Anyone want a really good grinding method I discovered for pic related a couple years back?

Anyone want a really good grinding method I discovered for pic related a couple years back?

not really, no

Sure, as long as it's not equipping obliterate or using the reviving rods to instakill the undead.

Here is mine.

>(Healer) Magic Thirst, Cura full party
Set for auto-battle at maximum speed. Party will plow through enemies and with each new fight (or every other round) you healing with regain their MP and heal up the party. Before you have decent levels in Vampire, Spell Fencer's Auto-Aspir Blade and a standard attack works well enough.

I mean, I suppose you could just Jump x4 + Hasten World, but at least my trick doesn't involve maxing out one job before you can even begin.

Only if it involves ass worship

hips... ass...

Nah. I don't remember the specifics, but you gotta have someone with spirit master (I had anges, you could probably do whatever, and go to this little patch of beach near harthschild. NOTHING but undead spawn there. Equip that one skill that makes healing magic not diminish when group cast, then cast whatever your lowest level of cure is that will instakill. ( I used Cura.) 1 turn, unscathed, and sweeper. Grinded to 99 and max jobs this way. Put that shit on repeat, set your encounter rate to max, and all you gotta do is wiggle the control stick every few seconds. And the bonuses keep stacking.
(Forgive my shitty edit)

I literally mentioned using spells to OHKO undead. Better to use the Staffs/Shield that give you free casts of Cure/Cura/Raise than "waste" MP if you're grinding. I'm also pretty sure you have only undead spawning on the fort you fight Qada so you can use this same tactic there. I'm assuming we're talking about chapters 3-4 and not 5-8 though, where spamming Crescent Moon near Florem with everyone will level everyone up super fast until you unlock Conjurer, at which point you just equip Obliterate and get your free JP.

Valkyrie and crescent moon with everyone outside of florem. That way I maxed al jobs.

In Second I used pheonix downs on undeads at that fortress getting 2.5+ bonuses.

"That" fortress?

Everyone already knows about auto-battling around florem

Bringing Tiz back was a mistake.

It's a sidequest area south of the japanese town.

Is this any better than Florem? I'm told that's the best place to grind for jobs.


You have to turn off random encounters or run away from random battles to avoid being overleveled even on hard. Why would anyone ever need to grind in this game?

You're thinking about Bravely Second, either that or you didn't want to complete post game bosses.

The bosses alone get you to level 70+ even if you play with random battles off. Which is more than enough to kill the Nemesis bosses and the adventurer.

>He thinks the Nemesis bosses and the adventurer are the hard post game bosses

Please, you can beat the Turtle Dove with a party of level ones. What about the Asterisk holder rush, or the event bosses?

Turtle Dove is a nemesis boss you idiot. I beat it at level 70, without any cheese tactics.

Why did you get the impression I was saying the Turtle dove wasn't a Nemesis boss?

*drops down behind you and kills you with my katana* I didn't give you permission to speak.