ITT : poison character done right
ITT : poison character done right
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>Not venom
Shiggy diggy daggity doo
*blinks in the middle of your group*
*unsheathes grorious jidi venom concentrated 1000 fold*
"heh, nothing personnel, kid"
*force staff out*
>Runs to shrine
>blinks in
*tps base*
When did Zulrah get moved to new RS?
I don't understand why this nigga needs to be so slow, be so squishy, and have an ult that costs literally 70% of his mana pool.
>blink in
>Throw Gale on whoever is the primary target
>Throw one ward
>Banana Dance
>Triple Kill
>Banana Dance again
Veno is best, aside from Abaddon.
How the FUCK do I use Juggernaut
Jump around.
>Not building Bloodstone/Octarine on Veno
How's 3K treating ya?
Get ballsy.
Force the enemy offlane away from the creep wave and drop omnislash. Easy Kill.
In the modern meta, go Dominator, Maelstrom, Manta. Jugg is baby mode.
oh wow
i see the resemblance
What game?
>ever getting that kind of farm on a veno
You may be lucky enough to get a blink and maybe veil or scepter in a proper game.
If you play him as a core, you can do a hell of a lot of damage. Wards have immense lane presence even at the pro level and if you're against shitters, you can legitimately max Gale, Sting then go Veil, Aghs. This falls off hard, however.
The best feeling is playing a sacrificial support Veno and being such a pestilence that the enemy position 1 is forced into an early BKB. That can be game losing for them.
BKB can also end up being useless if they fail to activate it before getting hit by gale.
I miss old venomancer...
>playing imba
>tfw wards + skadi
RIP old elder staff. Taken before its time.
t. kaldr the ancient apparition
>enemy has a viper/venomancer
>buy tp scroll
>enemy has a tp scroll
>buy zeus
It wasn't even that bad. As long as you had more than 50% HP when the ice blast hit you, you wouldn't die.
>One of the least fucking viable and clusterfucky heroes in the game
>done right
>What is 5th pos farming jungle for 1000?
Getting farm on Veno is so easy once you know how to work Ancient camps properly.
EG.Zai is the master at it, but it's an easily gankable position. Have to play it carefully.
Have to play that waiting game. Same with Shaker and AA. Either wait till they run out or hit them hard before they can activate. In my shitty, uncoordinated pubs, it's usually the latter
Viper is poison. Venomancer is venom.
She's not very strong and her talents are beyond terrible but boy is she an annoying cunt. Running around at mount speed she just bleeds a little chunk of your HP every time she tags you and there's nothing you can even do about it.
There's also this thing, but it only has 13 cunning(-6% status effect accuracy against an equal level target). The druj nasu has 53 cunning(+25% status effect accuracy against an equal level target).
It is significantly more purple than the druj nasu though.
What's the difference?
There isn't one. Biocucks just insist on calling poison "venom" when it comes from an animal
Venom needs to enter the blood. Poison only needs a mucus membrane.
Scroll up.
LoL > Dora 2
I miss Bananmancer
It's a cool idea but in practice doesn't he run out of SP too easily? He needs 15 or the initial infect, then 25x3 to inflict poison. Never really liked status effect chars in this game, preferred debuffs.
They come in groups.
Witch Hunters in Grim Dawn.
I mean to recruit into your own team.
i really dont know why they changed his look, his old model was perfect just needed some better textures
Her venom may not poison things since a fighting game with a poison debuff would be horribly unbalanced, but she spits acid. That's poison, yeah?
It looks like you can put your dick in that purple stuff fine enough.
Left looks good. Right would make for an interesting alternate costume. Though, I guess they REALLY wanted to make you think "Hey, this thing is poisonous."
venoms old model is moe
Venom is just a specific kind of poison, pedant.
>literal mutalisk mouths
they just can't quit rippin off blizzard
your dick would melt off unless youre into that kind of thing i dont judge
this is the thing that pisses me off about valve is they dont allow the choice of either its only what ever shit remodel they do (pic very related)
Maybe they're rubbing it in that they got to adapt DOTA to a full game instead of Blizzard.
This guy. EZ.
Valve won't be laughing when somebody uses the precedent THEY set with dota 2 to jew valve out of an IP.
What game
old model is literally a starcraft unit because the game is a fucking rip off of blizzard assets, underage faggot.
He's (or she? those might be tits on this tile) horrible as a player demon because later on everything has resistance to body.
eh, I feel like they changed it enough to where it's not just a copy
besides, zerg design was barely original to begin with, blizzard doesn't have a monopoly on spiky bug aliens
The only good poison demon I've seen in the game is that ant rider dude.
the hydralisk model looks fantastic so what if they rip it off a bit?
nyx is literally a nerubian assassin because blizzard do make some amazing designs
>get poisoned so hard you have to fuck off and leave the enemy team alone or die
>this is somehow a good thing for you
I've had people try that shit on me while playing veno and all it did was give me free farm or a tower kill.
>playing meme cores
I bet you think Venge makes a good carry too. Why are so many pro teams buying into this at the moment, so many games being lost due to that shit.
>farming ancients as a non core
>farming as a 5th
If your cores have left anything on the map they're shitters and you should probably abandon.
What are they going to jew? Valve games are all dead aside from dota and CS, both of which have clones out the ass.
Well, the creators of CS could pack up and move to another company, but since Global Offensive exists, I guess it's too late for that.
Poisons are shit you ingest venom is shit you get injected with
A snake is venomous
A pufferfish is poisonous
everyone knows venge isn't a "good" core
I know the chinese often first-pick venge because it's super flexible, and they don't reveal anything about their draft, and if need be they just shift her to a core role with max aura for deathball
Venom is injected poison.
Calling venom "poison" is objectively correct.
>venom is shit you get injected with
venoms are toxins produced by animals for the express purpose of causing harm
pufferfish (triggerfish and a few others, as well) produce tetrodotoxin for use against other animals, and so are classified as venomous
why are there no good poison builds in video games???
Because DoTs are hard to balance.
>use antidote or cure spell
>invest in resist gear
>build is automatically useless
poison is totally balanced!
the difference is that when someone approaches valve and asks if they want to collaborate to turn their mod into a game, valve says "yes"
blizzard have nobody to fucking blame but their own stupidity
If poison can be healed then there's no point using it
If poison can't be healed then the defender is going to be left completely helpless and unable to do anything
>poison sucks
>devs nerf antidotes
>poison is amazing
>devs nerf poison
>poison sucks
>dev leave it there because it's too much trouble
>sequel has no poison/changes poison to just big initial hit and tiny, meaningless DoT afterwards
fun af
>hey guys this WC3 custom game called Dota is popular should we make a game like it?
Blizzard: No
>hey guys these Dota-like games based are very popular should we make our own Dota-like
Blizzard: No
>hey guys, Icefrog here, developer of DotA, wanna make Dota 2?
Blizzard: No
>hey guys Dota 2 is coming out by Valve and Icefrog is a part of the team
Blizzard: Sue them for everything
>okay we lost the court case
Blizzard: Whatever we'll make our own Dota-like, also fuck Skeleton King.
Venom is a toxin delivered by injection via bite or sting. Toxins are poisons produced by living organisms. Poisons are any substance that causes irregularities in living organisms via chemical reaction; this makes poison essentially identical to drugs - both are substances that affect physiology through chemicals.
Biologists tend to refer to venom as distinct from poison, to emphasize that venom is injected, and therefore all other forms of toxin (namely ingestion) as 'poison'.
It's somewhat understandable, but surprising for a scientific field. I get where they're coming from - a rattlesnake is venomous (and thus is dangerous if bitten), but not "poisonous" in the way nightshade is, so you can easily eat it.
Reptile venom is highly specialized saliva, by the way, which also means that the Komodo dragon is indeed venomous.
At this point I don't think blizzard would have done any better than valve at dota 2 even if they had gotten to it first.
>poison gets nerfed
>meanwhile non-poison related DoTs remain untouched
I think it's Valve that's had the vision to hire most of these moders so they can work with them and turn thief mod into a game.
Pokemon has some decent poison mechanics.
As other anons have said, DoT is complicated to balance, and in terms of single player, by a certain point most enemies are resistant or simply immune to it.
When you've moved from fighting human bandits to giant stone statues, dragons, and mummies, poison rapidly loses effectiveness.
Poison is usually a long term DoT, while burn and bleed are short term. Short term DoTs are usually just
>heh you wanted a DoT dumb goyim, why are you complaining?
Wouldn't it be funny if angel arena got its own game too and caused WoW to lose even more players since it's basically the same gameplay compacted into a neater form?
og design was the best
>by a certain point most enemies are resistant or simply immune to it
Even when they aren't, a ton of games have player commit orc holocaust, so the attacks of choice are usually high damage area of effect ones.
Poison only really makes sense when you're a little dude fighting rampaging ogres and dragons roaring about fucking manlets. Then you have a lot of time because you apply poison, run, apply again, regen wounds etc.
Once you're the hero, it's enemies who need use poison.
Gonna go midas on Venom now for maximum profit snek
Poison should be more than just DoTs. Why do so many games feel the need to just copy ancient jrpg tropes, instead of fleshing it out mechanically or going for greater realism than simple ticking damage?
Poison builds are pretty strong in Grim Dawn and outright overpowered in Path of Exile
You're all playing a single pvp battleground over and over and you won't realize its not fun until you understand that noone cares about how big your E-Peen is or how many skins you have
You're right, all that matters is that I have fun and dumpster shitstains like yourself