Well v?

Well v? vid.me/oQkO

>tv resolution: 480p


i already saved it since it's probably going to be taken down by nintendo's DMCA ninjas

looks good

Going for the dark mode

Auto is 720/1080, the 480 setting is for like testing it it won't work right.

retail unit will max out at 240p

>not 144p

Looks like seagull diarrhea

>not forced to use cringy miis anymore

we did it bros

Looks terrible. But it's good enough for nintendo fans

It's an improvement over the WiiU (which isn't saying much), but what don't you like about it.

It looks too simplistic. I had original Wii, and it was fucking terrible. PS3 probably one of best OS, save for lack of "multitasking" while in-game

>too simplistic
so you want your menus cluttered with shit?

ps3 os is really cluttered
they ruined the ps store on it too when ps4 came out

That video alone makes me want to waste college funds to buy it at launch.

Holy fuck, Nintendo managed to go back 3 generations.

That's as barebones and GC/PS2/Xbox OS's. It has 30% of 360/PS3's functions and 10% of XBone/PS4's.

Hope you guys not only buy a battery bank for the Switch but another one for your phone too, because you sure as shit will need to use the app.

found the shills , you guys are working extra hours. I hope you get good pay

>Interface looks like basic tablet android crap

This is not going to help with people thinking this is a nintendo branded tablet.

>if you're not mindlessly shitposting about nintendo you're a shill!

found the faggot

When's the hacking video coming out?


>im going to make a nice video of setting up this new product I got
I hate fuckers like this

Is this really the first vid that demonstrates the Switch up close?

>the UI actually looks sleek, streamlined fairly pretty looking
>there's a dark theme
>the settings isn't an app anymore
Thank fucking christ.

I never actually use more than like three functions on my PS4, and that's EXCLUDING playing games on the system.

Also saying it's as barebones as the NGC and PS2 is just wrong.

Too bad we don't see how it links your nintendo account or the e-shop.

Would have been the most interesting thing since I want to know how "region free" the several region e-shop's really are.

It looks pretty barebones, but i like it.

The setup takes seconds compared to other consoles and everything doesn't need an app for once. It doesn't handhold you through everything like the wii u and 3ds.

My only complaint is that there could be more themes besides white and black, but if it works like 3ds themes then it's cool

>Also saying it's as barebones as the NGC and PS2 is just wrong.
´Literally the only thing it has over them is the ability to take screenshots and a store

>I never actually use more than like three functions on my PS4
Yeah, but they are extremely good quality of life stuff, like the whole Party system which has been standard for a DECADE now and yet Nintendo refuses to use a cross-game party system.

It's more than clear they made another toy console, I'll get it 5 years from now if it isn't dead and if MonHun stops being shit (after MHX/MHXX) and if EtrainOdyssey is still a franchise by then. Otherwise I'm more than good.