Do you ever wear vidya clothing in public?

Do you ever wear vidya clothing in public?

God damnit I've met so many guys like him my whole life

Why do they act like this? I-is it autism? Or just bad genetics and bad parents?

I really fucking want a power glove but all these autistic weirdos who wear them in public got them

Does he really believe that its necessary to wear a fucking power glove during a lecture?

it is the echo chamber of the internet. they have spent the last 15 years online being told it is OK and cool to be that autistic about your hobby.

before nerds did it normies did it with sports but no one gave them shit

Me too, it's like they're all somehow related to each other. Probably a combination of autism, social ineptitude, and no real male figure in their lives to tell them how pathetic they are/look.

You should try going out user, geeky shirts are trendy af.
Its like you forgot about Pokemon GO and all that jazz... pretty much every engineering students wear shirts like that.
The glove thing is weird, but maybe he's about to do a presentation on video games or some shit, who knows

I like my Kirby shirt! I'm wearing it right now!


post boipucci

Just the shirt wouldn't have been so bad, but fucking hell.

Don't have any gaming related clothing.

Closest I have is that Fakku! chicken shirt.

That must get you all the weeb guys.

Very! I wish I had more cute stuff to wear.
I don't wear it out!

>tfw TA and a cute student wears a kirby shirt
>tfw can't ask him out

As someone who gives a shit about fashion and my appearance, it's no worse than the hundreds of people I see everyday wearing a T shirt with a sports team or movie reference on it.

It really doesn't look good but people who don't care about fashion don't realize/care about that and prefer to advertise their interests. I don't see anything wrong with that unless you judge people for being into Nintendo which if you do I'm not sure why you are on Sup Forums.

The power glove is inexcusable though. That's not fuckign clothing.

How do you feel about the CDG tshirts with the giant red hearts?

Give up your job and follow your dreams user.

ya, i really don't get triggered unless its egregious shit like his power glove

stfu abby

>not having the power in your college seminars

This user gets it, and I don't own any vidya clothing either.
I guess I'm way too old for this place.

If you have a tshirt that is just a picture of a character-art with the logo, its fucking stupid. Otherwise, yeah its fine

>have to sit next to him
>pungent smell of eggs and dick cheese gagging you to death

Abby? I live in Florida though...

I work in a game store, so I can wear any video game related T shirt on the job, so long as it's something fairly current.
Wore a Rowlet hoodie today.

Like I said man, tshirts are tshirts. Some look better than others but in my opinion they always look roughly the same, extremely casual and something that children wear or that people wear around the house or work out in.

So yea I hate that culture of "Oh this tshirt is cool now so it suddenly doesn't look like I'm sitting on my couch on a Sunday afternoon". No, in my opinion if you care about your appearance (and have the money) then you should bother to get a few tailored shirts. That's why I also never judge people for the way they dress even if I think it makes them look like a slob, some people can't afford not to. It's lacking in perspective to not realize that.

Also why I think the power glove is stupid. He doesn't need to wear somethign on his right hand only in a classroom. He's doing so because he thinks it looks good or is looking for attention.

I'm a self respecting woman(male) and I wear slightly ambiguous women's clothing so it's not blatantly obvious I'm cross dressing

What are you, gay?

More effeminate than most, but still straight.

That's dope.

I'm wearing this shirt in my drivers license.

That's hideous

user-kun whered u get this hoodie
i want

Have you thought about being gay?

>Cool shirt, what kind of music does that band play?
>Pogo Punk, Skate Punk

It looks dumb as shit but it's hilarious how little self awareness you guys have

No, but not because I am ashamed of liking videogames, but because I am ashamed of the current way gamers are seen.

Nu-male hipster faggots that love le geek stuff like the big bang theory or scott pilgrim.

I would rather be lumped with fat fedora wearers than with those cunts.

>Nu-male hipster faggots that love le geek stuff like the big bang theory or scott pilgrim.
I've literally never seen someone like this before, and I go to Yale.

I saw a cute guy with a kingdom hearts hat in a burrito place once. I was too self conscious to compliment him.

when I was in highschool I used to wear a Madoka Magica shirt because I thought it didn't really matter like, it was just a shirt. Later I realized how painful it was and stopped. I was never bullied for it though so that's good.

Pretty much always honestly. I was raised wearing generic company brand shirts and I felt like a walking billboard so now I buy shirts for things I enjoy, which is mostly vidya games.
The only anime shirts I wear is something like a Chibi Kaito Len, Furi (Video game) shirt and Succubus (Male) shirt because still anime.

I have a video game hoodie being made but it's been fucking forever since I ordered it so now I just question what the hell's going on with it.

I am not inclined in that direction.

Once you reach college it's really okay to wear whatever Vidya shirt you want as long as it has Japanese text or classic Nintendo stuff on it

My gf does.

A couple years ago a friend of mine got me this shirt for my birthday

although in those few years I actually developed a sense of fashion so I never actually wear t-shirts anymore because they're so damn boring and dont look unique or good so I only ever wear it around the house anymore

>Rowlet hoodie
>Not a Decidueye hoodie


You're a pile of shit.

There is a young guy at my campus who wore a long black leather trench coat, fingerless gloves, zelda shirt, and 1980's TMNT backback. Keep in mind he is about 19-20 years old. I saw him constantly even thought it's a huge campus. Last month when I was eating lunch I looked out a window and I saw him walking with one of the special needs kids striking up a conversation while walking. The special needs student went into a building and trenchcoat-guy just wandered around outside, back and forth trying to talk to strangers. It was the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. I am almost tempted to be his friend out of pure distilled pity, but then I'll never get rid of him.

Not a fan of shirts that just have a huge game logo or massive white square with character art plastered in the front.

This is probably my favorite shirt.

>a sense of fashion means you cant wear t-shirts
let me guess, youre an american who thinks wearing button up shirts that probably dont even fit is "classy"

Aw you would have made his day, or he would have thought you were being ironic.

he beats off wearing the power glove

not bad. Still don't think I would wear it. But not bad.

Why? LOL. What's wrong with looking good and taking care of your appearance?

So sorry I don't look like a complete retard and don't fit your notion of what gamers look like.

Holy fucking shit dude

I haven't worn a non polo or dress shirt in years.

Why do people who wear these clothes look like they've just given up on life? They always look like they put zero effort into their appearance.

closet to vidya i have worn was a mortal kombat shirt but thats it. also why do the weirdos in op's pic always look the same.
>nerdy hair
>vidya shirt
>dat glove
>neck beard
i see them all the time at my local community college. nothing against them but i feel like they're their own race kek,

>polo shirts
just dont get any nandos sauce on it

Because they've given up on their personal appearance. Easier for them to just not shave and throw on a t-shirt.

Why is this allowed?


I want Matthew Perry to fuck me with his pants around his ankles.

>i see them all the time at my local community college. nothing against them but i feel like they're their own race kek,
It's crazy.

>be me
>18 y/o soph at CC
>sociology class
>sit right next to this guy who wears glasses and cargo pants
>playing RS3 during lectures, or SWTOR
>has a file just filled with outdated 9gag tier memes
>all 99s
>mfw the people who believe in "no exp waste" are real

Admiral Matthew Perry?

And yeah, nothing against them. He's really nice, gives me mints during class, and doesn't bother anyone. I'm a bit jelly of his dedication to get all 99s, though.

Cute, where can I buy one?

Looked through my closet and realized I don't actually have any.
I have a Triforce lanyard for my keys, does that count?

Nah, that's too subtle and out of the way. I think we're talking about bright blatant stuff that people wear to look "geek" in order to make up for a complete lack of personality.

I grabbed it off WeLoveFine but it looks like it's not on the store anymore. I'm sorry I can't help more, user.

And they always seem to be out of shape pasty white guys. Either overweight or just sickly looking.

It's not about what you wear, it's about what you look like.

A 6' 5" Olympian with a chin strong enough to stop a speeding train can wear whatever shirt he wants and girls will still be all over him.
If you look like a tubby sperg dressing snazzy won't make you look like less of a sperg, but wearing clothing that could be considered immature or childish will only further reinforce how much of a sperg you are.

I wear basically nothing but golf shirts, it doesn't really change the fact I'm a chubby baby face who can't grow a beard, but if I wore a Legend of Zelda shirt in public I doubt I'd be taken seriously.

I'm turning 23 this year and I look like I could be in high school.

Is that fucker's name in the OP named Tom?

I've been thinking about getting something with Rocket League on it, but I can't find anything that just fits me since I don't want it to be bland, but also not look like some kind of sports team shit.

This freaked me the fuck out as a kid, couldn't watch the show for like 2 weeks.

And I like wearing what I like because I like it while at the same time anyone who has a problem with it really doesn't matter to me but if someone wants to get to know me because they recognize it and think I'm into games similar than them I'll always give it a go because more friends is always nice.

>chubby baby face
As an 18 year old skinny (BMI 19) Asian guy, I'm seriously considering buccal fat reduction.

Thankfully my dad was able to grow a full beard at 25, so I'm hoping I do too.

Caring about how you appear is what entices people to talk to you. People use autistic way too much, but almost universally the people I see wearing this kind of trash are almost exclusively autistic. They just can't conprehend that how you present yourself has any bearing on how others approach you.

I bet you have no idea how wannabe-edgy and pathetic you sound.

Because they do it at games, not at a college class

>he actually wants to make friends
>with people with the same hobbies as him, no less
Must be nice being a pleb

Same fucking exact thing happened to me. Are you in SD perchance? Or are these fuckers endemic?

When my dad was 25 he had to grow a beard to get people to stop thinking he was a kid. I was 5 at the time.

Even if I didn't grow a nanometer's length of facial hair in a week, I have a full on bald spot on the underside of my chin. direct center, about an inch circumference. A fucking bald spot.

I don't think I'd look good with just a mustache either.

Give me a cute hat to wear! I used to wear a Miku one but I don't have it anymore.

>wear vidya related autistic t-shirts since highschool
>no one has ever given a single fuck

Just curious, but what kind of dog is that? He's so cute!

He wants to get together with him and later forcibly expel barbarians from his land, if you know what I mean

I dont need clothing i have a rad tattoo

I have a few vidya t-shirts, but since it's winter they're usually hidden under my hoodie and coat

And I take the time to pick what seems okay, just because I don't have a closet of golf shirts doesn't mean I don't care about how I look. In fact I matter too much because I'm always a nervous fucking wreck when leaving the house that I always think people are staring at me and stuff even though I know for a fact they're not. I shower, shave and everything else, ensure my clothes are clean and I'm not wearing some retarded SNES glove thing.

There's a difference between wearing gigantic futa cock sonichu shirts and just some emblem from a game or a 'stencil' type design of a character.

If I wore something like this, you'd probably call me autistic right? Either be le shit taste or because vidya game fucking autisms reeeeee, when it's really not so blatant and stupid as Sup Forums would have you think of it.

Though I am a gigantic faggot so wearing this dumb shit probably fits me, I've been told suits and tuxedos don't match me at all.


This is a black Labrador.

Yep, met some Sup Forums autists irl unfortunately. They were almost all very unpleasant to be around, way too judgmental and had too much of a high opinion of themselves.

And this is an Australian Shepard Basset Hound mixed breed with a Terrier Squirreler.

I thought I had the same problem, but I just let it grow in and realized it simply grows much slower. Are you positive it's utterly bald? If so yeah steer the fuck away from that shit. There's only three or four acceptable ways to wear facial hair today, and three of them require chin hair.

>If I wore something like this, you'd probably call me autistic right?
If you have to ask, then yes.

>Wearing suits/tuxedos is the first thing you think of when you think of a well-dressed person
holy fuck dude, is this bait?

And yes, pic related is very unfashionable. Orange and white do not go well together. They're not even complementary colors, fuck.

why is Sup Forums so gay

Now that's a mutt. Still adorable, though.

all you babies who want to grow beards try to behind facial hair when you're fat.

Girls don't even like beards. They like a fit bastard who has veiny arms and a nice face with muscles to throw them around.

All of you babies stop feeling sorry for yourselves, put down the chinese food, go lift some god damn weights, and do something about your lives.

I was a chubby 6ft 185 pound idiot who did nothing but work and play JRPGs all day, eat chinese food, cheeseburgers, fries, drink tons of coke.
One day, I got fucking pissed at the world, and now I'm 163, fucking veiny raw arms, great big pecs, abs are finally coming out, chiseled face, and I shaved all of my fucking face, and now girls give me attention. I get eye raped, a blonde 19 yr old co-worker asked me to help her start working out. I can finally wear tank tops and simple shirts and look bad ass. I threw away all the autistic clothing and bullshit. Girls want a man, forget this video game baby bullshit. You'll be wearing this fucking crap while some real guy fucks a girl who thought you looked like a manchild basement dwelling faggot.

no because i have self awareness. if youre a normal person you could get away with that shirt but literally no one can wear that glove without looking autistic