How does VR training works ?

How does VR training works ?
Do they connect you a machine like Matrix or is it like Danger room from X-men ?

Depends on what kind of training you mean.


Never explained. Also not explained how codec works.

Of course, but for which field?

Like danger room from X-men, at least in MGS1-2.

The VR training in MGR was probably a highly advanced mix of danger room and Matrix, as Raiden could enter a sort of danger room and the Sears program were using Matrix style VR to train disembodied brains to become the next generation of cyborg super soldiers

The training field

It stimulates the nerves in your ear so that it's only audible to you. I'm pretty sure this is stated in one of the games.
How people don't hear your stupid ass yelling "METAL GEAR??" is just suspension of disbelief.

I remember something like Raiden flashback from MGS 2
IT deployment etc. etc.
It is look like they put Samsung VR and shoot without bullets

The codec stimulates the small bones in your ear, and is powered by nanomachines, son.

Do they have a screen? They act like they can see each other and the portraits look like monitor screens.

Nevermind then. Here I thought the image is just a placeholder and you want to know about actual utilization for professional training.

Yes it was. The codec stimulates the user's ear bones, so only they will be able to hear the Codec audio.

The "support team can see whatever Snake/Raiden sees" feature of the codec (for example, when you look at certain things like toilets or sexy model posters) is just Kojima jokes and 4th wall breaking.

I was going to touch on that I'm a phoneposting fag since my college has this nice community blocked on their network.
I don't think they can see each other and that stuff like the Master Miller reveal was entirely for the player, but it's a little confusing at times I agree.

The screen is just visual information for the player. Other people like Otacon however, can just interface with Snake through a laptop or through the Mk2 in MGS4.

Any other inconsistency is just video game quirkiness, like how your team literally says "Press the Action button to climb" or some shit.

They absolutely can see each other. The icons are totally the actual screens that each other can see. Why add little scanline and green effects? They could just use normal portraits. Plus they act like they can see each other. Is it so odd that Snake and Otacon have a little thing in their pocket they pull out that shows images?

It makes sense in MGS1 as everyone says
But doesn't make one bit of sense in MGS2 with that "Let's talk in Codec so that no one around us can hear" bullshit

Like I said, it's just convenience for the story and visual information for the player.

By your logic, Snake/Raiden absolutely do pull out a fucking controller and press the Action button whenever Colonel tells them to "push the Action button."

I always though they could talk without moving their lips with codec cause sound just goes inside of the head

>By your logic, Snake/Raiden absolutely do pull out a fucking controller and press the Action button whenever Colonel tells them to "push the Action button."

They really do say that. There is a bit of meta element to the world where they are self-aware it's a video game.

I assumed when they switch to Codec, they whisper their conversations. And in the actual Codec they speak with normal voices so it doesn't sound retarded.

Re-read my post. Of course they say that.

My point was that just because Colonel says "push the Action button" it doesn't mean Snake/Raiden physically pull out a controller and press a button. It's just convenience and directions for the player.

I honestly assumed the codec was like telepathy, with nanomachines in your brain letting you just think what you want to say

Maybe all of the MGS games are VR and that why they all say shit like take the controller off.
VR machine is a playstation

Honestly wouldn't mind a revival of the MGS: VR Missions series on PSVR/Vive.

The Danger Room is closer to augmented reality whereas a complete simulation is strictly VR.
They would of course both have slightly different applications.
Because AR training takes place in meatspace aka reality, it would develop an individual's physical strength and stamina as well as mental skills, but it's limited in terms of the scenarios you can simulate by physical space and materials.
Matrix-style training on the other hand can simulate any situation you'd care to think up of, which makes it well-suited for learning new skills but obviously it's no good for physical conditioning because your body is never exposed to the stresses that would cause it to get stronger.

>My point was that just because Colonel says "push the Action button" it doesn't mean Snake/Raiden physically pull out a controller and press a button. It's just convenience and directions for the player.

They're game characters in a game. They don't do that. The message is to the player. Snake either knows he's in a game, or is confused by it.

>The message is to the player.
No shit. If you actually read my post, you would be able to deduce that I know that.

refer to
He's saying that the codec is literally a screen, and that Snake pulls out a "little thing in their pocket they pull out that shows images"

So I said by that logic, Snake is also pulling out a controller and pressing a button.

I already know that the message is for the player. You need some reading comprehension.

Agreed but only as a remale of VR Integral or something from MGS PS1 not a new storyline

Actually, nowadays it is known that when you "speak" in your head, your vocal cords will move as if you was speaking out loud, so if the nanomachines read that movement, then in theory it could sort of work.

We already have radios that pick up your voice from your throat, instead of your mouth, so it isn't that far fetched.