How do we remove sonyfags from Sup Forums

How do we remove sonyfags from Sup Forums
>shit posts about PC
>shit posts about Switch
>shit posts about Xbox
>even shit posts and falseflags thier own fucking games on PS4

Seriously. Should a mod just come in and make a containment board for Sony like they did with /mlp/?

Other urls found in this thread:

This picture lacks cats

>no gaben
>no druids
>barely any green
>no purple

We just had this thread go home


Why is Keanu Reeves so based Sup Forums?

Fuck the original topic who's seen John Wick 2, is it good?

All this delicious pizza is making me hungry.

>47 Slices


Cuck, The PS4 is the best vidya Device on the market now

Mate I'm so hype for that movie

Literally nothing wrong with that delicious 'za

You won't be disappointed

I saw it, was pretty good. Started getting a little bit dull though because it just keeps going and going and going in the combat sequences.

I miss go 'za


Sonyfags have a victim complex and overtake every single thread like the cockroaches they are.

A Bloodborne thread every hour on the hour is discussion. A thread for any other game of the same frequency is shilling.

DLC for other games is price gouging, DLC for Sony IPs is fairly priced content.

Sony games are and have always been masterpieces, games native to Nintendo or Sega systems are only loved thanks to nostalgia.

The Ps2 didn't destroy the industry by being the gateway that brought in millions of casuals, it saved the industry. Xbox, Dreamcast and Gamecube only wish they had that kind of legacy.

You get the picture. It's embarrassing.

FUCK OFF DRONE. You are just triggered because you know that Horizon will be a much better game than Botw
>Botw, 900p, 23 fps in 2017

The Power of the Switch:

ah yes, I remember that time DF teamed up with Nintendo to do a livestream of its framerate as well!

Nah, just make a /vpc/ and /vco/ for PC and consoles respectively, then both sides can be contained



Makes me wanna hug him

>utensils on the pizza touching the sauce

Make a /vso/ for sony fans as well, it would be unfair that PC gamers are the only ones to get rid of sonyggers.

>implying Sony shitposters wouldn't just invade the other boards anyway for attention as usual
their satisfaction isn't from playing games, it's from showing people they have them. I know, as my brother literally behaved this way in real life and on Sup Forums alike.

There are already the MediaCreate threads on NintendoGAF to contain asspained, overly bitter nintoddlers.

I really enjoyed it until the last 15 minutes or so, not even sure why. I just stopped having fun for some reason.

You don't. Once they infect a site, they continue until the host is dead. I've seen many websites die to them.

i haven't been on Sup Forums in a few years. seems like us xbros are mostly gone and no longer around to keep the sony fags in line. if the other ones are anything like myself, we 360 fans went on to lead fulfilling lives with high paying salaries, wives and kids. no more time to post here. all that's left is sony and nintendo fans stuck in a state of arrested development, forever neet and arguing about which video game system has the best graphics and games. i could always sense that the people waving the microsoft flag in the last generation were a little more dignified and going somewhere in life

It was probably the sequel baiting that kinda ruined it for me too.

why did he never play wolverine?

"You need to be happy to live, I don't."

Realest nigga

>look at Sony threads
>GR2 thread - discussing video games
>Bloodborne thread - discussing video games
>Persona 5 thread - discussing video games
>Yakuza thread - discussing video games
>Nioh thread - discussing video games

>look at PC threads
>port begging for Nioh
>complaining about Sony

Sony sure is cancerous.

Link me to a single thread where people are talking about video games and not shitposting.