Sup Forums /lit/?

Do you guys have any favorite books about video games? Fiction, non-fiction "art of", it doesn't matter to me as long as it's about vidya in some fashion.
Just started reading this. So far I'm not a big fan of it. I was expecting transcripts of interviews with important Nintendo/Sega individuals, but it reads more like a novelization of those events. The characters all seem more dramaticized than what actually happened. I'll keep reading this for a bit to see if it gets better, but I'm not keen on it.
Thoughts? Anyone else here read this? Recommendations for other vidya-related books?

Daily reminder that this exists.

>the greatest game ever made
these nintenbabbies never fucking quit

I own a physical copy of The sacrifice and one of the halo books, but that's it

An old roommate left me his book collection before he left for the Army. About a dozen Halo books, a couple of Assassin's Creed novelizations, and even a Guild Wars book. I only read the AC and GW books, but they weren't bad.

I somewhat agree with you. It was a very educational book, but it's clearly taking liberties in some areas to make it play out like some sort of story rather than real life events.

Masters of Doom is required Sup Forums reading

Was going to post this
If you thought old id's developer semantics were ridiculous and goofy, this book really enforces it, it's hilarious but also very educative.

This one is pretty good too since the writer was not a gamer and was not interested in the games themselves but in how the industry worked in the 90's. It details the events since Nintendo was a card and toys company to the fallout between them and the Japanese third parties to the rise of the PlayStation.

Console Wars and Masters of Doom are getting movies b t w wonder if they are going to be good like "Jobs" or "The Social Network"

I've never read this but I heard he somehow compares the release of SMB3 to the assassination of JFK. That's...a thing I guess.

I listened to Console Wars when I was doing night shifts at the end of last year. It is actually pretty interesting, worth experiencing.

Honestly I think most of Sup Forums hasn't picked up a book in years unless it's for school or something

That's not true, I read weeb light novels.

I heard Seth "DUDE WEED LMAO" Rogen is involved in the Console Wars movie. Don't know if he's producing, directing, acting, whatever, but I don't like anything he's ever done.

There's a Western author I like, I'm pretty sure almost no one knows about him but he's got like 100 books split between 8 or 9 protagonists. They're all in the same universe and there have been cross-overs a couple of times, and I'm trying to build a timeline of all the books.

/lit/ here, I'm gonna post some Sup Forums related books I enjoyed.

Probably more /vr/ (or Sup Forums) related, but really solid book.

I just realized they are mostly /vr/, but still vidya so they still count.

>read the first two Splinter Cell novels
>damn these are pretty good, ooh look there are more
>they changed the author and all the ones after the first two are shit

The Ultimate History of Videogames needs an update, but it's REALLY good

Everytime I see some stupid post about how _____ is the next Dreamcast, I usually mention console wars if I reply. I doubt the average Sup Forumsirgin is aware of how badly Sega was fucking itself up internally and that SoJ actively wanted SoA to fail.

I read this too and also enjoyed it. A lot of gaming books are too fetishisitic about the games they cover and lavish them with praise, this guy mostly just described the rise of the industry and their competition with sega

Tevis Thompson said he is going to write a book about the original Legend of Zelda, but he hasn't said anything else about it. if it comes out it sounds really interesting because he's a great writer

My dream is to write a book about Mario and physics. Maybe someday i can do it

I bought the FFXIV lore book which is really cool.

I've always got the big fuck off Amano Final Fantasy art book "The Sky". It's huge but full of Amano art for 1-10.

I like art books.

The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers

Alright these are not directly about vidya but they're great.
I find these rich and fascinating. I've learned a lot about historic games.

>Ctrl + F
>0 results
Looks like there's no faggots around today

Dunno if this counts since it's part art book, but it's been educational about the Mega Drive.

Someone bought me like a dozen BattleTech books awhile back. They're fucking ridiculous, it's exactly the stupidly specific garbage you'd expect with huge focuses on politics and other inane bullshit. Would highly recommend.

Pineapple express is pretty chill.

>There's a Western author I like
Who?? And what gender??

Almost all the halo books are good

This one was pretty good. It covers the general history of noteworthy game releases, from Pac-Man back when it released and those games where you stuck a static-cling screen on your TV, up to Bioshock and Halo. They tend to stick with games which had a big influence on the industry, as opposed to just ones which were popular or well known.

I just got into Bradbury. Have 3 books and about 800 more pages of short stories on my plate

The reveal of SMB3, but yeah.

He needs help.

I can recommend this one. I think it's hard to describe video games in text form and this book doesn't always succeed, but it's funny nevertheless.

I have a shortlist of stuff I'm interested in reading, let me knoe if you have any opinions on these.
>You (Austin Grossman)
>A Brief History of Video Games (Richard Stanton)
>The Tetris Effect (Dan Ackerman)
>Shigeru Miyamoto (Jennifer deWinter)
>33 1/3 on Koji Kondo's Super Mario Bros soundtrack
>Ultimate Nintendo: Guide to the NES Library (Pat Contri)