The so called haters did everything they could to make a change. They just want to have the game that could have made the jump. Unfortunatley capcom does not listen at all so we got close to nothing updated after a whole year. It's about time to make a change. Mike Ross left, Combofiend left, Infiltration, Xian, Momochi, Daigo, Diminion, Luffy, PRBalrog, FChmap, Ultra David, James Chen and many more ... all are shitting on SFV. Let's make this quick so SF6 will hit production sooner than planed.
The so called haters did everything they could to make a change...
They follow the money. Money is with SFV.
I don't know why you'd expect SF6 to be magically better than SF5.
This. OP, you have some amazingly stupid logic.
What happens if SF6 is worse? Repeat the same logic?
>durr hurr SF7 will be better durr hurr derp de durr!
Funny how when street fighter shits the bed people don't move to another game
No hidden subtext, just seems like people would switch to GG or something
Theres no real replacement.
SF is popular in both Asia and the West unlike games like Tekken or Marvel.
NRS games are probably worse than SFV.
The best option would be GG but I guess it's too weeby for most people.
This is what Ive been saying for months, years.
Players from lesser games try to shitpost SFV at max, but if SF dies, people wont move to other games, the fg genre will just die like the last time SF went into hybernation and dragged the genre with it.
SF is the FGC. Without it it would quickly develop into Nintendo presents: the fgc
>The best option would be GG but I guess it's too weeby for most people.
That and their retarded release practices.
sfv is good
Sad but true.
Arcsys has been pretty reasonable this generation.
Even with the previous game owned discount it's still too expensive for what it adds.
I'd be willing to put up with their jew prices if they added crossplay but japan hate computer, so I pay for the update and get to experience a dead on arrival community where i have to hang out in a discord channel just to beg for matches against the same people.
"die?" define what you mean by die, before i say something in response
I don't know what the fuck you are talking about, so I'm going to talk about the cartoon girl you posted.
She has weird hair, but her boobs are great and she has nice bracelets. Opening your mouth that wide, while only showing your bottom teeth takes conscious effort. I commend her dedication to the pose. She is muscular, but not in a manly way. Overall she would be and 8 or 9 in real life. Would date.
Stop being retarded and go back to an older game. Even the lowlifes playing Smash do this. Why can't the retards playing MK and SF do this?
>tfw FChamp said the game got worse on an official Capcom stream
Have you tried getting the console versions?
>tfw kof14, xrd rev2, bbcf, tekken 7, doa5lr make sfv irrelevant
feels good man
i do not buy consoles because i am not completely ignorant of gaming
yoooo got a vid?
i'm just laughing at how much sfv is getting shat on
i wonder if it's stupid developers or stupid designers or stupid execs or some synthesis of two or three
i just have to know the story of why the game is such a shoddy shadow of what the powerpoint wanted the game to be
i wonder what akiman and nishitani think of their legacy as sf2/sf3 designers being tarnished by ono's incompetence
Why would they switch from one shit game to another shit game?
I wish money would go to any other fighter instead of the shit that is sfv
That doesn't mean people shouldn't demand better. SFV IS trash but the problem are people like you who say "yeah but it's the glue which holds the FGC together so deal with it"
It deserves the criticisms it gets and they don't reach capcoms ears because you nerds play it anyways. Fighting games won't be huge esports if SF dies. Big fucking deal.
>Capcucks keep buying shitty games
>Shitty games keep getting released
I wish
>weeb this delusional
Infiltration literally played on stream like a week ago. He's maining Juri now.
>implying capcom gives a shit
>implying the niggers that fund this game won't keep playing
fighting games have been steadily coming out despite that period of "fighting game death" and sfiv didn't bring back fighting games, it brought back street fighter
they wanted too hard to make sales by "pleasing all audiences" but the problem with that is a common phenomenon where trying to please everybody at the same time pleases nobody in the end
such as phrased by john lennon: "Trying to please everybody is impossible - if you did that, you'd end up in the middle with nobody liking you"
>kof14, xrd rev2, bbcf, tekken 7, doa5lr make sfv irrelevant
Although i would like to see them be more relevant Street Fighter is simply the most known franchise. Those don't even compare.
not an argument capcuck
>implying sf isn't weeb as fuck
>weeb this delusional
The problem is the mentality. It's not the glue holding the FGC together because of money or anything. It's the glue because it is going to be the biggest game on brand reconition alone.
There are three types of FGC players:
>People who play for fun
>People who play to compete
>People who are both
Most of the FGC are categories 2 and 3, and you play where the competition is, even if you hate the game. Category 2 people will often play their favorite game on the side.
The competition is with SF. Sure you could say "so why don't we make _____ the new cornerstone." But the problem is that all the other games focus on providing one aspect of the experience. Tekken is about extremely heavy neutral into extreme damage combos. VF is 50/50 heaven. Guilty Gear/Blazblue are rushdown heavy (even though I'd say GG rushdown is oftentimes more honest than SF rushdown) KoF is SF for people that don't want to be punished for jumping in.
SF is the mix between all the styles because it originated all the styles.
Now me and you know that SFV is garbage and doesn't even offer that mix because it's Rushdown 50/50 Fighter V, but that's the appearance it gives off for everyone else.
I want to stick my dick between her tits
>still no argument
t. capcuck ;^)
SF hasn't been relevant in over a decade and is only the center of attention because of money, mr. wizard, and evo which are all jokes and nothing more.