking retarded to put someone who barely got a character over 10 with some dedicated shitbucket that knows the timing and animations for everything.

Don't forget the microtransactions that all exp and progression is balanced around making you want to buy.

yeah that season pass is totally skippable.

i'd say get the game if you liked the beta.

>$.05 has been deposited into your account

sounds like you have to git gud

yeah i wish those froggos ubisoft would start paying me

Already is. This pile of garbage is a flop and will be dead by the end of this month.

So much this. Fuck people who only play one character autistically. I don't have any prestiged because I constantly switch between 3 or 4 I like.

>for honor

Yeah it would make the sting of a $60 turd less bad

My main complaint is how badly nerfed this guy is after the altha testing.

His stamina is stupidly low and the conquer has more stamina than him and his damages are not very noticeable unlike the conquer.

Also he can't even parry worth a damn and the guard switching is abysmal it's a miracle if you can manage to guard against another character in time and let's not forget about the fact his health bar is a freaking joke that you can easily kill him than you would against a peacekeeper.

The only good thing he is used for is ramming against unskilled players off the criffs or other insta kill environments with his impaled charge but that's the only thing thats useful and yet the game says the character is supposed to be a tank?

That title belongs to the conquer, not the lawbringer.

>new game +.gif

>beta testers.gif


I love Bill Murray.

only one who needs a nerf is orochi

Orochi is a pain in the ass to use either way lol. But you right

>paying $60 for a MOBA

it's like nobody learned from battleborn

Lawbringer has huge stamina issues.
Beserker has no options against defensive play, besides fainting and hoping to god they fall for it.
Raider's tool kit is just screaming to get parried and shit on.
Valkyrie hits like a wet noodles. All the mix-ups in all the world doesn't mean shit if everyone just sits around to block and parry.

It's no wonder half the people I fight are Orochi's, Nobuchis, Wardens, and Peacekeepers. They're the most efficient for their kits. I've played for days now, and I've seen a total of 3 Warlords and maybe 2 Conquerors. Shugeki seems popular, but I'm a Beserker shitter so he's not the hardest matchup.

it's really not a moba

funny how people shit on this thing without even knowing what the hell they are talking about

The only complaint I have game play wise is there is absolutely no reason to be aggressive

If you just go in swinging you're going to get parried to death, and there is no reason to do anything other than bait out parrys and guard break.

It makes a game that should be fast really really slow.

Should it be fast though? Imagine your life is on the line in every matchup. You would be god damn careful.

P2p would be OK... If it didn't add 100ms on top of your ping, and if any player disconnecting didn't stall the game. Oh and if every player had stable connection.
Sadly there is always one guy who forces resyncs.

Ui is inconsistent. Pre-made groups can get disbanded if matchmaking fails.

Core gameplay itself is solid. All faggots complaining didn't bother to learn the system.
Parry heavies, dodge/Parry unblockables, tech guard breaks. Don't spam attacks, your enemy will charge his revenge mode.
Learn your moves.

Buffs suck donkey ass in elimination. Skirmish is abomination. 1v1 and 2v2 + Dominion is solid.

For some reasons weeb's orochi always run away when they take damage, and generate most salt.

If you are interested in this game either: wait to see if ubisoft patches it, play it at your friends place or buy normal edition on some sale.

Core gameplay is interesting, fun. You mostly get mad at yourself for failing, not at your enemies(unless you main orochi). Sometimes weird bugs happen(Peacekeeper stabbing air, missing blocks for no apparent reason etc.) but it was probably players fault.

Tldr wait until it's 30eur, or 20eur if playerbase diminishes.

>better work on those mobs before taking out the player
>oh also got to get that capture point
>back to clearing mobs
yeah definitely not a moba

For Honor isn't a moba, an action game, or a fighting game, it's something new and different people can't handle that.

Go away shill

*sips tea*

So you know movesets of 4 characters better than those autistic mains. Use it to your advantage. Predict what your enemy will do.


Berserker is literally useless.
Peacekeeper got nerfed, and her specials always hit from the same side. Abuse that. And tech grabs.

Orochi is fast, don't fall for deflects and play defensively. His charge can hit from either left or right. Parry it.

>he's clearing mobs

solid statement



ubishills melting down

Chip damage like real fighting games would solve half those issues.

>Chip damage like real fighting games
But Tekken games have no chip damage.

>tfw Raider main but everyone already knows how to easily counter his only strategy and his moveset is too small to overcome it

I'm sorry, I didn't know. I was just shitposting.

To be quite honest mia familia, i could give a shit about for honor.

Reading though the reviews though, they all seem to have one issue..connection. Hell, most say they would change to recommended if the game would actually play.

You are telling me, in CURRENT YEAR, that game companies still have not figured out that if you fuck up the launch and give yourself bad PR, especially with something as simple as connection issues, that it kills sales.

Even with P2P this could be solved by telling some users they can fuck right off with hosting if their NAT is shit.

I love that this shit is flopping. Ubisoft is on its death bed and once Ghost Recon bombs it will all be over. Good fucking riddance.

>Look at Steam reviews
>It's Sup Forums tier meme spamming about microtransactions and P2P, without divulging into details about why they think it's bad

Seriously, it's disgusting looking at reviews for games, and seeing the Sup Forums tier ones always float to the top.

Pretty much why I always immediately disregard Steam reviews.

As long as they sell off Anno to a good company before they die. I need more sci fi city builders.

Why do some people call this game a fighting game? It has the depth of a puddle when it comes to moveset variety. It's literally Dark Souls pvp with some directional attack inputs,t hat's it, and DS pvp is fucking dogshit.

>not a detail of why an online twitch game is bad

I'm pretty sure they swindled enough people on this game to make money

There's really nothing wrong with the connection. The issue is faggots trying to play with 999 ping, which kills the game because it relies on everyone being in sync.

It's absolutely never an issue in the 1v1 or 2v2 modes, and only rarely an issue in 4v4.

It has absolutely nothing in common with Dark Souls. Stop spouting that nonsense. It's a fighting game. A bad one. Then again, that whole genre is trash so it fits.

Ok, tell the shitters with shit ping to fuck off too.

No, I think it's just poor faggots damage controlling, I think the shills have realized their work here is done

>still playing shit pcports instead of intended hardware

>It has absolutely nothing in common with Dark Souls.
It does - it's absolute dogshit.

This game isn't actually bad though, it's a really good port, the story is hilariously stupid in a positive way and it has a surprisingly impressive amount of work put into it.

It's probably the first actual good open world ubisoft has made in ages.

Good, will ubishills fuck off now?

Wildlands preorders are pretty high, it will be this years division for them, and keep the company funded.

It's basically Siege all over again.

>Game comes out
>Has constant networking issues and lauded for its completely optional microtransactions
>Game dies

>Game goes on sale, and network issues get patched out
>Whatever remains of the player base starts telling people this
>People start to realize that the game is good
>Tell their friends that the game is actually good
>Starts spreading until the game is actually alive again

Though to be honest, For Honor's networking has been pretty stable for me, and I don't ever notice any lag.

Game's fun, but it's obvious it's going to die out until a sale or a "starter edition" happens.

t. shill

It's virtually SoulCal2.

>Reasonable response
Gotta be 18 to post.

Siege is a good game at its core so it was able to overcome Ubisoft's incompetence. For Honor is not. For Honor is outright, fundamentally garbage.

Where is my crack CPY?

Stop torrenting chinese cartoons while playing video games.

Also, For Honor's P2P doesn't work in the traditional P2P sense. There is no dedicated host, so there's no relying on a potentially flaky connection.

Nah that's fine what they should nerf the fuck of is pushing off cliffs. At least make it so that you can counter that.

>microtransactions in a $60 game that has a $40 season pass
>divulge into details why they think it's bad

Nah, I think For Honor is pretty fun

And hey, people like you were also saying that Siege was absolute garbage on release in terms of core mechanics, and look at the game now. It's more alive than it's ever been.

That berserker side spin attack move is still dumb. They can do it like 3 times before their stamina is worn and it'll nearly kill you if one combo is landed

Garbage devs deserve garbage fanbases

>Implying the Season Pass is required, or has any obvious benefits

It's just there for the people who are too lazy to actually play the game.

I'll give you the $60 though. But I mean, who isn't buying their games off of a key reselling site these days?


The tracking is insane.

Where's the neutral game?

waiting for 15€ - 20€ price tag.

>people play the beta
"Wow, this is a cool beta!"
>People play the finished game
"Why are we still playing the beta?"

Wrong. People that are haopy with a product are likely to tell 8 others, people that are unhappy are likely to tell 12. It's in every marketing and consumer book ever written in the last 20 years and research has consistently show this to be the norm. 5x is absurd when you think about it.

>online test a week before release

>Not knowing that AAA betas are just marketing tools these days

Hey, at least the connection for the final game has been a lot more stable for me than it was during said betas.

No I wasn't, Siege has always been fun despite the servers. For Honor is not. Shut the fuck up shill.

well a good lvl6 geared character is good enough to fight anything above.
pretty much is skill and blaming the game won't make you better at it.

Which is why I didn't specifically state it was you, faggot. People like you.

Learn to read, nigga.