>Not maining Crimson Chin
Shiggy diggy
Doug Dimmadome, owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome, is the true patrician choice desu
he's LITERALLY only good as a hard counter for Vicky and nobody plays that shit after her nerf anyways
>play L I T E R A L Y a inferior version of the nega chin
wew lad
>Clone character with only 2 somewhat different moves
Chip Skylark is the GOAT. His shiny teeth meter builds fast as fuck and once it's up he is hands down the best character in the game.
This was only funny with EEnE online
everybody know that crocker, is the stronger character
and his fairy null spells
>not enjoying King of the Hill fighting game
We agreed to ban Dinkleburg from tournament play right?
>not playing titanium toenail
How much of a fucking casual are you to have problems with dinkleberg wtf
My nigga
It's fucking bullshit his butterfly net super does more damage to fairies than it does normal people.
I always play Low-Tier for the challenge.
Thats why I mained Chester "The worst player on the team."
and the super F is also way too strong
too op pls nerf
At least it´s respectable
It barely ever appears, he throws regular Fs 10 out11 times
>he doesn't know
He was removed from the game a long time ago dude
What the shit is up with these new characters? Fuck DLC m8.
>tfw joke character is legitimately good
I hope they don't nerf him.
That's not DLC. That was added in the game in a free update, without anyone asking for it.
I can't find the update patchnotes. What else was in it aside from that thing?
>that story arc with poof and foop
>never mentioned again
A baby and a dog who they just removed in the newest update.
I heard a lot of the character cast also got nerfed to the point of being one-trick ponies. Who were those characters that got affected?
They nerfed Timmy's dad's Int stat really bad. He's pretty much unplayable now.
>being an edgelord
>not maining Chin 2000
I sure hope you guys don't do this
>not 1941 or 1980
Do you even manly?
I considered using them but 2000 is too fun to play
I do have a pocket '36 though
Only scrubs use Crimson Chin, real pros use Crash Nebula
I want to main Jorgen but his hurtbox is too Xboxhueg. What can I do vs Dinklespam? Block more? Help me plz
1936 was the best version.
Is that why they banned him from tournament play? Crash is n00b character who complete fags use to make themselves feel better.
Live-Action Timmy is a true pro's character