So I see Sup Forums trash Dark Souls II a lot and I wanted to know if SotFS improved the experience at all.
I've played Bloodborne and Ds1 now and I want to know whether I should just try regular Ds2 or SotFS
So I see Sup Forums trash Dark Souls II a lot and I wanted to know if SotFS improved the experience at all
Other urls found in this thread:
just shove a knife into your dick and your have the entire dark souls 2 experience in a fraction of the time
>a-am I f-fitting in yet vee? l-look I'm s-spouting your favorite mee mee!
>ask for an opinion
>get an opinion
>claim it's just a meme because it isn't the opinion you wanted
The opinion is a meme though. Shitflingers like you who've never played the game perpetuate the hate for no reason, simply because it's hip and cool to hate on Dark Souls 2.
Prove me wrong.
Op here, I just want an honest opinion on whether SotFS made Ds2 any better because Sup Forums claims that Ds2 is shit
Play Dark Souls III
Eventhough it's not as good as DSI, it's pretty good
DSII is to the dark souls series what resident evil movies are to the RE franchise user
>like you
I didn't make that post.
its fine. its not the best of the series but a lot of the backlash is from people upset they had to learn and get frustrated by the game again
SotFS is the superior version of the game, but it's still more of the same really. If you like DS2 a LOT compared to the other games in the series, you'll like SotFS. If you've never played any version of DS2 at all, SotFS is the superior version like I said so play that.
Forgive me, but it's easy to assume why you'd be the same person.
Get SoftFS
despite all it's problems it's still a good game in its own right.
DS2 ain't bad, though. You're better off getting Sotfs since it's got the DLC with it.
I liked the first one more but DS II wasn't bad at all. DLC was actually pretty damn good. Just go for SOTFS so you get all the DLC right away
I have platinumed every souls game, and played every souls game on release.
Dark Souls 2 is by far the worse souls game, but it's not a terrible game. Dark Souls 2 should only be played by someone who has played the other souls games to death and are just desperate for more content. The dark souls 2 fanboys tend to dislike the other souls games, they prefer 2 specifically for the reasons that the rest of souls fans hate it. SOTFS is nothing special. If you are a dark souls 2 purist, you will probably prefer it to the main game.
>The dark souls 2 fanboys tend to dislike the other souls games, they prefer 2 specifically for the reasons that the rest of souls fans hate it. SOTFS is nothing special. If you are a dark souls 2 purist, you will probably prefer it to the main game.
This makes no sense. People may prefer DS2 to the other games in the series, but nobody is actually a DS2 purist that refuses to play the others. Meanwhile, actual DS1 and even DS3 purists exist who do nothing but shitpost about DS2 all day long.
Additional areas doesn't fix any of what's wrong with the game
>Dark Souls 2 should only be played by someone who has played the other souls games to death
I don't know about that, you don't want to play the worst game in a series last. Maybe going 2-3 is a good idea.
>but nobody is actually a DS2 purist that refuses to play the others
Nothing in my post mentioned this
If you're gonna choose to play it or not play it then I'd say play it. Sup Forums shits on it a bunch but it's not that bad. It's probably the most content heavy Souls game. I beat it in about 110 hours where as I beat 1&3 in about 60. That may just be because it's breddy hard.
SotFS doesn't add any additional areas though, it only tweaks existing ones. Way to reveal you didn't even play the DLCs for base DS2.
This. For all its flaws, DS2 is easily the longest AND most difficult Souls game. An average NG cycle at my own pace where I kill every boss takes at LEAST 100 hours.
Not to mention it has the objective best PvP in the series, DS3 and BB went backwards in comparison.
I assumed it was trash and when i got to play it I actually really enjoyed it.
It's alot less memorable than DS1 but it doesn't have that insane quality drop half way that 1 did. The game tries to trick you alot less.
Pretty much every build is viable in some way. I'm going through as a fuel swordsman and its so intense and refreshing.
As far as cons go, starting the game is alot tougher, your incredibly gimoed and unless you look where all the estus upgrades are you will struggle.
Also there's times where the game decides to throw enemies at you in large groups. More obnoxious than difficult
Good hunting
Go in blind with no retarded expectations or memes on your mind and if you like souls games you will also like this one, play sotfs since its better its only bad if you want to think it is,
Its hip and cool to hop on from softwares d on this site when everything theyve put out since ds1 has been mediocre
>playing more ds2
lol that's some funny shit man
>everything but ds2
the series is twitch bait trash now but they're still good games
DS2 is the best, with or without SOTFS
>being this autistic
Reminds me of New Londo Ruins.
It's an alright game but ds1 does certain things a lot better
and with the good changes that 2 made, 3 discarded a lot of them
>Waking up all those zombies at once instead of proceeding through slowly.
You deserve the inevitable death.
>insane quality drop half way that 1 did
This phrase easily identifies those whose opinions are crafted entirely by memes on Sup Forums
I actually like this part because it lets you practice weapons nicely
DS2 is the pinnacle of the franchise.
>op:what do you guys think of ds2?
>user: it sucks
>op:fuck you
thats you
a lot more slower than any other game on the series, original bosses are easy and lame but dlc ones are pretty good, if you want to buy it just purchase softs
You are fake news.
I really hated certain parts of it like Iron Keep. I haven't played SOTFS but I downloaded the patch for the original game that lets you fight Aldia, so I don't think I'm missing much.
Dark souls 2 is better than 3 but not better than the others
I don't think you understand how shitty the sequels are, these people need to be told they're retarded faggots with no ability to discern or appreciate quality
Nah thats anyone who acts like DS1 is the best game of all time. Nevermind that DS1 has like only 5 good bosses and 4 of them are from the DLC. Every other boss is unbelievably lame with AI not even better than a normal enemy and for how hyped the game was at release I can only assume it was delusion.
If by other you mean DS1 and BB.
How dare people actually discuss a video game series on Sup Forums! Fuck yourself or find a hobby you actually enjoy instead of pretending
Why didnt dark souls 3 didnt add new enemy arrangement and new quests on NG+ is beyond me. That alone is one of the reasons why DS2 was worth playing on NG+ and not start a new character from scratch.
DS2 overall its too "video gamey", rather than create a belieble world they created something that was meant to be fun to play while fucking everything else. PvE was the worst in the series but the PvP side was the best. Its a mixed bag but i would say that its worth playing if you want to experience more dark souls.
It is also the longest game in the soulsborne franchise if you play sotfs.
Thanks for bumping my thread!
He didn't ask for an opinion of darksouls 2. He asked if sotfs is an improvement on the base experience. You just spouted a meme.
It depends on your expectations going in.
It was my first Souls game and I loved it
That's deliberately misleading. All those dudes are asleep on the ground when you first enter, and you have to go right up to each one to wake them up.
Why not just post a picture of Iron Keep, where the enemies actually do swarm you from half the fucking map away?
You're probably just ass busted from getting invaded and having your humanity stolen little bitch
why do you keep coming into the threads then. you know exactly what awaits you, you hate it and yet you keep clicking on it.
That's exactly what I mean.
There is no real reason to play original DS2, except that Sotfs at some times feels like an extreme mode even at NG. You know, with the insane phantoms and Iron Keep having six knights aggro you at once.
They originally all wake up as soon as you get up. They changed it in SOTFS.
2>3 desu
3 is bland.
You're just incorrect.
Agreed, going back to anor Londo sucked
DS2 isnt bad. If anything, its forgettable. Great until Last Sinner, meh through Copse until Tseldora, frustrating in a great way like Blighttown until Rotten.
Especially because it was like 25% of Anor Londo, you didn't even need to get to see the room where the bonfire is in DS1.
Yea of course, please continue deflecting all criticism of your perfect game with "git gud" despite the bosses that cant do the same. Please do all that it takes to uphold bamcos HARDEST GAME EVER advertising despite its mechanics being immensely forgiving by design.
There's only 5 of them in vanilla DS2 though, not 15.
Did From already announce when the last DaS3 will be released?
*the last DaS3 DLC
just to be clear
>play DS2
>absolutely pointless weapon durability system
>on the PC version weapons break twice as fast because of some retarded bug they just wouldn't fix
>fight my way through no mans wharf
>on the short way from the closest bonfire to the boss both of my weapons break
>have to run past every mob instead so I can fight the boss
people wonder why everyone calls it the worst DS when it had shit like this in it.
I heard everyone whine abourt how bad DS2 was for ages, so I didn't play it until a few years after it was released, and I found it to be a great game. I don't think it's as good as 1, and definitely feels like it could do with more polish in some areas (especially the bosses and graphical quality of the environments)), but I appreciate that it tried to do its own thing a little bit more and feels like a fresher experience than 3 did. I don't know why people seem to cry foul at the lore of the game or its world when they are at least felt fleshed out compared to DS3 which just had too many retreaded areas and things I felt were trying to provide fanservice too hard.
The combat is as great as ever, the world is fun to explore, the lore is interesting to read about and it also has some neat additions to the mechanics of the game, so I think as far as Dark Souls games go, it's great, or at least the second best of the 3.
March 20-something
Regular bosses ranged from shit to good in das1. Only maybe three great ones. The drop in quality is over exaggerated though. I think everyone's still buttblasted over izalith and Bed of chaos
So the game is bad because you suck at it?
You have 3 weapon slots in each hand for a reason.
And the bug only affects when you hit corpses or allied phantoms.
I enjoyed thr game but after O&S it was just plain lazy.
>Lost Izalith
>pitch black area and a boss that can't actually hit you with most of his attacks when your near and skeletons immune to one element useless until now
>Area that kills you instantly without a ring and a boss that just chargers you. No test of patience the rest of the game shows. Just rush and spam and hope.
>Invisible paths and a boss so easy they had to have him inflict curse just so there was a threat.
SotFS is a side grade, some changes are better some are worse. But since it comes with the dlc and it's the most popular you should probably buy it instead of vanilla+dlc.
What worse changes did they even make?
No mans wharf has a shortcut that cuts it to like five enemies. Before it, its probably the most enemies between bonfire and boss in the whole series, aside from maybe DeS 1-1 and 1-2 before their shortcuts. Like, it has over ten dogs alone, and maybe 30-40 raiders not counting hollows and those black monsters.
Shitty Bosses in Dark Souls 1:
>Capra Demon
>Stray Demon
>4 Kings
>Centipede Demon
>Bed of Chaos
Shitty Bosses in Dark Souls 2
>Belfry Gargoyles
>Covetous Demon
>Old Iron King
>Rat Vanguard
>Rat Authority
>Ancient Dragon
the bug was that since PC had 60fps instead of 30, your weapon would be inside the enemy for double the frames and take double damage. this was fixed later. it was not intended, you were not supposed to run around with 4 backup weapons. they simply fucked up.
I'm talking about the way through the shortcut. if you play the original pc version on 60fps and only fight what you aggro on the shortest route, your weapons will break before or during the bossfight. they fixed it by now so it doesn't matter but it was a stupid bug.
>Shitty Bosses in Dark Souls 1
You forgot seath, gwyndolin, priscilla, gaping dragon, pinwheel, firesage, iron golem and moonlight butterfly,
Don't worry, everyone else did too because theres nothing memorable about the fights other than how disappointing they are.
Add Dragon Rider to that list, he's probably the worst, least interesting boss of the whole series and could have just been omitted completely.
I've never understood why everyone hates Rat Vanguard, I thought the idea was at least interesting, if too easy once you knew what to do.
Nigga iron golem was the shit.
> Ancient Dragon
Some new enemies positioning were awful.
Any in particular? I don't really know how much they changed the enemy position between the games.
I did forget Moonlight Butterfly. The rest of the bosses you mentioned are fine though.
I forgot about Dragonrider as well. I don't like Vanguard because I don't like having to go through an arbitrary 6 second timed do or die test every time I try a boss
See pic
Posting the objective list
The lava castle is fucking awful now
Iron keep.
When you go outside.
Before you could sperate 1-2 at a time anddo it systematically, then they were like "YEAH NAH FUCK THE PLAYER THEY CAN DEAL WITH AND ARCHER TOO"
It's still possible now, but for a new player it's just dumb.
Never played DSII. I've only ever played Demons, DS1: PtD and DS2: SotFS
They're all good games. DS1 has better movement than DS2. DS2 has better animation, grafix, online and feels a bit bigger.
People like to call DS2 the worst thing to happen in vidya but it's literally just a meme. It's just DS1 with more fixes than set backs.
Chariot is great
Looking glass is meh
Sotfs is occasionally insanely overtuned stuff for anyone not deeply familar with the series. The second level having Black Knight equivalent enemies that respawn and aggro with one or two Anor Londo statues with them.
Chariot is garbage. Like hot garbage.
Really? Seath is fine? A boss that cant even turn around to attack you properly?
Or Priscilla? A boss whos gimmick runs out after a few hits and then you're stuck fighting against a braindead mob that has a single laughably slow attack?
or no lets go onto gaping dragon the boss that completely ignores if the player is even there its fine, it has no eyes, only teeth.
iron golem was rolling under his legs for 2 minutes.
I love DS2, but it really was a quantity over quality approach to the bosses, I think they should have just cut a good quarter of them to focus on making the other bosses better, which it feels like they did in DS3, even if they did drop all the other improvements DS2 made.
This list objectively forgets Darklurker, the best boss in base DS2.
Also Wolnir needs to be in trash tier.
Even when you actually see the rest of his moveset his stupid fucking spergy sword swings don't even give you a chance to whack the bracelet.
Chariot is a gimmicky fight that was creative and fun, something that's missing in the series since DeS
Just because a boss is easy doesn't mean it's bad. I'm looking at it from the perspective of a first time player. After you have played the game before, of course you'll know all the tricks.
Worst boss in the game and the second worst in the series(BoC is first place)
>Just because a boss is easy doesn't mean it's bad
I agree, it also doesn't magically make them engaging or enjoyable in any way.
And also this is my impressions FROM my first time playing. The game spends it's whole time teaching you the rules of the game, but the second a boss appears those rules go out the window since theyre all half assed