Look who's starting its downwards spiral

look who's starting its downwards spiral...

This'll show that incompetent company we mean business.

Probably shitters with amd/6gb ram.

Who cares faggot, anyone who was interested in the game already played it and is done with it.

It was an excellent game by the way. Look to the future for more absolutely fantastic releases by Rockstar, like Red Dead Redemption 2, instead of sticking with one certain game over 1000 hours like some disgusting autist.

Why did GTA V get old so fast?

Nothing to do outside of the main storyline.

This happens every time people get "mysteriously banned" even though when I play the game people are level 800+ and absurd shit flying expensive as fuck things in the open world, people were level 999 on the release of PC, I wonder how?!

They just ban us for no reason!!! I only abused glitches to give myself infinite money and cheated :(( wtf downvote

online need more heist

looks to me like people are fucking tired of interesting content being locked behind literally millions of in-game dollars that you can only earn in a trickle or pay for with real money


instead of simply adding content they are selling it in a jewy way


its been mixed since forever since the online is fucked and rocktar doesnt care.

wow, easter eggs that do fuck all, surely make buying the game worth it

You didn't do any of that. Just springboarding off the back of peoples work.

They keep adding new things that you need a large amount of money to even access and jobs that are limited to one at once per lobby

there was a time when people got false bans after hackers dropped money bags on random people(even people who din't ask for it) other than that there has not been any bullshit ban waves

Single player mode is mostly dull wank outside of the story missions
Physics aren't as fun to mess with as GTA IV
Majority of content locked to online mode
Online mode goes down more than your mother the day the sailors land at port
Online mode filled with literally moneysinks designed purely to make you spend real money on fake currency
Loading screens for goddamn everything

It's a fucking mess and Rockstar is raking in money from it by the truckload.

the entire system for jobs online is pants-on-head retarded front to back

>Nothing to do outside the main story
Jesus fucking christ. What would it take for you to count non-story content if what V has doesn't fucking count to you?

>tfw still haven't played GTA 5

i didnt claim i discovered all these, dipshit.

>the game is really good with great productions values on top of it
>but muh multiplayer is wonky lmao 5/10 I wouldn't play again

PC users are by far the most autistic, pathetic pieces of shit of all, and that's saying something when the others are the sony niggers, nintentoddlers and xbots. Really makes you think who the people playing videogames are sometimes.

Stuff that IV had. Vigilante missions. Cops and cop cars roaming the city. Good physics. Car damage system. Drug wars. Fun stuff that kept me going for close to 200 hours in IV and EfLC.

>implying that isn't a valid complaint

The majority of the content is multiplayer, and the multiplayer is shit.

No expansions and online jewery, as well as acknoowledging that there are inherent problems with the multiplayer and doing absolutely nothing about it.

hola tumblr

What the hell? Now is literally the best time to play,
CEO and import/export is so much fun

wait what, are you retarded?


Holy shit this is the dumbest list of nothing i've ever seen

Do you want to play online?
Do you enjoy grinding the same heist for 2 hours to unlock a single shitty car?

I haven't played 1 (one) full hour of multiplayer in GTA V and I'd give it a solid 8 based on single player alone. It's one thing to say the multiplayer is shit, and another to have GTA V at mixed review. Anyway, doesn't matter, knock yourselves out, you've made the market the way it is.

>Money grind is so ridiculous you're basically forced to buy shark cards
>Real life money to in game money ratio is garbage
>They're that stingy with money selling cars back is half the value or less
>Add heists which still don't give you much and that one faggot always dies and ruins it
>Why don't people play our microtransaction sandbox anymore?
Stunt races are fun at least

lol, what?