ITT vidya characters who you thought would be completely different characters than what they really are

ITT vidya characters who you thought would be completely different characters than what they really are

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I was ready to get my spine ripped out.

...And you thought Papyrus would be...?

I didn't think he'd be delusional idiot with a heart of gold, I thought he was just going to be funny with more self awareness (basically a less lazy sans)

Was papyrus autistic?

He was a cartoon skeleton.

No, he was overzealous.

No, he was Ness

I didn't think he'd be actually dangerous, then I got blue attacked.

>Expecting literally anything else from le quirky random characters xDD: the game

I think he just lived in a different society. Here he'd be autistic,

Papyrus was the only character from that game I liked.

I thought Ragna from BlazBlue would just be another Sol.

I thought Crash Bandicoot was Ness

Apparently Tiny's brilliant with finances.


How can you know that if its just released and its your first time playing it?

I don't like how halfway through the game, many characters change instantly. Papyrus goes from being an autist caring only about his job to a lovable idiot, Undyne goes from a heavily motivated soldier to a quirky homestuck-esque girl. At least with Sans you could see how he's letting you know more and more about him, how he actually cares about the world and loves his brother, and you can see the hesitation in Asgore's heart making his changing mind more feasible.

I think he's a kid that had a really early growth spurt. He has a kid's room, a kid's hobbies, a kid's idol, and a kid's dream.

You do realize that every cartoonish comedy ever made has quirky characters, yes?

>there's a difference between people when they're on the clock and when they're at home

You don't say

Yeah despite being considered "a delusional idiot" by many he's not exactly incompetent or weak in the game.
The reason why he's never going to become a royal guard is because he's too naive and would get himself killed in any real fight even if he is technically strong enough to be an entry level royal guard.

I didn't think Cole Phelps would be the type of man to cheat, but I think that was intentional.

Undyne is maybe the weakest character with her quasi-bipolar personality but Papyrus was always nice behind his autistic soldier persona, like how one of his first lines is to laugh to his brother jokes or talking about friendship all the time.

>Ready for one-liners, edge, and memes
>Get doofy but otherwise ordinary guy

Everything posted about undertale really had me thinking he was something else entirely. I thought he was supposed to be a deviantart fanfiction come to life

>quasi-bipolar personality
She's a very driven person/fish that was fed a lot of bullshit about evil humans oppressing monsters but once she finds out it's not entirely true, she mellows out enough for you to see what she's actually like when she isn't trying to murder a child

Alphys is just the worst, though. Toriel is a close second. For the same reason, too: they get good endings where no one calls them out on the shit they've pulled

I thought this character would be a girl

instead I got a Traitor that only cares for himself

Sans is intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

And yet he's still a good character. How the hell did this happen?

Undyne was the last character he really developed personality-wise. Makes sense she gets the scraps


Because he's this kind of character without all the stereotypical dark marry sue things almost all of them have.

oh my god did you get banned from /vg/ for your shit and decide to try your routine here instead

fucking incredible

>thought he'd be a funny, entertaining dark villain
>turned out he'd make me gay for a goat

life surprises you in unexpected ways

I thought he'd be an autistic retard.

And he was.

The only characters who turned out to be exactly what I expected were Alphys and goatmom, other than that I think everyone was written very well

He also agrees to go on a date with a kid.
Then again, so does Alphys.

But Papyrus doesn't understand dating and Alphys does.

What the hell was wrong with Alphys?


No, he's incredibly incompetent. Remember the puzzles? He's not weak though, I'll give you that.

He's got no idea what sort of trap you should lay for a human and his brother is a snarky asshole who promised a door that he'd protect the next human to come through

Thought he'd be best boy by first impressions but then he proceeded to talk about nothing but the wind and otherwise be completely irrelevant for 50 hours.

The Alphys "date" was Frisk helping Alphys get the courage to ask out Undyne. They never went on a real date like Frisk did with Papyrus.

As for what's wrong with Alphys, well, a lot of things. In most neutral endings where Undyne or Mettaton die, it's implied she commits suicide. Her first meeting with Undyne is pic related, where she's looking over the abyss and wondering about whether she should jump in.

>What the hell was wrong with Alphys

But Alphys didn't know that when she agreed to go on the date, she assumed it was genuine romantic interest and went along with it out of pity despite Frisk's age.

Nigger, he forgets to give you the electrocution ball and then walks the fucking path through the trap - his traps wouldn't work on anyone, human or not. Sans ain't even gotta step in.

>Undertale thread without this


what was he trying to say here

I really wanted not to like this game like Sup Forums told me but now I've got a folder full of Undyne.

But he had the undefeatable trap on the bridge

It wasn't even a real bridge. The floor was carefully painted to make it look like a bridge over a cliff.

Because he exposes himself as one for very brief moments and very rarely.

To be fair, the rest of the monsters are just as stupid and bad at puzzles as he is. The Hotlands were a joke.

Papyrus is clever enough to trick Undyne into befriending Frisk, at the very least.

I think it's an even mix of stupidity and Papyrus being too wrapped up in his own royal guard persona to think things through. He's like a kid pretending to be a soldier and mimicking what he sees others do without really understanding the thought process behind it.

The electrocution trap had an awful design but it could have done some damage if he didn't announce its existence, waited for Frisk to walk in the middle of the grid, and fired the ball at them.

>trick Undyne into befriending Frisk
Always thought Undyne went along with it BECAUSE it was Papyrus, not because he tricked her into doing it. She's pretty fond of the nigga.

>I think it's an even mix of stupidity and Papyrus being too wrapped up in his own royal guard persona to think things through.
Yeah, that sounds about right. On the whole, though, I'd definitely file him under incompetent. His brief displays of competency are few and far between, you know?

Oh, I'm not disagreeing with you, he's incompetent as hell.

I'm splitting hairs a little, but what I was trying to get across was that he's not incompetent because he's a completely braindead idiot, he's incompetent because he's a little dumb, a little too enthusiastic, and too busy trying to play a big impressive role he's imagined for himself to notice his mistakes.

What I thought
>An older but chill mentor character
What it was
>An actual retard

I can totally get behind that assessment.

>An actual retard with BALLS OF STEEL

a lot of irl retards are really ballsy tho

it's like psychological retard strength, they're too stupid to realise their actions have consequences

I find myself wondering if you understood that reference

I don't play anime shit

You have no idea what you're talking about, do you?

>Guys look I'm making a generic shitpost! Guys look!
>Guys look

>What the hell was wrong with Alphys?

She was just amazed that Frisk would have romantic interest in her after finding out about the True Lab and agreed because she was craving forgiveness.

Date is before True Lab

She straight up says during the date that she just thought it would be cute to go on a pretend date with Frisk to make him feel better. She's well aware that he is a child.

Duke Nukem is my favourite anime too.

You made me mildly upset.

No Crash is actually an anagram

Where did the phrase "retard strength" even come from?

Suddenly Sup Forums likes Undertale again?

>What the hell was wrong with Alphys?

Everything. Everything was wrong with her. Pretty much the only monster that deserved to be dusted. Neutral endings where she offs herself are arguably the best real ending for the plot.