
Everyone already knows that you dumbass

Other urls found in this thread:


Put me in the screen cap.

I wonder what the post was



sweet jesus

Always refreshing to see

Well now

and done


>stealing other boards memes

toasting in an epic bread



I'm actually a bit shocked. What are the odds that this is actually the same guy?

I specifically asked you to put me in the screencap



Holy fuck

Wasn't Smash Bros out by then?

Smash is a party game.

>set reminder on phone

Reddit doesn't like it when people when people that ask are put in

yes, that's the joke

It's still two years. Christ.

What if poster who promised to post the slowpoke a few years later actually dies in the time span between the original post and the date he posted? Someone else posts the slowpoke for him or the joke is going to be gone forever?

it's gonna be a good day today

>Mega Man Smash 4 reveal was four years ago

This was funny when it was about Geass, but nice job delivering.

Hey neat

>slowpoke thread

I just got aware of Path of Exile completely blowing Diablo 3 to shit by a huge margin.
I guess you've been all aware of this because it happened a day ago.


This is completely bonkers.

why can't Sup Forums his own meme

Will he survive the butthurt

Genuinely impressed

3 years would have been more impressive.

Nice commitment, OP

>waiting two years to make some shitty joke that you stole from an old screen cap
>saying sir
if this isnt reddit i dont know what is

no one cares, shill

Posting in an epic thread.

Someone should do a slowpoke for this thread for how old this meme is and then reply to him in two years.

>stealing Sup Forums memes
>waiting 2 years to steal Sup Forums memes

I'm not a shill. I've played PoE since the closed beta and took a break recently because I've wanted to play Shadowrun.
It's just completely insane that they would just add 6 acts in a single expansion and I will totally come back for that.

Don't compare hype with shilling.

>people will respond to this

People like you are why we don't have OC or anything good on this board anymore

We posting slowpoke stories?
Just a year ago I figured out that Sonic Generations has City Escape in it, because I never looked into the game.
City Escape Classic Version's song made a little too happy, because I'm the biggest autist for SA2

Three years*

PoE: Focus your build around one skill edition

So fun right.

Didn't Sup Forums do it first?

Remember Sup Forums guys? Why don't you guys go back and visit more often?

Oh shit I think I actually remember that fucking thread.

Put me in the screencap nigs

Don't forget, of those 6 acts, 4 of them are pretty much copy/paste. But hey, least you don't have to autistgrind on the docks for xp anymore.

Good on you user, it takes a strong man to keep his commitments like that once he's gone and said it.



Oh kord have mercy

>implying stealing 7 year old memes from Sup Forums is good
seriously fuck off dude

I thought for the longest time Asura's Wrath and God Hand were the exact same fucking game. I suppose a complete lack of interest in either and the at a glance similarities between the two helped that last as long as it did.

>2015 was 8 years ago

Hát bazdmeg


>Stealing Sup Forums memes


>completely new story and acts with a few reused assets here and there

Was FFXIII-2 copy and paste to you as well?

>Sup Forums invented slowpoke and screen caps


This wasnt on the show, was it?

>tfw you remember this thread
Where did the time go?

fuggen epic

Cartoon Network

I didn't realise how many new people were on this board until this thread.

I'm aware of the le shitty anime code gayass show screencap you're referencing nigger.

He's just copying one from the past anyway.

I have no idea what you're talking about so I'll just assume you quoted the wrong person.

Because Sup Forums is nothing but trap and cuck porn these days. Add in the same threads day in, day out and it's not worth my time.

He actually did it, the fucking madman.

Took your damn time OP
I was on the edge of my seat for a reply all this time

Nice one OP, the guys on reddit probably won't realize it's been done before so enjoy your upvotes

With as many times as that image has been posted theres no way OP is the same poster in the screenshot


Turn out the OP died in the interim and you might need a Haunter instead.

i bet you faggots steal also use Sup Forums memes


>not even original content
OP is a faggot.

Thank you based OP

Sup Forums did it better

I love the divide in reactions

It's too bad this was already done before.

Someone already did this on Sup Forums a while back. It's still funny.

Nice, OP.

Gotta admire dedication like this


The absolute madmen!