>that chromatic aberration in the title
Is this unedited?
It makes less sense to me than the OTHER GAME one at this point.
man imlerith's opening dialogue in that fight is so much better if you tell him ciri is with you
Yes, it is.
What game is Jon playing?
fucking hell
>this looks familiar.png
RIP Jack. Hope you're in heaven, right next to a Giant Faceless God.
It's for 3D glasses
well that escalated quickly
fucking furries
Lol. Take that console fag.
>those noses
In the end garfield turned into a gamers in a couch comic.
It's like pottery, really.
>applying oil during battle
You can't fucking do that though.
>stuff his face with food
that shit doesn't outright heal you. It is a small regen effect that lasts like 5 seconds. and just resets after eating more food. He essentially wasted a shit ton of food.
Oy vey.
he takes his job very seriously
>You can't fucking do that though.
Yes you can.
this better be leading to ps3sux
>You can't fucking do that though.
You can since one of the earlier patches, I believe.
>stuff his face with food
It could be referencing the gourmet ability added in B&W but I doubt it.
real glad you're burning through the image quota with your infowars fan fiction
Christcucks are so pathetic
No wonder their fake religion is losing traction
Each strip is mean to be read independently (you can see the dates on each strip)
The only 'bad' strip here is the second laughter one because without prior context there isn't really any joke.
You can't do it during battle. You can do it before battle though.
The game expects you to read your bestiary and figure out what you are going to fight if it doesn't outright tell you what it is and then plan ahead.
The game never lets me put oils on during battle.
>Andrew, Son of Dob
>Abdulla Ab-Du-La
camedy gold
Ito-user, I know you browsing this board right now
Save us!
here it comes boys
>Not Goldburg
shit story
Is this made by that 'Dungeon And Dragons are for satanists' dude?
Would be better called Abdell Kaboom
This please.
What is Chris up to these days?
Is that Abraham Lincoln?
Kinda reminds me of that transexual 8 yo kid with strawman arguments comic, the stubborness is the same
That's CHRISTINE you fucking shitlord.
>I will never allow sin into heaven
>But every human is born a sinner
So nobody is going to heaven? great.
>tfw gorgo will never get another chapter because spangly joe got deported or died
Accepting Jesus gets rid of your sins. Haven't you followed the Jack Chick lore?
>not understanding Christian lore
People are born sinners but they can accept Christ and get rid of those sins.
Jesus is a pretentious prick what the hell this? You'd think they'd want to paint him in a calm/nice/generous light but this a spiteful and petty lord.
>Miss Simonla Rosechu fell victim
What did he mean by this?
But Jack Chick is the exact opposite.
So if I just asked Jesus to let me in I can be a serial killer rapist?
You know it baby
Well that was... something.
Yeah, he's a bro like that.
i dont get this supposed to be some sort of propaganda or satire?
I mean, the overall rejection of reality, they're like the opposite sides
This is straight up propaganda. Jack Chick was 100% serious.
If you've TRULY accepted Jesus, you won't sin again.
If someone claims to be a Christian but still does bad things, he's not a true Christian.
Or a true Scotsman, for that matter.
I have seen the throne and it is empty. This man knows nothing.
>jokes with videogame logic as a punchline
I hope the author is no older 14.
wtf i hate christianity now
I understand this point of view.
It's not merely about saying you believe in Jesus, it's about the acceptance in your mind.
What I don't get it why "Christians" continue to pick and choose the laws that they want to follow.
>not mentioning the part where Lot offers two virgin daughters to the angry crowd so they'd rather rape them then the angels
>if you're a degenerate, you should not be punished
let me guess, millenial?
>not mentioning the countless random tribes and nations that lived in relative peace doing their own thing that god fucked over just because
jews wouldn't even have won against half of them if god didn't pull his console command bullshit.
old testament reads like a bad civ player who has to resort to cheats to win but still gets his shit pushed in repeatedly.
>posting weebshit
>calling people degenerates
generation z pls
I love Jesus and nobody can stop me!
Post more of this!
>Cites leviticus.
If Jesus dief for our sins leviticus is fulfilled and no longer needs to be followed, right?
there's this one tract about a serial killer and the sheriff who arrested him
the serial killer gets the electric chair, but repents the night before and goes to heaven
the sheriff goes to hell despite having been a good man all his life simply for being an atheist
jack chick's interpretation of jesus is a total asshole
can we go back to video game
user don't be silly we know you're 17
You people need new material
Did this guy made somothing about Vidya maybe anime or DnD stuff
I hope you're not boring user.