>lets not overreact
Lets not overreact
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still gonna buy it op
>Only other option is automatic
You guys told me this would happen 4 years ago. I keep waiting for Mario on Sony platforms, but every generation it's the same thing.
But the screen is made by the company doing iPhone screens which we all know are the best in the world.
Virtual Console output maybe?
must be this. or some glitch, who cares, it's not even out yet.
>RGB range
I just came in my pants
Considering the wii u had that retarded range making games look like shit unless your tv supported it's range this is a god send
Thank you Nintendo
By the way, 480p is just there for people that have shitty old tvs
720p will still be the main resolution used, with 1080p assumedly being for smaller titles
Get a TV with better resolution then?
What's the problem here? That you only have auto or 480p for the menu's resolution? Why would anyone care?
whats that number and letter mean?
That shouldn't even be an option. Fuck people who still use 480p. Just have it always be automatic
Automatic is bad though.
There are still people with really good and really low-lag 720p sets. These 720p sets 99 percent of the time will accept 480p, 720p, and 1080i, and then downsample/upscale accordingly. if you choose automation these sets, you might feed it inferior 1080i instead of the superior 720p.
Just manually set it to feed your panel its native res, fuck automatic.
And fuck and Vita TV users who sets their system to 1080i instead of 720p.
If Wii U is anything to go by though, the output will be systemwide, so if it is set to output 1080p, lower resolution titles will be upscaled and fed that TO the display instead of the display doing the scaling work. that is the right way to do it, that is how Xbox 360 and Wii U did it.
>That shouldn't even be an option. Fuck people who still use 480p
But what if I want to play my VC games on a CRT?
>this amount of shitposting over the switch saying 480p cause it's not yet been hooked up with a TV
you guys are just sad at this point
Then you get some rgb cables.
He didn't set it up with a TV, so we can't just assume 480p is the only option
I'd love it if they made a 240p mode for virtual console though.
Of course 480p isn't the only option, but I'm right with you; I'd kill for 240p over HDMI for the sake of VC.
>TV resolution
>B-but the screen on the switch is really good!
Yeah it'll looks so good on my 4k tv
Namefag go
Notice how there are options ABOVE 480p? Not on the Switch. Faggot retard. Got suck more Nintendo corporate dick.
how delusional can you get, youtube supports 4k now anyways
there are options below 480p too, it's a scroll bar
it's like no on here watched the video
definitive proof the nintendo switch can only output 480p. im really smart btw
Prove it.
Seems like they don't even let you upscale via the GPU. TV upscaling is terrible for gaming; introduces a bunch of input lag that makes everything less responsive. Between this and BoTW's terribly inconsistent frame rate, I'm glad I canceled my preorder
Post the video.
>By the way, 480p is just there for people that have shitty old tvs
What? No. 480p TVs have been dead for almost a decade.
No. Nobody even has a 480p (at least on its own) in the current year. Even my grandma has multiple ones that are at least 720.
fuck you
You never had a preorder.
My point exactly.
Same here, dude. The Zelda DLC was the nail in the coffin. At this point it's just funny.
that's specific to the guy's tv though. wii u didn't have an option for 1080p on my 720p tv
Do people seriously think nintendo will ever release their first party games on anything but a nintendo console?
They would probably bankrupt before they did that
Prove it.
Modern TVs have an EDID that tells the system sending the signal over HDMI what resolution to output.
Older TVs of the sort that can only take a 480p resolution though wouldn't necessarily have that functionality though and trying to feed them a higher resolution signal can cause problems.
It would be nice to have a 'force 720p' setting though.
>introduces a bunch of input lag that makes everything less responsive
Does that even matter, given the already reported high input lag from using the joycons?
Can you even use composite cables with the Switch?
Uh, yes? They go bankrupt and Sony or Steam buys their IPs. We'll finally have the only shitty Nintendo games worth playing on actual gaming systems.
I was meming son. Nintendo are the biggest jews in the industry. Ninty makes cheap products and charges premium. This is well known.
But want the tablet supposed to be 720p?
You're grandma could be 30 for all we know.
You can't seriously believe this
>i never see it so it can't possibly exist
it is, the picture says tv resolution
Prove it.
But if the tablet could display 720 obviously the TV would be able to at least do that.
that depends on his tv
She's in her 80s. I literally don't know a single person regardless of age who only has an SD TV anymore.
I'm sure it exists but it's got to be exceedingly rare with how hard HD is and has been pushed for the past decade. Around 2009~ certain TV channels had broadcasts wider than 640x480p so some stuff would get cut off. It's VERY hard for me to believe people tolerated that for ten years.
Right. My point is that if anyone is scared about this, then they're overreacting
that is the resolution for undocked. I'm not a nintendo fan but stop with the out right baiting over the dumbest shit
no one is scared, people are just shitposting
Because you don't know anyone.
>literally don't know a single person regardless of age who only has an SD TV anymore
I have one that I still use, but I'm the exception, not the norm
Pic related. I was on the hype train hardcore. Only thing that took me off was recent BoTW vids on Switch that were running 20fps half the time, and remembering how bad I got fucked over with my Wii U.
I didn't actually pay attention to that much. Isn't it just some very small shit that should be free and a new dungeon?
Hadn't heard that, but it would still matter. That would make it even less responsive. Sucks if the Joycons are high latency though, because I really wanted to just chill out in my chair with my arms on the arms of the chair with the joycons in my hand. Sounds comfy
You seemed very confident in saying nobody has 480p tv's anymore earlier, there are plenty of poor and old people who still have shitty tv's including my grandma and many families i know
You are all so fucking slow. He's using it in handheld mode, so the resolution options are between the default of 720 and 480.
Those are the two resolutions available in handheld mode.
Prove it.
>Switch that were running 20fps half the time
it wasn't though
but it says tv resolution
This is worse than the time everybody thought RE6 had infinite ammo because of the cheats menu.
Why the fuck did this post make me laugh so hard
poor people probably aren't going to be buying a switch.
>Neogaf has to now resort to stealing show models from Gamestop to make Nintendo look "bad"
So it will still somehow support older TVs?
youre a retard. accept it.
Prove its not
That's not the point, it was an incredibly bold statement and im sick of people on Sup Forums babbling bullshit and saying it of as fact
please fuck off
nobody is making them look bad they're literally just showing the UI. stop being so fucking dumb all the time
probably has that resolution for compatibility mode, once you plug it into your tv it'll auto-detect higher supported resolutions.
20fps might be an overstatement, but it was definitely under 30fps half the time gamerant.com
I'm guessing 20-25fps
what mario odyssey is gonna look like on the switch
Wait, is this real or a troll? There is no way the Switch doesn't support HD resolution. The Wii U had up to 1080P
>Consoles can still barely handle 720p gameplay
Is there an excuse yet?
Notice how it's not plugged into a TV.
not trusting a stream. the digital foundry one is good enough and the game stays stable 30fps 99% of the time and didn't dip because of graphics
The Wii U didn't go up to 1080p. It went 720p natively, then upscaled it.
As usual OP is a faggot and the rest of Sup Forums are shitposting to try and fit in.
Why do I still come here?
Try /vg/ if you can figure out how to use basic filtering it's much better for actual discussion
If it didn't support HD resolutions it wouldn't need an option at all.
Based on that image its basically:
Use what my HDTV tells you it supports
Don't break my shitty old SDTV
Considering that there isn't a TV plugged in, it may just not have a list of specific resolutions to present in the same way that on a computer hooked up to a monitor will now detect and present only the modes that screen supports.
>The Wii U didn't go up to 1080p
yes it did retard. you don't know what you're talking about. most games were 720p but some were 1080p. even if argued that none of the games were 1080p the wii u could still output 1080p even if it was just the browser or ui
dude people still use fuckin AOL with the free CDs. You'd be surprised at how many people still use super old shit, go out and talk to people.
I'm ready for Disney's acquisition of Nintendo tb h
why does anyone even bother? Ever since the Wii came out, everyone knew what to expect from nintendo.
If you thought the switch was going to be some legendary console, you're lying to yourself. I preordered one knowing that I wasn't gonna get something PC tier. Maybe I'm too old to be on this board.
what are you referring to
The Switch wasn't connected to a TV and didn't get input options. The gamepad's screen resolution is 480p just like the wiiu. Whats the issue here?
>nobody has a 480p
y'know over on /vr/ we've got a thread dedicated to old displays for retro gaming? except they're usually not even 480p, they're 240p. I don't use tvs for anything cause emulation is good enough but lots of people still have and use these older tvs because they work. I even use a crt monitor still because it goes up to 2560x1920 and I got it for 20 fucking dollars. basically you're retarded if you think absolutely everyone has upgraded to at least 720p, cause it's not true.
I hope they're right. They're usually pretty based. I really hope BoTW is fantastic, I just lost my hope. Really hope it turns out well. I'm gonna borrow my brother's Switch when he's done with BoTW either way, but still. Hopeful, but not holding my breath
arguing one way or the other over the console in general. i know most is b8 but with nintendo you know what you're getting at this point.
>The gamepad's screen resolution is 480p just like the wiiu
it's 720p and it probably just says 480p in the settings when not connected for the sake of compatibility. The PS3 and PS4 support 480p for the same reason, so the console doesn't try to output 1080p on a TV that doesn't support it.
I see plenty of drones still arguing it's nearly as powerful as an xbone
There's a lot of disinformation out there still