Which one Sup Forums?

Which one Sup Forums?

Whichever's on sale. Would rather get a steam controller for muh paddles without breaking the bank.

>breaking the bank

xbox one controller is possibly the best controller ever made

t. Microsoft Employee

>it still goes for 40 fucking dollars

Not with those garbage shoulder buttons.


Ds4 actually has a d-pad that wont make you rip your hair out(too much)

It still doesn't have analog triggers does it?

I love both but I'd personally rather use the ps4 controller.

I don't play shooters with a controller so I like the ps4 one more

I prefer the DS4 because it's quieter. But I like the xbone triggers and joysticks better.

i like them both but I use my xbone controllers on xbone and pc due to the ease of use with windows 10.

Damn this looks sexy af. I just want to hold it and never let go...


I wish
but the triggers make up for it, especially compared to ps4

Xbone 10000%. I don't even own an Xbox but I invested in an Xbone controller for my PC. I already had a DS4 but the Xbone controller is much better.

Either is fine in most cases. PS4 controller is a bit better for 2D because of d-pad size and positioning. Xbox one is mostly just okay for menus and additional commands, not so comfy for platforming or whatever.

I'm not sure if my Xbone controllers are fucked up but I feel like the Xbone d-pad is still garbage in terms of how it actually functions in-games on Xbox One. Navigating menus with it on the Xbox One often results in presses not registering consistently.

>Moron who was a teen when the 360 was relevant
>That d-pad

>Dualshock4 has better everything but absolutely terrible battery life.
Fucking why Sony?


I got a PS4 last month, never touched an Xbox One.

The 360 controller was much better than the last dualshock and this one (aside from the dogshit d-pad of course).

I assume the Xbone controller isn't worse than the 360 controller to the point where it's worse than Dualshock 4 which is so badly designed ergonomically that it boggles my fucking mind.

Any time you're supposed to be using both triggers/shoulder buttons whilst making use of the face buttons I want to fucking die.

It's not even easy to comfortably press the options button without shifting your grip on the controller.

>The 360 controller was much better than the last dualshock and this one (aside from the dogshit d-pad of course).

nigger confirmed

Nope, I'm white and don't even know a single black person.

The Xbone controller is better. Dualshock 4 feels too plastic and the trigger feel like a Chinese toy and that fucking light bar. That said, Sony still shits on Xbox with exclusive which is why it's only console I own.

I wouldn't know, I've never had the opportunity to try the xbone controller. Nobody I know owns one and while I'm curious I'm very, very far away from being 70€ curious.

Is the steam controller a meme or actually good?

>D pad meme

>playing games in 2017 that still prominently use the D-Pad

>disable the lights
>2 hours more battery

Why is this even a question. The x1 controller is miles more comfy than the ds4. Hell, the old wired 360 pad I use on pc is nicer to use than my ds4. Ds4 triggers are absolute fucking garbage.

Yes to both. It's got some problems but once you get used to it it's pretty good and has some insane customizability. It's really great for games that don't naturally support controllers, but ps4/xbone are better for ones that do.

This, to be perfectly honest, famalam. I'm a PS4 owner but my daughter got an xbone for Xmas and fuck me the triggers are great in comparison. I've had to nigger-rig my dualshock ones twice in six months because the underside of the triggers digs a groove into the gel shoe beneath it, causing a 100% pull to register as less. It's only a problem in some games, and fixing it is easy, but still.

The xbone controller loses in many other areas, but those triggers? Dayum.


If DS4 fixed the retarded thumb stick placement, it would be the best controller ever made.

symmetrical sticks > asymmetrical sticks

Who gives a fuck about triggers??? A controller lives and dies by the quality of it's d-pad and analogs. And the Ds4 is superior in both areas.

neither, kb&m

>symmetrical sticks < asymmetrical sticks

fixed that for ya

I dont like how flat the face buttons are on the ds4 otherwise they are both great.

Try holding an xbox one controller then hold a ds4. It's like night and day going from the nice molded x1 triggers which fit the curve of your hand to the shitty flimsy ds4 triggers which feel like the controller designer got fucking bored halfway through the design process. Even the 360 triggers are more comfy to use.

Why? It's hardly used enough to be that important.

You can pick up an xbox controller for cheap. This person on facebook was selling 2 xbox one controllers for $45 They were the fancy gold black ones/ones with aux ports (usually $75+). Wish i ended up buying a pair. Fuck it.

You retarded apologist, no matter how much damage control you do the Xbox 360 pad will never not be shit. We're all PC gamers here asshole, we've all had cause to use it and know how fucking bad it is.

Can't tell if bait or serious

>can't even switch between normal grip and claw grip without taking the thumb of the left analog stick

DS4 easily since you can use the touchpad as a mouse for when you play PC games on a couch and need to press something in a menu or just start the game.

I don't care what the stick placement is, but I prefer asymmetrical thumb placement. I prefer the xbox controllers for shooters (if I can't just use M+K like a decent human being). Dualshock for games where I use the analog stick on the left and buttons on the right.

steams sc api can use xbox and ps4 controllers now.

Even then, the x1 d pad is just as good and the only legitimate reason I've seen people dislike it is because it's kinda clicky which activates autism in some people. The x1 analogs from the placement to the actual grip around the stick is light years ahead of the ps4s. Most ds4 owners end up replacing their original worn out sticks with x1 sticks lmao.

>Left thumb constantly out of resting position

DS4 is disqualified because it has the shittiest battery life I have ever seen for a controller, it's a great controller otherwise (besides also being too small and the touchbad is poor compared to the steam controllers pads), but the battery life kills it. Steam controller is the best due to it's support and customization.

DS4 all day

Sometimes I need to go change the sound settings in windows or do other shit that really needs a mouse. And DS4's analogue placement is much better for anything that isn't a shooter.

>resting position
>while you're moving a stick and pressing buttons

not to mention the ps4 r2 or l2 goes off every time you set it down because the shape of it

Both are top tier.
I'd say DS4 since I play fightans with.

360 controller is the most overrated controller of all time

I really honestly hate the buttons on it and the analogs are just mediocre at best

I know people have generally low standards but I can't imagine how bad and clumsy it would be trying to play a game with actually fast and precise input with a 360 controller like Melee or something

You mean the DS3.

DS4 is fine for PC use since you'll have it connected anyway.
I still prefer my Wii U Pro tho.


Out of those two? Xbox controller. The touch pad is fucking dumb and gets used like twice ever. Also, >a fucking share button

t. PS4 owner

Best controller all time is the DS2. Honorable mention for the DS3, Gamecube, and Xbox360.

DS3 was a flimsy piece of shit. I hate using it.

>a fucking share button
It's just a select button
t. PC owner


I could care less which one has better sticks or buttons, the dpad matters most!

Microsoft has made the best controller 3 generations in a row.

Even the fuckhuge Xbox controller was better than the abortion of a controller for Gamecube and the PS2's controller which was basically unimproved from 2nd gen PS1 controllers.

Microsoft "gets" controllers. Focus on the ergonomics and keep it simple.

Ergonomics: DS4
D-pad: DS4
Triggers: Xbox One
Battery life: Xbox One

I have both, my preference lies with Xbox One controller for PC, I bought a charging kit for it. I also love the headphone jack.

I own both and ps4 handheld is a ton better than the xbox one

neither of them have very satisfying dpads if you plan to play something like a 2D game.

Moving a stick in the the resting position.

It's actually not the light at all, it's the touch pad.

can you imagine how good sex with those goddess would be

>Steam Controller has two of them
>80 hour battery life

that dpad is cancer, xbox one dpad is better. its a shame they fucked up the r1/l1

The claw


Cry moar, xbaby.

It's bullshit too because most devs are too fucking lazy to put it to any use.

DS4 obviously.

Too bad the steam controller replaced both sticks for that gimmick shit


The point is that it has amazing battery life with two touchpads. Why would the single touchpad on the DS4 drain the battery so much?

We can agree that the DS4 is an admirable effort and at the very least incredibly /comfy/ to hold with adult sized hands compared to past iterations. I like the curvature if the underbelly, and fuck you, the triggers have the feeling of an actual trigger instead of a wedge. Not to shit on Xbox, they have good controllers as well. Stop fighting guys, we are all family. Fucking niggers.

No clue but those were the results of the battery test

>the triggers have the feeling of an actual trigger instead of a wedge.


Is the DS4 battery really that bad?

Mine lasts 5 hours and it's old.

Sounds good enough to me since i don't even have that much free time in a day. Send help.

I have both, I used to prefer the ds4 but I slowly but surely started using the xbone controller more. Now I'm using it for everything except games with heavy use of bumpers (dark souls). It's just way more comfy and all buttons except bumpers are actually better feeling / more solid.

Not even shilling man the Bone Zone has the best controller.

Say what you want about the software libraries, but the Xbox brand has always excelled in controllers.

The PS2 controller is shit. It was just the awful PS1 controller over again. They replicated this shit THREE times! What was their end game!

Using the Bone is like caressing someones daughter you know it feels so good it should be illegal.

You can emulate the shittiest fucking game you can think of but its like "this isn't so bad" because you have the best controller being lewdly groped in your perverted hands.

>The PS2 controller is shit.
I will fucking fight you my man.

Not really most game review sites agree it is the GOAT.

It is, all dualshocks suck

Dualshock - shit tier
Xbox One - medium tier
Xbox One Elite - top tier

The dual shock is a cheap piece of shit, doesn't hold anywhere near as much charge on the Xbox controllers and feels flimsy as fuck, plus the analog sticks not being offset like on xbox is fucking horrible for just about every game ever.

Having owned both I have to say the PS4 is better by far controller-wise thanks to the touchpad and light bar.

I like the console though, but it was always my last choice. Timesplitters you know that shits on the Xbox. Burnout? Xbox. Silent Hill 2? Xbox. Silent Hill 3... Fuck gotta hook up the PS2.

It's pretty shitty.

I appreciate that Sony tries to save you a buck or two not using batteries but I'd really just prefer to throw some AAs in there and not have to worry about it for another month. For both the DS3 and DS4 I just ended up buying a long cable and keeping it plugged in.

This right here.