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Where'd you get this?
ptr just updated
Looks like Terrys comfirmed. How much we betting it's Lucio's brother?
What happened to the kid? I thought he kept the Doomfist.
looks p cool. Especially after sombra
tracers places it back before she jumps away dude
Arent the doomfists different each time? Think he had the old one
>another character wearing a dumb fruit-colored visor
Looking forward to it
Top tier designs there Blizz
>Still no new white characters
Not surprised really.
How will he play? New melee character like Reinhardt?
the head looks shopped as fuck
>11 hours ago
It really isn't, considering how the characters are from all over the world
>another nigger
When will the diversity meme end?
The Numbani map you are escorting the doomfist. I always figured it was being escorted to a more protected location than a glass case in a public museum.
The first thing that caught my attention.
Why this shit visor?
Also, I really wanted him to be a robot.
>Hates ethnics
>Posts a Juden
So he's going to be like a reinhardt without a shield and without the hammer's reach?
Here's what I'm hoping:
>Highly mobile tank
Good at getting in, and harassing the enemy to draw their fire and then getting out
>Decent Damage from fist attacks
Enough so that when you see the fists flying, it draws your attention and fire, and off of the more squishy attack characters, but not so much that he does more DPS than them.
>Has armor buffing ability for himself, and those in proximity
Something like an AOE that buffs him up extremely well, but then also helps out the team around him a little bit.
>ULT that enables an extremely overcharged shield and armor buff on him that stacks with others, but the extreme overcharge also magnifies all attacks to him in the vicinity
Basically turn him into a highly mobile shield that can still attack and also forcefully draws all fire, and while it is overwhelming, it isn't invincible, so if the majority of the team is dumping on him, they will bring it down.
Basically, I want a tank that is actually a tank and not a glorified DPS or Wall
she converted
So what are you escorting if you're playing this guy on Numbani?
>That pic
To be fair, Original FFVII Cloud wasn't a fag like that.
None of her ancestry is Semitic.
Your point?
At watchpoint gibraltar you are trying to launch a satellite to reestablish the overwatch connection for Overwatch agents. Think about that.
His other fist.
His predecessor's Doomfist
A jew is a jew is a jew, user.
All Doomfists are nignogs
I like most of this but I hope he has a rocket fist attack and his Ult is a sort of line of sight charge attack that deals massive damage or knockback
the texture is still the same in the PTR in Numbani
is OP just another texture in the PRT's files or is it fake?
Looks like a half assed shop with concept art ripped from one of the previous videos to be honest
She's not ethnically Jewish is my point, she's still white.
Probably Jewish ancestry there. Would explain the Trump family's raging love for Judaism
I rather have the DoomSlayer
>Hey this kid just helped save the Doomfist from thieves
>Let him have it
I wonder what kind of fisting his move set will involve
Why, because all black guys look alike to you?
I'd fist his doom lol get it?
>Huhuhur im gonna le trick everyone on Sup Forums its going to be epic!!!1XDD
Lucio and winston out of 23?
Sombra too.
The fuck kind of name is v4ey fasf?
uhh racist and sexist much?
ya know, I think he needs a helmet to be more intimidating
The shitty scan visor just doesn't do it for me and the fist part isn't threatening enough
This was fan art of what Doomfist could look like. Nothing is confirmed.
Fuck you, with those words i can see that ugly ape's face in my mind.
I thought they were all the same fist, just the fist evolves with each new owner
>Love Reaper
>Think he looks cool as fuck
>see him unmasked
Pick one.
its blurred for a reason, he's likely just a generic overwatch agent anyway
his ult will probably be a 1hit KO. or like Tuss from Dota2
Doomfist IS the character. The person wielding it is just a means to an end.
>shieeeeeet Nephalem, we finna gunna 187 dem demonz n shit ya feel me??
jesus blizzard, isn't this too a bit too much?
>bunch of retards actually falling for it
Haha, I knew it, who would even fall for such a simple edit.
He was literally white washed you retard
It's shooped, the face was added onto an existing doomfist flyer
I bet one of the jokes will be "I cast FIST"
>v4ey fasf
>Sonic hero confirmed
You're retarded, he is just going to be a hard counter to rein, blizzard can't balance any other way. He probably has a bump ability when in melee range to sent rein flying away and expose his team. That's honestly all he will really do
Looks good
I want him to compete with Rein for "tank that can actually push" status. But knowing Blizz balance it's unlikely
I too would like to be challenged as a rein by something other than another rein
Reminder that we need more Talon characters.
>Sup Forums is now tumblr tier
>I need an entire hero dedicated to shutting down Rein
I don't think this will be the character, unless the museum already knew in advance who was going to steal the gauntlet from them.
Pretty much how bastion / phera work actually, if you don't hard counter you lose
Well, Bastion won't be able to do it as well as he used to, so we need someone.
Doomfist is South African, with a heavy accent.
Terry is going to be voicing Doomfist, the Weapon itself.
Sombra is fucking Mexican. I'm no SJW but you are not making a case for yourself at all if you get pissed at the presence of foreigners in a fucking game that has characters from a FUCKING WORLD WIDE ORGANIZATION YOU FUCKING IDIOT.
If you want ethnic homogeny wait till fucking the fucking "Overwatch: Sweden Branch" DLC side story comes out. You can put together ikea furniture with your beautiful white hands in it
Sombra is mestizo.
>putting effort into making a harmless joke that will troll anyone retarded is somehow 'bad'
god, Sup Forums is such a shitty place
im ok with this
Doomfist is Nigerian you cunt
>not another cute and delicious chocolate girl
Shame on you blizzard.
At least OW makes sense compared to other shit where niggers are added to historical Poland or are royalty in the 16th century
>New hero for a game where you shoot people
>Everyone in the thread focuses on color of the new heros skin
Epic guys, i didn't think Sup Forums was a cesspool of Sup Forums users.
You must be new. Stick to reddit.
This is literally the first black character
no just really tired of the same reaction to every thread when there's a black person.
>DLC characters are free
>Only if they are brown and overdesigned heroes who actually don't fit into the game
Doomfist is african, Lucio is Brazillian (but is actually Canadian, fuck Bliz for making that change, now his hockey skins make literally 0 sense)
Sup Forums has become as much of an echo chamber as anywhere else. The only difference is that you're shunned if you don't hold the most contrarian opinion possible.
You have to go back then
He could still be both
Pharah's most likely half Native American after all
You are trying way to hard to follow the latest 4chinz meme
People always say he's going to be a 100% melee hero but I think the gauntlet can at least fire some form of weak projectiles. Who knows.
Alright I'm extremely excited for this. Biggest thing I'm hoping for is that he's the single greatest chokepoint killer in the game. Seriously, we've needed something like this since launch.
And Doomfist could be able to change that. Here's my wishlist:
>primary fire
>the gauntlet shoots 5 pellets in a burst and reloads because, well... 5 fingers/knuckles.
>The Doomfist charges damage and knockback on holding right click
>Holding right click raises the gauntlet and repels projectiles, reducing damage to you and those behind you by 50%.
>When released, it does knockback and damage in a large cone in front of him. Damage is variable to how long it is held. Maximum is 100.
>ult launches Doomfist in the air, and then he slams the ground. Deals 140 AOE damage instantly and bypasses shields. Massive knockback. Good for clearing the point on KOTH and cleaning up weak opponents.
Knew I've seen him before.