Join ranked game

>Join ranked game
>In loading screen
>Chat box comes up
>"You will be kicked from the match if you remain inactive."
>confused as fuck
>start tapping buttons on the loading screen to show Im not inactive
>"You have been kicked from the match for inactivity"
>lost 50 points
>20 hour ranked ban

What the fuck is this game

>having a shit pc

>people still play overwatch comp

Haha dude let's like, make 4000 "shitting on Overwatch" threads.

What does Mercy smell like


Maybe cause it's shit.

even if that were true, how does it make sense to penalize someone for being unable to connect to a match before it even begins?

You know why "Everyone on Sup Forums hates video games"? It's to make threads like yours fucking retarded. There is no point to make threads complaining about games because we are all just going to tell you it was always shit and you are a retard for thinking otherwise. Why don't you come talk about something you like in a video game and if you arent a big fag you won't get spammed with SHILL all thread til it 404s.

Sold my PS4 copy. Such an overrated game.

>Playing Overwatch on PC.
It's objectively better on PS4.

I dunno, Swiss Cheese?

>Playing Overwatch

Old people.

She's older than she looks.



This isn't a hardware related issue. It's a literal bug where the game will just get stuck on the black screen and never load the character selection.

>Its objectively better to play an fps with a thumb nub then with a mouse.

the shitty controls lift the skill ceiling just a little off the ground and actually give it a challenge

Would you rather have 4000 shilling overwatch threads?

this happened to me once after the server disconnected everyone

Using shitty controls to raise difficulty is a sin of game design.

better than the coinflip autismfest that's pc

Explain yourself.