How come people who buy a PS4 don't buy the few good games it has?
I don't understand
How come people who buy a PS4 don't buy the few good games it has?
I don't understand
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because most buy it just to be a part of the hivemind rather than to get specific games they wanted.
ps4 appeals to a very wide demographic, unlike the wiiu which only appeals to a certain set of people, that's while sales are spread out amongst a wide variety of games, rather than a single set of games
so what are people buying on PS4, then?
CoD and Ubishit?
Too busy shitposting here.
Because unlike nintendo theres a wider variety of games that you can buy on ps4. For the wiiu the games in the OP pic were the only games releasing on the thing for months. If people didn't buy those games their purchase of the system would be completely wasted while ps4 owners have a bunch of multiplats and casual games that they might purchases instead of actual good games.
it is a blueray player. The wii u, without games is literally $300 plastic
So you are saying the majority of PS4 owners choose to buy bad games such as FIFA, Madden or COD over Bloodborne, Gravity Rush, Yakuza 0, Ratchet and Clank etc.?
Alright. So PS4 owners are just retarded.
>a wider variety of games that you can buy on ps4
yeah, multiplats...
>using vgchartz
So what are the digital sales like?
>wii u has bayonetta
>ps4 has bloodborne
>xbone has ???
People meme about wiiu and ps4 being nogaems but the xbone is legitimately NO VIDEO GAMES.
I cannot think of one, not ONE game that is xbox one exclusive that I would even consider wanting to play.
That's bullshit and you know it
The normies bought the PS4 as a cod/FIFA machine
My proof?
I'm a normie
I'm not fucking defending idiots for buying multiplats but I'm saying theres a larger variety of options for casuals to purchase which is why the good games have less sales. People who bought a wiiu have no choice but to buy the first party games because its all the system fucking has.
Then you must be the heart of the party.
>has the most sales
>surprised that most users buy normie shit
Is this your first generation of consoles?
UC4 outsold all of those games.
normies are killing this industry
Because Sonycucks just shitpost about exclusives they never actually buy them or play them.
Because for the majority of people, a PS4 is literally just a Netflix and Fifa machine.
So the real reason Sonyggers shit post on Sup Forums is because their fanbase is infested with casuals playing yearly dudebro games?
I suddenly feel a bit sad for Sonyggers.
I'm a rare specimen because I own a PS4 and all I have for it is Bloodborne, Nioh and Gravity Rush 2
Every other PS4 owner I know only has FIFA/Battlefield/some other dudebro games and maybe Uncharted on it
PS4 players have more choice and the sales are spread far across all titles
Wii U players all collectively bought the few good games there were because of the scarcity
Yes the sales are spread across the multiplats.
>more choices
Sure. But how come the vast majority of them end up making the wrong choice by picking Madden over Bloodborne, Call of Duty over Gravity Rush, Battlefield over Yakuza 0, Uncharted over Nioh?
I think PS4 best sellers are dudebro stuff
Killzone Shadow Fall sold 2.1 million units but unfortunately the game is not good
Stop using sales as an argument you fucking clown.
Uncharted 4 outsold Mario Kart 8.
Bloodborne outsold Bayonetta 2
>pitting one of the most popular IPs (Souls series) against a niche Bayo 2 release
This is how you know you are beyond salvation
>this is the natural state of the Sonycuck
>mad as fuck
It's kinda sad that two of the consoles on the market now are basically clones of one another.
>good games
because they want to play those games and they're not on Wii U
no rocket science
is it true that FF XV sold almost 1 million units in Japan?
It's very rare that 1 million units are sold in Japan
>MGSV: pantom pain 3.44
>bloodborne 2.60
this is sad, very sad.
>making the wrong choice
Get off your altar, people buy whatever they want to play, it's their money. There is no wrong choice here.
That is, unless you chose to become an elitist neckbeard manchild mad because other people like things you don't. In which case seek suicide.
Actually the WiiU did have Call of Duty, FIFA and Madden.
But the WiiU owners didn't buy them.
Because they would rather buy good games.
For Sony people it's the opposite. They let good games crash and burn while buying shit games like Fifa.
Last of us sold 5.4 million on PS4 according to this
however it says it sold 1 million in wikipedia
because most gamers don't like good games
how many Wii U owners skipped out on Bayonetta 2?
>one of the most popular IPs
you should leave Sup Forums from time to time, it's niche as fuck
Because the majority of the install base are normies?
Anything on the PS4 outsold Bayo 2. It sold like 300k copies.
Do you actually believe that, user? hahahah
>Bayo 2 sold like shit
>Xenoblade sold like shit
>Mario rehashes sell millions
Yeah, Nintendofags sure are stewards of great vidya.
Because none of them are Ape Escape 4
Of course there are wrong choices.
With everything.
Pepsi over coke? You're doing it wrong.
Twilight over 2001? You're doing it wrong.
Nicki Minaj over Billy Joel? You're doing it wrong.
Well done over medium rare? You're doing it wrong.
Killzone over Bloodborne? You're doing it wrong.
Sony not making Bayo a PS4 launch title was the worst mistake of 2013
>I don't understand
>13 million ninteniggers have concentrate on the few games the PiiU has
>53 million people have a gigantic catalog to choose from and exclusivity does not matter much to most of them
They really are both the PS4 and Xbone are both multiplat machines. It's hilarious honestly.
Actually sales are concentrated in a single set of games but that set is made up of your average AAA multiplats, not the PS4 exclusives.
The original tlou sold well, the remaster sold like 1 million, I think.
I guess quality doesn't matter much to most of them either, eh? Seems like PS4 owners only buy shit games. Strange.
Go tip your fedora elsewhere
Because the only titles on PS4 I want are weebshit.
GTA V on PS3 sold more copies than every Souls game ever released on every platform combined, it's niche you autist.
where can I find reliable game chart stats ?
>the last guardian
Nowhere console companies are too chickenshit to give out numbers.
Blame the Ps2, it started the downward spiral.
The remaster was bundled with millions of PS4s, that 5+ million number is for the remastered edition since it was cheap and tons of people got it with their system.
The PS3 version also sold well because the PS3 had a huge install base when the game released in 2013.
I have a PS4 because it had a bunch of exclusive games I wanted to play and, my list of games is
The Last of Us Remastered
God of WAR 3 Remastered
Gravity Rush Remastered
Gravity Rush 2
Tomb Raider
Infamous Second Son
Dying Light (got bored after a couple of hours)
Batman Arkham Knight
Life is Strange
the Witcher 3
Fallout 4
Mortal Kombat XL
Megadimension Neptunia VII
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
and a few other games I can't remember at the moment. Every person isn't the same faggots.
>12m morons bought battlefront EA
I don't know what they were expecting
So both hardware and software sales are hard to have a reliable chart?
There are a lot of good games for the PS4, so the market is more spread.
The Wii U only has 3 remotely acceptable games, one of which is mostly bought by toddlers and parents, so there you have it.
Here, I removed every sub 2 million seller of the WiiU and Xbone to bring them to the same standard as the PS4.
People who buy PS4 buy it to play COD/Fifa. The rest of the people spend their time shitposting here about sales instead of playing games or buying exclusives.
No, they give shipment numbers because that's the only hard number they have. In the US a company called NPD tracks retail but they only give hard numbers in their reports that companies have to pay for. Usually we the public just get monthly top 10 rankings from them.
this makes sense. of course must Wii U owners bought mk8. that was probably the only withheld game released for six months. ps4 has more choices
>1.COD 15mil
>2.GTA V 14mil
>3.FIFA 17 10mil
>4.FIFA 16 8mil
>5.Star Wars Battlefront 8mil
Fucking disgusting Sonycucks are literally killing video games as they shitpost about their exclusives nobody buys or plays.
So you don't own a good PC?
I'm glad I didn't buy a Wii U. Dragon Quest Builders alone is better than anything on that miserable piece of shit. Switch doesn't look to be much better.
>Avoiding Uncharted 4 and TLOU because it would prove your point moot
>Pepsi over coke? You're doing it wrong.
How autistic are you? Lost all credibility, at least use decent examples.
"hurr soda"
I know multiple people who own a PS4 and all of them bought it as a fifa/cod + netflix machine
It's just sad
It doesn't matter, bundled software is heavily discounted but not free, it counts as a sale. You can go to Nintendo's own website and check their best selling game of all time, Wii Sports.
>Dragon Quest Builders
For a 10 year old child maybe...?
Most people outgrow Minecraft after their 10th birthday party.
It is you fuck face. No one talks about them other than pcucks.
Actually, if you check again, Op said "buy the few good games it has". Notice the "good".
>he says this while defending Nintendo
This is a Sup Forumsideo game board user is where those titles belong.
better having COD and Nioh than only having COD and indie shovelware
99% of ps4 owners didnt buy the console for the exclusives
>It doesn't matter, bundled software is heavily discounted but not free, it counts as a sale.
I'm not discounting the fact that a bundled game counts as a sale, I'm saying there's no way it's only sold 1 million copies because it was bundled with the PS4 for a long time. Many PS4 owners either got it with their console so the 5.4 million copies sold is totally possible.
Then why did he list Smash Bros?
It's a good video game.
Because it's an actual video game and not a movie
>people who buy games are killing an industry reliant on sales
this place can't get any more stupid than this single post
>Stale meme is stale
Back to plebbit.
And WiiU still has more exclusives sold than the other two.
Yeah, but it's not good.
The reason the sales are like that is because those are the only games on the wii u while the ps4 has multiplats. Something Nintendo doesn't like.
I went a step further and removed every sub-3m exclusive
Why does it have smash and TLG?
>being this mad nobody has ever acknowledged that trash as anything but a movie and never a game
This is all you Sonycucks do huh?
>literally only movies on PS4's side
My sides are in orbit
I wonder if Sup Forumsirgins even know what a movie is....
Because it has nothing else.
>implying the normies who buy those games come to this site
See this I like your goal post skillz. Can you teach me?
>This is what Sonycucks feel superior about
>Bloodborne a game they can't stfu about didn't even reach 3m+ sales
I own a good PC that I use for work. I don't like gaming sitting in a desk in front of my monitor. I'd rather chill on my couch and play comfy.