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Who would win in a fight?
That's the one from STM, right?
What did he mean by this, Sup Forums?
the defias nigga
Healers always beat mages noob
>get gifted a month of retail wow
>haven't played since BC
>start a new character
>hit level 35 in two days
>quest text is loaded with BL2-tier pop culture references and fourth wall breaking
>never died, barely even taken any damage
>been two shotting every mob the entire time, hasn't gotten any harder
>instances are matchmade and fly by in minutes without anyone even talking to each other
What the fuck happened to this game? It's not an adventure anymore, it's just a "numbers going up" addiction simulator that you shut your brain off to
money on the defias nigga
Watch your clever mouth, bitch!
End game has always been the focus in WoW since WoTLK.
The leveling up to 110 is purely a matter of time. There's no skill required whatsoever. In the Mythic+ dungeons you have to at least know what you're doing.
they might as well just remove player input for the first 50 levels and let you watch your character go through a bunch of stupid nonsense
even the jump from early wrath to late cata was hard for me, i cannot imagine going from BC to current WoW
>quest text is loaded with BL2-tier pop culture references and fourth wall breaking
If you didn't spot the absolute shit tons of references and meta jokes in vanilla WoW, you just weren't paying attention. It's one of the things that hasn't really changed since the game came out.
Go ahead and do a Google search for how many vanilla quest names were actually taken from song lyrics.
The game is only challenging when leveling from 100-110, mobs represent some threat and 2 weeks max after hitting 110 you start 1 shotting everything. Also world pvp is a joke, top geared players obliterate everyone else in literally 3 seconds.
I also stopped playing at BC and then tried the game again with Cataclysm.
The game just seems to have gotten easier. Easier to beat mobs, easier to gain levels, easier to find groups and go through dungeons, yadda yadda.
Like the other user says, it seems it's all about getting to the end-game now.
>What the fuck happened to this game?
They fucking killed it for anyone that cares about more than just the current expansion.
If you actually give a shit about the levelling experience, avoid WoW at all costs.
>Go ahead and do a Google search for how many vanilla quest names were actually taken from song lyrics.
Have you seen what it's like now? The entire Westfall questline is a NCIS spoof complete with sunglasses and YEAAAAHH and the end of Redridge has you riding around in a tank shooting shit while NPCs spout rambo quotes
>The majority of teenage shitposters on Sup Forums were literally toddlers during the time Vanilla WoW was popular
Huhuran ain't even the hardest boss in AQ40 let alone the game (Twin Emps, Cthun harder), let alone the entire game
>So tell me about those Conqueror Shoulders
>top geared players obliterate everyone else in literally 3 seconds.
That's a good thing
It's a reference to a video
Well damn I look stupid now
Would you mind feeding me a link?
fucking classic
I love how he just starts ripping into the guild's priests after. Fuck that brings back memories
>a "numbers going up" addiction simulator that you shut your brain off to
That's a really accurate description.
i miss 2006 ts/ vent voice quality
>+Cliff Reeser Pretty much. Another wowtard baddie that only sees the numbers on their dps meter.
>The point of the set existing was the 5 piece bonus which would contribute more ot their raid than a few less dps from some raging dime a dozen dps fuckwit.
>Someone allowed him to be a dps warrior in their raid during the middle of Vanilla, he should keep his fucking mouth shut.
>+JonathonTheAsshole Hey fuck face. Actually, nobody "allowed me" to do anything. I was the raid leader, main tank, loot council chairman & innovator of all server first boss kills. This was me complaining about Conq shoulders vs Drake Talon Pauldrons & Huhuran Stinger vs Blastershot rifle as those pertained to PVP. Maybe you should keep your mouth shut and learn to spell your own name "jonathon." Thanks for playing. Very best regards, BloodTerror.
fucking rekt
>Tfw we have two more expansions until they bury the Void Lord shit and get back to proper Alliance vs. Horde.
I even like the new lore, but at some point we need to go back to basics. We have passed that point.
>proper Alliance vs. Horde.
Warfare between alliance and horde only ever made sense in vanilla and mists. In everything else it was using seriously flaky logic to try and justify why they would be fighting when there are world ending threats trying to kill everything.
>we're laying siege to icecrown citadel
>and we have these gunships that will come in handy
>so lets blow up the one being used by the other side
>Go ahead and do a Google search for how many vanilla quest names were actually taken from song lyrics.
There's a difference between making a reference in a name and what states.
One is a reference, which is fine, the other is unoriginal cancer.
>Warfare between alliance and horde only ever made sense in vanilla
>made sense in vanilla
The only explanation for it was "time has passed since WC3, now Horde and Alliance are enemies again. There."
As much as I like them being at each other's throats like the enemies they ought to be, the sense wasn't quite there.
>two cultures with a history of warfare and opposed values and beliefs go to war over territory and resources
It doesn't go into a lot of detail but at the same time it's not completely contrived. Actual wars have been fought for sillier reasons.