Is there any person who unironically considers FEAR to be a horror game?
Is there any person who unironically considers FEAR to be a horror game?
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If Dead Space could be considered a horror game, then FEAR qualifies as well.
dead space cant be considered a horror game.
Also dead space and fear are completely different games.
Horror is subjective.
Some people are afraid of insects, some of shit popping up in their face, others of loud noises.
Why are you fucks too autistic to understand this?
Normally this is the point in the conversation where I say that I would love to hear why you think Dead Space isn't a horror game, or why Dead Space and fear are COMPLETELY different games, and for you to give me an example of what you consider to be a horror game, but you're most likely not going to say anything that would convince me that you're not retarded.
I unironically consider it a shitty FPS.
Yup and fear got me scared most of the game especially that part where she is at the top of that freaking ladder... I still fear ladders in games.
dead space was the worst for me in the beginning and when you see those damn jumping baby things for the first time other then those two moments it wasn't that bad.
It's clearly trying to be, m8. I think that's enough.
I unironically consider your opinion invalid.
I have Oudenophobia.
The entire PS4 library is a horror game for me.
I was definitely horrified by the repetitive linear corridor level design & killing the same group of 4-8 soldiers over and over again for 10 hours
I doubt it. Of course, individuals differ, but in general Fear has always been a considered a shooter with some, rather accidental horror aspects: it relies on horror aesthetics at times, even introduces scary scenes every now and then, but the vast majority of the game, the player is feeling comfortable and empowered, outside of those brief psycho-sequences the game is mostly not a horror title. I don't think there ever was a particularly large disagreement on that.
I think you might be mixing "boredom" and "horror" there. Fear was boring as sin a lot of the time, but never actually awful enough to be truly horrifying.
Is this a fucking shitpost?
Dead space is a 3rd person survival game with inventory management and upgrades about a future space engineer stuck in a spaceship being overwhelmed by aliens he must tactically dismember to defeat, with 0 paranormal elements.
FEAR is a 1st person shooter with a slowmo mechanic about a supernatural commando who fucks up anyone who comes in front of him, there's a fuckload of ammo and weapons and nothing can stand in your way and the plot is literally paranormal x1000. How the fuck are you considering these 2 to be similar?
by this logic every game could be considered a horror game. I remember a guy at nexusdb asking for a skyrim mod to switch spiders for giant bears because he had arachnophobia, should we say skyrim is a horror game?
>about a supernatural commando who fucks up anyone who comes in front of him
Except this little loli ghost, mind you. She fucks you up. Really.
Yeah, sorry, you're right.
Even though these two games both have the protagonist see hallucinations of a woman who is trying to deceive/harm them, even though that both games feature "mysterious energies," either psychic, electromagnetic or otherwise, and even though both of these games feature these mysterious energies pulling both of the protagonists to the event center (Alma and the Marker,) you are 100% right.
One protagonist is an engineer and the other is a soldier. One game is in third person, the other game is not. Clearly they are very different games.
Except she fucking doesn't. There's literally only ONE part where you can die to "Alma" (turns out its just a fire) at the warehouse. One of the reasons why FEAR was not scary at all was that none of the paranormal sequences posed any danger to the player, all the paranormal stuff in the game would be completely harmless.
Grasping for straws: The post
You're not gonna say that the games are similar because "both guys see hallucinations and there's mysterious energies!!!!" fuck right off with those comparisons, that's not how you compare games, if you do that shit again you might as well fucking say morrowind is like dead space because the main character also hears shit that isnt there
are you fucking retarded?
Dead space and FEAR are absolutely 100% different games, they have literally 0 similar gameplay elements (And dont even dare telling me stasis is similar to bullet time) and their plot and setting is completely different.
>They're both hallucinating!!!
if you're gonna look for the smallest connections (next you're gonna say they're totally related because you use GUNS in both) then you should at least check your fucking facts. Isaac was hallucinating, Point man wasnt, Alma was very fucking real.
Dead Space is much scarier.
I am going to give you one more chance, you stupid nigger.
You called Dead Space a survival game. However, it is a HORROR SURVIVAL game. The distinction is clear. Survival games generally don't have a "horrors" in them, like Rust or Arc or the hundreds of other fucking early access shit that comes out every day. You need to survive, but not from anything "horrifying." Dead Space is a HORROR SURVIVAL.
FEAR is a HORROR SURVIVAL game. The fact that it is in first person is irrelevant. The fact that you are a soldier is irrelevant. The fact that the "horrors" are paranormal and not "naturally occurring" like in Dead Space is also irrelevant.
The games have different settings and plots, but they still both qualify as horror survival games.
So here is my question: Define the word "Horror," and give me an example of what you consider a horror game.
It is.
It fails at it mind you but you can't exactly say Adam Sandlers films aren't comedies because they aren't funny.
I didn't mention anything about gameplay you mouth-breathing ape, I'm talking about story. The stories have similarities, and story is what makes horror games, not gameplay. Prove me wrong.
A game being scarier than another is subjective, not objective. And even if it were, it still doesn't disqualify it from being a horror survival game. A shitty game in a genre is still part of that genre.
Dead space is a survival horror
Fear is NOT a survival horror
youre a dumb fucking nigger who cant understand the difference.
Survival games aren't just about "not getting killed", again by that logic every game would be a survival game you fucking retard even the sims.
Survival horror games are games with a very limited inventory that require smart management of items, there's typically very scarce supplies and the player health is greatly reduced, the player is usually overwhelmed and the weakest character (enemies are much stronger than he is)
Fear literally has 0 qualifications for being a survival horror. Ammo is plentiful, medkits never run out, you're the strongest guy in the game, there's 0 survival horror aspects in fear.
>"Survival horror is a subgenre of video games inspired by horror fiction that focuses on survival of the character as the game tries to frighten players with either horror graphics or scary ambience. Although combat can be part of the gameplay, the player is made to feel less in control than in typical action games through limited ammunition, health, speed and vision, or through various obstructions of the player's interaction with the game mechanics. The player is also challenged to find items that unlock the path to new areas and solve puzzles to proceed in the game. Games make use of strong horror themes, like dark maze-like environments and unexpected attacks from enemies."
It's a FPS that utilizes horror elements in its plot, characterization and narrative structure.
You are an idiot.
>this autistic rant
Except it isn't. How is FEAR a survival game, the Pointman is more powerful than every enemy in the game apart from Alma, he can even kill the ghosts with bullets.
>prove me wrong!
Bloodborne story and setting are absolutely fucking horrific, is bloodborne scary? no, of course not, nobody gets scared playing bloodborne. So is bloodborne a horror game? No it's not, see the reason above.
There, I proved you wrong. Also no faggot dead space plots and fear plots have no similarities, get the fuck out of here
>All my points got completely destroyed so I'm just call him an autist and put an XD, that'll show him!
If inventory management is what makes or breaks a horror-survival game to you, then we have nothing else to talk about.
I think you're wrong, of course. It's not important to me. As far as I am concerned, FEAR matches with your definition which I noticed you copy/pasted from wikipedia instead of giving me your personal definition instead.
As a final thought, since you take wikipedia to heart, you might be interested in the first sentence on the F.E.A.R. article:
"F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon is a survival horror first-person shooter developed by Monolith Productions and published by Sierra Entertainment."
I'm not even op and I believe you're a fucking retard, nice job ignoring all the other points he posted, he didnt just say it was inventory management, literally mentioned you like 5 other aspects.
Wikipedia isn't very strict with video game articles, it could have been written by a retard like yourself, but everyone fucking knows that survival horror is about tight inventory management and being in a position of weakness relative to the enemy/environment, fear does not qualifies for that
I would consider Bloodborne to have elements of horror, but I wouldn't call it a survival horror game. It has the ambiance, setting, and characters, but they game never takes control away from you or intentionally makes you powerless. You play the roll of a hunter slaughtering your prey.
>Fear is a horror survival
He said that "horror games are horror because of the plot not the gameplay!!!"
Bloodborne's plot is absolutely 100% horror but the gameplay isn't so nobody calls it a horror game.
>Dead Space
In what world is it a survival? Trying to not get shot? Does that mean every game where you can die considered "survival" to you?
I swear you gotta be like one of those SJW who claims that black people can't be racist because "ONLY THE RACE IN POWER CAN BE RACIST!!" and when you show them the dictionary definition proving them wrong they just cover their ears and go "NOPE THATS NOT WHAT IT MEANS!"
It's fucking universally agreed that the main aspect of survival horror is having to survive with very few resources and not being able to carry many items as well as trying your hardest to avoid combat (because supplies are scarce and because enemies are much stronger than you are). You are literally the first person I've seen to call FEAR a survival horror, I've heard others calling it a horror game before, but never survival.