ITT : games where the characters are all robots since they and robo dinosaurs killed himanity off a century ago and the last choice is whether to reset Earth by disabling all robots or let them continue living their lie under an AI called All Mother which makes them percieve their robot bodies as organic.
ITT : games where the characters are all robots since they and robo dinosaurs killed himanity off a century ago and the...
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that explains the animation
That's a neat plot and all, but that's a bit too cool and thoughtful for GG. The leaks aren't real mate
what the fuck would the point of resetting earth be
just turn off all the robot dinosaurs and you're good
>tfw Sup Forums shit poster came up with a better plot then the actual game
I thought the AI was called Zero Dawn
These leakers baka...
>from the developers of Killzone
Aloy thought it was a great shame what the robot humanoids did, and fear robot humanoids would kill future organic life that evolves to match its intelligence like humans had been killed off.
itt : game that won't sell
Its fucking real. Why do people keep asking? Faggot mods kept deleting threads about it yesterday but Horizonbro did a stream of the main story
That was the name of the program involving creating the robots if I recall correctly
I like games that pull the civilization reset with some conspiracy behind it all. Nier and Solatorobo are pretty great.
Why not just break the All Mother so the robots have to recognize what they are but shape their own future? This is a rather silly choice.
Too late fagtron
Except nier plot is executed in such a retarded anime bullshit way, it's literally a bad anime, in game form.
I just want it to come out already. That or break street date in countries that aren't South American.
>Implying that shit's any more ridiculous than this shit.
If anything it's less ridiculous, because it's at least riding on "lol magic."
>source: my ass
I imagine some shit like that would make you go crazy, imagine suddenly realizing you're a girl this whole time or some shit, everything you know is a lie, you'd probably kill yourself.
Sony cultists tend to to mindlessly buy first party titles. Even The Order sold somewhat ok, and that was a turd of the lowest order. Plus Sony will do their usual channel stuff/bundle fest to bloat up numbers to make it look like a mega hit.
Can soemone explain to me why the replicants took so long to be implemented and how they began their society? The time period from the end of the war to the game is fuzzy for me.
OP, the game you're looking for is tom clancy's HAWX
lol magic, is inherently more retarded though, yes I agree the entire concept in it of itself is ridiculous, but that's why me play games, they aren't real.
Also, anime bullshit isn't necessarily a bad thing, nier is fucking stupid, anyone can tell you that. We don't need a T H I C C robot, that's why we love it.
Is it true that a female scientist caused the end of the world?
It's intentionally fuzzy. SOMETIME in the huge gap the robots started synthesizing replicants. Then the replicants started to gain souls and the robots had to start giving them prefab backstories so they wouldn't realize what was going on.
Alright, I got it. Didn't think that the whole world could be a prefabricated society.
It's a weak explanation, but it makes sense.
The whole world is like four villages, man.
It's actually larger with several sets of civilizations, no?
shit game desu
dont come on Sup Forums when zelda comes out. cause I'll be spoiling everything
what the fuck is this, Bioware?
What are you trying to say? Are you retarded?
And I'll be like
>oh no! Ganon will kidnap the Princess and Link will be able to save her against all odds and defeat Ganon?!
Link me stream archive
nah I'll just post pictures of all the bosses/ screenshots of the last cutscene
I'll laugh when the mods ban you because people care about that game.
mods dont care about spoilers
Have you not been here for any major game release?
what fucking stupid kind of twist is this?
The option to wipe out all sentient life just because it isn't 'real'? This is supposed to be a compelling choice? What's the point? Nihilism?
whatever man I'm a NEET so dont think your comfy zelda threads will be safe from my wrath. I'll post every boss and screenshots of all the important cutscenes no joke
Mods only care about spoilers for games that actually matter
>spoils everything
It's a Zelda game my man, I've only played BotW 14 other times. What are you going to spoil? Types of tree branches you can wield?
great then I'll spoil it for them too. I'm not joking I'm going to make it my full time job to spoil zelda for everyone
ya I know its the same shit everytime. Still gonna spoil it though
Good luck on your autistic crusade. Anybody who cares about spoilers leaves Sup Forums as soon as the leaks start and comes back afterwards.
>how to derail a thread Sup Forums edition
Thats cool man. still gonna spoil it
What is even the point of this thread?
I really dont know what the deal is with the hate this game is getting. Its a new ip with phenomenal visuals and simple but hopefully entertaining gameplay and a decent original story with some thought put into it. Its artists deciding to do what they like to do. Why are gamers hating on it? Looking at this trailer it looks to be 20ish hours of really good fun.
>that downgrade
Spot the marketer.
>b-but nintendo!
I am just a really interested consumer. A marketer would be trying to be a bit more subtle.
Fuck feminists nigga
Oh.. no please don't user I don't want to hear how Link beats Ganon. Don't forget, everyone is a robot in Horizon who helped kill the humans.
how many times are you going to post this
Wow it's fucking terminator and skynet except it's got a stupid generic Katniss Everdeen mary sue protagonist and the robot are dinosaurs xD!