Mfw it's actually good

>mfw it's actually good

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Picked it up for $33 of a key site

which site mate?

it's not even released yet


It's System Shock. There's already SS3 in development.

I thought this was cancelled.

No, actual Prey 2 was cancelled.

Wow whoever played sucks fucking cock. Almost made me cancel my preorder

half life 3

It will end up being good and underappreciated for the first month.

Gonna turn off that shitty electronic music

Just like Dishonored 2.

Arkane will probably go bankrupt just like Looking Glass Studios because their games aren't pleb enough.

Where the fuck is Dishonored 2 DLC

Is this a reboot of Prey or unrelated?


It will be a stuttery mess, you just know it.

Reebot. But has nothing to do with the past game


God fucking stop it

There's gotta be a better video than that

Guessing this is deliberate to get Polygon clicks after everyone shit on their DOOM gameplay.

Hardcore PC gamer here, if they go bankrupt the deserve it. They shouldn't have put SJW and Feminist propaganda in shithonored 2, that is why intelligent gamers didn't buy it. I might buy Prey, but it won't be day 1, need to make sure it has no SJW and Feminist propaganda.


hardcore PC gamer too, I'll just stick to dota and csgo.