When your fanbase is so stupid you have to explain implementing things as apple picking

>when your fanbase is so stupid you have to explain implementing things as apple picking

Other urls found in this thread:


>10 minutes of explaining that coding takes a while
Gotta get dem Youtube bucks!

>when you know absolutely nothing about game making and have to bullshit an excuse when people start to call you out on it

>when you should be developing your game instead of making stupid retarded videos like this


>when you make an anime skimpy school girl game that's literally the definition of pathetic sexually deprived weeaboo

>tfw Twitch banned his game because it isn't finished and they won't review it until he adds more fucking content
>Decides to make videos explaining why he can't do everything
>Also making 5K a month


>What's taking so long?
>"I have to spend time making and editing videos like this instead of working on the fucking GAME."

I'm so jealous of this guy's life.
He is getting literally LITERALLY paid four to five thousand dollars every month for doing nothing but making stupid videos about why he isn't developing his game on Youtube. Like, holy shit, I envy him.

New american dream is making a living off crowd donations

>food analogy
>it's not even cooked food
>it's fucking apples on a tree

>Having to make videos to explain why it is taking so long to make your game to cover up the patreon scam you have going on

Keep cashing them checks

Stop harassing people, Kiwi Farms. Your whole site preys off of the emotionally vulnerable, and that's fucking despicable.

t. eva

would you take this guys life if it also came with incurable autism?

>I have no idea but how to make a game or utilize proper time management so I attempt to convince my playerbase that they are idiots for rightfully expecting more

ofc, I already have autism haha

His fanbase is literally a millennial girls age 15.
They need to be explained this shit like they are retarded.

He could be swimming in his retard pussy right now.

inb4 march update
>because of my recent health issues created by astonishing backlash from my """"update""" videos I have to slow down, or even halt, the development, of yandere simulator

April update
>the volounteers that were under my regim had resigned, so I have to go back to stealing models from the asset store, and as of such, my funds are running low, please support me on my patreon and thank you for following the development, of yandere simulator

May Update
>yandere is now open world crafting early access on steam, please support the development by buying the game

desu, Id say most consumers are that stupid

>tfw no army of mentally unstable underage girls

the fuck

This guy must be a crap developer he takes so long to add the most simple things

Someone posted an example of the kind of code he writes a couple of weeks ago here. It was fucking horrifying. No wonder the guy takes ages to do one simple thing.

kek, anyone who funded this is retarded he's clearly taken the money and run

He only works on it once a week if that, gotta give the poor guy a break once in a while

Post yandere dev code please

>Make some half ass beta based on anime tropes with no originality
>Buy assets from the store, have fans make the rest of your assets
>Make 10+ videos on a regular basis crying about something or making excuses for why the game is barely progressing
>Rake in thousands of dollars every month

This world ain't right I tell ya what.

The Yandere Simulator dev. has one huge problem with his videos. One thing that I can't stand and had to stop watching his videos. You see the thing is, when you watch his video, he talks way too long. He could easy get his point across in just a view sentences. I don't understand why he always takes so long to explain things. It's like if you want to make a cake and you ask a friend how to do it, the friend would says "A cake is a type of baked good." I know what cake is, I wanted to know how to make it not what it was, this is what the Yandere dev is like, He drones on and on about stupid things. I get making a game can be difficult but shouldn't he be working on the game and not making videos? Also keep in mind he talks very very slowly I have to speed up the youtube video, but going back to my 1st point, I don't watch his videos, but if I did. I would speed them up.

Dammit I need to make something autists will eat up.

>This faggot gets a shitload of money for using unity assets and making those assets run a few animations through poorly written code
Are the majority of his backers from Clapistan? I swear someone should nuke Clapburgerstan already.

>want to mock people's codes
>know deep down that my coding is also trash

should I just embrace hypocrisy?

Well he's wrong anyway
The best apples grow in the ground as they are seeded plants, this is because they are provided more nitrates in the soil than via nitrogen in the air. Its an easy thing to overlook though

what in the absolute fuck

is this why the game runs like absolute shit?

thats not hypocrisy mate so shit all over bad code as much as you want

It's never too late to improve yourself, fampai.

>when your fanbase won't stop emailing you

The longer the videos the more ad revenue he gets so of course he'll talk as slow as possible

Reminder that this fucker spends about 90% of his time answers emails.

>Isaac Newton used the same analogy as proof of his theory about gravity


>yanderedev starts
>he is nothing but an ugly boy with a dream and the will to never give up despite the condition of being poor, stupid and ugly
>does his shit all alone
>becomes popular through Sup Forums
>starts to cash out
>becomes a giant fucking douchebag

Somebody once told me that ugly people are always nicer and more understanding. But I guess money and an echochamber can really fuck up your personality.

Shit im dying

Yes, you can, because you are not earning thousads by that

His voice is so fucking creepy.
Imagine being alone at night and you hear faint "I'm watching you," with his voice followed by his tongue slapping against his lips.

>i got no time guys
>but plenty of time to make all this shit for a video to explain why i have no time

Pay me 10k and ill make a platformer

Okay but can we just all agree that red delicious are mealy as fuck

>he is nothing but an ugly boy with a dream and the will to never give up despite the condition of being poor, stupid and ugly
>does his shit all alone
>fuck that sounds just like me except the getting rich part
I will finish my g-game

He was never nice.

Nah that's not his code.
It's better than his code.

>tfw sending him emails all day long.

How come he doesn't go by "Yandev" I mean that shit's just obvious.

I didn't watch the video but based on this image he's doing 3D modeling on a fucking video explaining about why he's taking too long to deliver a game?


>be ugly man
>have to use anime avatar to speak in videos

have you not seen project zomboid

>Making videos to explain why it's taking so long to make your game when you could be making your game instead of making a video

The second they brought up kikestarter, I knew this wasn't going anywhere.

source please?

sent ;)

>project zomboid
Wow that's a blast from the past.

>It now has Runescape Graphics

At least they're working on it right? Not as horrible as Overgrowth's development.

[DOZA Village (Dozamura)] Boku no Nee-chan wa Chouzetsu Kami BODY Tensai Chijo [English] [Fated Circle]
The bitch-face gets me diamonds.

thanks a lot

>makes a 10 minute video about how he can't program
>tfw I'm a programmer
Sent an email, let's see what happens


>complain code takes 60 to compile and run
>prepare a 10 minute video to explain it
>probably took more than 10 hours to prepare

>Get given this for free in September
>Still haven't read it

>compiled language
Get with the times man

>trusting this guy

>think about shitting on eva
>remember Fenoxo is getting 30k a month to write smut while other people code in fucking actionscript

Fuck it, I will sell my morality.
I want 5k dosh every month too!

What do I need to do? How can I build up a fanbase willing to pay me for doing nothing?

>does all this shit
>still make more money than mose of us on here

How good are you at writing furry fapfics?

>posts on Sup Forums

Literally the only two things you need to prove you're an irredeemable human being. No exceptions. Did anyone expect any different?

Find a weird niche fetish and make a game around it.
Try a combo like inflation vore feet or something like that.
Pretty sure 1000 autists are waiting for your masterpiece with bathed breath.

I believe in you user.

Don't forget. Once you start gaining traction with gathering more fans to make a post on here calling us all stupid pieces of shit who deserve only the worst.
That's always an important step with devs who browse Sup Forums

At least Fenoxo's shit has actual progress.


He won't hire another programer to help him with coding fampai.

>That nose

>remember Fenoxo is getting 30k a month to write furry futa waifus while other people code in fucking actionscript


Make content for a fanbase that's supported primarily by autism or degeneracy, a combination of both is the best choice. Present yourself as humble and caring as possible for PR and you can do whatever the fuck you want. Even be a fucking cobra in actions and dumb autists will still support you if you "identify" with their gay boi clique.

Pander to furries, there is no bigger and better cash cow to milk.

>get's paid to make a game
>is actually getting paid to play games
no breaks for vacations here.

kek, it's like some sort of comedy sketch.

>bullying someone based on appearance
Chad please go


hasn't TiTS been in development for 4 years, and out of the 10 main planets, only 3 have been developed?

Shit's never going to be finished, just like CoC the focus is in adding more waifus on a bar in the first planet(so backers can fap to their fursona without having to play) rather than finishing it

Anything funded with patreon is never going to get done. Because when it's done, you don't get the money anymore. You're literally paying them to stop working.


is this really in the video

Apparently being a cancerous faggot on the internet gets you followers.

If you add the youtube revenue it should be even more than five thousand dollars a month.

The only other reason he would make a 10 minute video about not having a programmer would be for the youtube shekels.

Dude it's easy to bash this guy but seriously he's just a fucking amateur programmer who is way over his head.

The people who gave the guy money only have themselves to blame.

It's like asking a random schlub off the street to fix your car. Why? Because he really likes cars.

Imagine being at computers

ok I don't know C++? coding
but I damn well know there must be a simpler way to do this

Did anyone else see that Yandere Sim. thread that got locked and like half of the posts purged a few days ago?

this wasn't unexpected, especially if it's the first time he made a somewhat bigger coding project.

it's easy to code thing x and then thing y and imagine doing 1000 more things is just as simple, but then you notice that you're not as skilled software engineering and making sure different chunks of code communicate properly and then everything is a fucking mess and the only solution is to nuke everything from orbit and start again with this knowledge

Show me a picture of him

Yes, it's about some other project of his but lol