*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

>*throws flashe bange above you*
>"heh, easy"
>*headshot and fans*
>*headshot and fans*
read em and weep

*hooks you*

heh heh *wheezes* easy


*plays kusoge*
*posts about it*

*walks through shield*

*blocks your path*

>*headshot and fans*
>*headshot and fans*
Not how cooldowns work though

*walk through shield*
*sleep dart*
goodnight kid

>implying I don't angle my shield slightly upwards while jumping backwards whenever the mccree gets too close

I mean it is exactly how they work though.



>bullets can't go through
>humans can


fan the hammer has no cooldown and can be performed no matter how many bullets you have left

*wwalks through shield*

human will stronger than bullet

>play roadhog
>fear no one

but is it harder than metal?
harder than brick?!

>Every arcade on PTR is just 6v1 Reinhardt with max health.

What a shame.

Pretty sure there's been an issue of The Punisher 2099 with the same problem

>flashe bange

why did that make me laugh

>can perform a melee attack infront of the shield and hurt the reinhardt



>reach level 100
>feel disgusted to keep playing

This game has nothing to keep me interested anymore.

It's a phase variance of the molecular transference module generated by the shield's phase inducers, causing the posetronic-matrix to destabilize around living matter, Captain.

A magnetic field can stop any metallic object thrown at it with high velocity, but will let objects through if they don't move too fast.

but the shield blocks icicles and those arent magnetic

also bastion is made of metal

*blinks behind you*
*sticks you with pulse bomb*

Nothing personnel, luv

fucking magnets

this desu

>Bastion's made of metal
But he pass through it slowly, so the field has no effect

>but the shield blocks icicles and those arent magnetic
Guess the Spy put some lead in Mei's water
Would explain stuff



That is exactly how they work.

>ice comes from the north and south poles
>the literal magnetic poles of the earth


Basically, the field just tries to force to metallic object to become aligned with it, but since the bullets fly at such a high velocity, the action to change their track make them change trajectory and get them lost.
As for why slow objects can move through, I'd say that's because they don't have a lot of potential energy and so the field can't move them easily, but I don't remember that part well.

>hooks you and does 350+ damage

>Rein hits you with a one hit kill charge out of nowhere

Every time.

Well he put a lot of it
I wanted to make a joke

you ever made that weird goop in elementary school out of corn starch? It's like that. Go through it too fast and it's like concrete, go through nice and slow and its like water

What about the iron in your blood tho


I don't have any in my blood

>*hacks you*
>*teleports behind you*
heh, nada personal, niƱo

*turns around and sleep darts you*
Nothing Personnel, kid


that doesn't sound healthy

>Roadhog tries to hook
>Pop the barrier up, deflect the hook
>Roadhog runs away

I'm not a human so

man feels good baiting roadhog and then blocking that hook right at the last second

>*uncloaks behind you*
Hehe, nothing personal, gamin

more like
>*whole second of decloaking without being able to do anything*
>*gets killed instantly*

>Every game needs a rein on attack & defense
>results in the same scenarios over and over
>this is apparently a competitive game

Classic blizzard designing themselves into a hole yet again.

>just walk up to him and shoot him in the face
>75 damage per swing kek
>if charged just hook or insta heal and negate it if you suck
so ez

>*tries shooting you with a piece of shit peashooter as loud as a thousand mexican trumpets*
>*gets shot*


Makes me think of these moments in TF2 where the Spy would shoot "WHY IZ THE CART NOT MOOVING" as you were going to backstab the medic with Your Eternal Reward.

why is she so bad? I honestly only feel useful when I combo my ult with zarya/rein, otherwise I could be doing better with any other offence hero.

she's not that bad, just kind of hard to use. ever watched codeyniku's stream? He got to #4 almost exclusively using sombra.

I can't use her for shit though, she's just too much I think. With a coordinated team her ult is almost always a wipe. She's more for gimping the team than actually killing them, and that's why you need a good team, but on her own shes kind of shit.

because she does shit damage with her spread, which shouldnt be an issue since blizzard wanted her to be a "disruptor"
too bad she is really shit at that too except for her ultimate

Only their fists

I just assume it works just like that one ancient alien monitor weapon from the halo novels where a group of spartans realized that the shield from the high tech weaponry only blocks shit going at high velocity like their bullets so they beat it by literally chimping out and throwing a bunch of rocks at it until it broke.

Because she can't carry a team, if you're playing as Sombra you need to be in a good team otherwise no one will take advantage of anything you do.

I wouldnt call tracers sticky bomb or junkrats bombs high velocity projectiles

*blocks with knife*
muda muda muda

*teleports behind you*
"Nothing personnel kid"
"Die die die"

>*uncloaks behind you*
>*get noticed before being able to hurt anyone*


I was just thinkin about this today
after all it's just a vidayo

Having Reinhardt on your team is essentially cheating, so playing Junkrat is my solution to the problem. Learning how to be an even bigger piece of shit with him is proving to be incredibly useful, even with all these cocksuckers playing Zarya to counter me.

People who don't know how heroes other than their main work should be shot down.

What about Zarya's nipple piercings?

*teleport behind you*
*steals your warthog*
Nothin personnel, reclaimer.

>person who has no idea how the character or game works is shitposting about it
>likely never even played the game
really gets the gears turning



>enemy bullets blocked
>friendly bullets are fine

>Hiding behind two tanks
>Enemy Rein charges
>Just knocks the two tanks to the side and pins me

>Hiding behind a tank
>Cant see enemy Rein
>Enemy Rein charges
>Tank jumps out of the way
>Get pinned
>"WOW our healer is such shit just got pinned!

So people who go through that either need to end up naked or just don't pass through anyway, since they have clothes.

All her primary targets are to critical to the game or never used.

They cant let her bust Rein easy since most maps would fall apart if they do. Her other big expected targets like Torb are already so shit they are never used or if the actually let Sombra do anything to them it would just be them shitting over a bottom tier character.

Untill Torbs and bastions really come into the meta or they add more heros that can choke hold as well as Rein she will be useless. Her nitch she wants to fill is off limits.

>reinhardt is baiting me
>hook him
>see hook connect, reinhardt hooked animation begins
>JK lol his shield was up

shooter first was a mistake