Why the fuck can't I join Thalmor as a Altmer/Bosmer/Khajiit?

Why the fuck can't I join Thalmor as a Altmer/Bosmer/Khajiit?

You can't join the Thalmor anyway can you?

You can't, but he's saying why can't you join while you are the same race as the thalmor. It was a big missed opportunity by Bethesda and would have been a cool incentive to play as altmer.

I'm Roleplaying as an Altmer and it ruins my immersion that I need to join the Empire or Stormcloaks when there is a perfectly reasonable faction to join.
>but Thalmor don't accept Elves who have left the dominion
Then it makes no sense for me to join Stormcloaks as anything other than a Nord.

Because Bethesda hates us.

You're not supposed to be playing as an Altmer/Bosmer/Khajiit. Skyrim is clearly made for a Nord PC.

Can you disguise yourself as thalmor if you're an altmer and wear thalmor robes?

As in they would think you are one of them? No.

You can in the Diplomatic Immunity mission. Not at any other time.

>it makes no sense for me to join Stormcloaks
You were correct without the additions

Because Skyrim is shit
>muh dragons
>muh vikings
>muh snow mountains

Why do you want to see Mundus unmade, user?

Because Bethesda is shit and need a generic enemy faction to set up for the next game
We wuz gods n shieet

Is there at least some extra dialogue from Thalmor NPCs if you play an Altmer?

Join the Stormcloacks, you'll be an indirect Thalmor agent.

Nice reading comprehension, pal.

actually you're meant to be an imperial

I'm not your pal, Ulfric

Why would you play one of the most shallow rpgs ever created

Daggerfall and Oblivion: race-neutral
Morrowind: Dunmer, but has canon explanation for why it's race-neutral
Skyrim: Clearly Nord and doesn't even attempt to explain how you can be other race

>fallout 3
>generic nazi like bad guys
>skyrim generic nazi like bad guys
bethesda isn't very good at this

Stormcloaks will destroy Skyrim and the Empire, anyone who joins them is a retard

>content that can't be done by some characters
Totally. They stick to this safe design I despise. There's no way for any character to miss anything, because it would be sad if a babby casual couldn't do the mage guild quests and become archmage just because he's an axe wielding barbarian, right? Or there's no way we can put anything meaningful like an artifact in a locked chest, what if little Tommy doesn't have lockpicking high enough and will miss content we spent $ developing?

>killing vivec after getting back wraithguard
I ain't reloading my game, chim

Thalmor are a good Nazi faction though. Just look at those robes.

You mean *these* robes, user?

Because bethesda sucks?