Will simple online FPS ever reign supreme again ?

will simple online FPS ever reign supreme again ?

as in

>a great but very well balanced selection of guns
>no upgrade bullshit
>tight fast gameplay
>no oversized huds and rewards and fucking a millon different notifications and pop ups and warnings fucking rewards for every tiny little thing you do and skins and customization

i feel like people now think quantity over quality when we all know thats wrong.

any simple FPS these day Sup Forums ?

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Overwatch came out months ago, dude.

Overwatch, Titanfall 2, RS Siege and Unreal Tournament beta meet most of these criteria.

Rainbow six seige

im working on one now. It's basically Halo 2 + Timesplitters + Perfect Dark + UT + HL

Im about 50% done

overwatch does not fill the tight fast gameplay or great but very well balanced selection of guns requirement.


yeh fair enough i suppose, i've probably put about 60 hours into it but it feels kind of soulless

Splatoon my man. And Splatoon 2 is looking like it's going to be the best console fps ever.

i-its not an fps though...

Would unironically fund this.

When you play charger it kinda is.

They tried, they failed.

>Halo 2 quality
>Halo 2 Fast
>Halo 2 Balanced

I will remind them.

The shit was rushed out the door, autoaim, lunge, bullet magnetism, power weapons, static spawns, no achilles heel, etc.


>tight fast gameplay

I got 310 but Its not for everyone I miss when it was basically dead because there were less csgo shitter kidders

uh... hello?

Gears 4. Its a tps but it fits the criteria other than that fagsu.

I'd say Halo is of medium speed. Its no Quake/UT but definitely better than CoD & CS

>no...skins and customization

Go back to English class, Paco.

It's better than fucking Gaylo, would-be-oldschool poser.

>devs care more about selling crates, keys, weapon skins, and sprays than making a good game

no. wish valve would just die already.

Doom was not a good simple shooter? I'm all for another Halo CE like game. Halo 5 isn't terrible but its not Halo CE (or on PC)

Speed is usually based around TTK.


lmao he said gaylo xD

If it fits...

It's better then CE at least

The only part of CE better then 5 is the single player and not by much. I love CE but the game has so many flaws people look past just becauseit's the first game in the series

CE, 2's, and 5's TTK isn't actually all that slow in high level play.

Wait for the newest rendition of unreal tournament

Apbr in its better days filled the void for a little bit.

Homosexuality isn't a describer of quality.

nice arguments

the game has tight fast gameplay, no upgrade bullshit and a very well balanced selection of guns

isn't that what OP asked for?

>b-but muh skins

kill yourselves silvers, arena shooters will literally never ever be popular again

It is a describer of homosexual quality.

Gaylo is simply a homo game for homo people. Consolebabbies not content with being babbies and instead fostering these ideas of oldschool authenticity - when it's precisely consoles and games like Gaylo that ruined a big chunk of what we liked about gaming.

The only time 2's TTK is high is if you have a power weapon, otherwise its slow as fuck,

>Talking shit on CE

Nigger you're trash.

>Halo 2
>Tighter and faster than Overwatch

As someone who's played both extensively I have no idea what you're talking about.

>Splatoon my man.
>>no upgrade bullshit
>Rainbow six seige

>paying to unlock new classes

I agree, that poor fuckboy never played CE outside of Blood Gulch. Much more meta in 2v2 TS in CE than anything else the series has to offer.

Also Halo 2 looks like shit and Havok is shit and master chief throws like a little girl

>needing all the classes unlocked at the start

What a baby. Recruit is great btw

Name one flaw in CE. I bet you won't even be able to blubber about anything than the pistol, which there's absolutely nothing wrong with because everyone has one

No because the best multiplayer came from games that were designed with single player in mind. Everything now is made under the assumption that the majority of your time will be on multiplayer mode after maybe playing through the 6 hour campaign.

>Posts halo 1 gun

U drunk m8?

Such a good game tho

Halo 5 arena mode.

The pistol wasn't going to be my focus, I as more alluding to single player issues with tedious and repetitive design, but since you mentioned it.

>which there's absolutely nothing wrong with because everyone has one

That doesn't make it not an issue. It's still not balanced well because it overcentralizes the weapon sandbox on it's usage, which is, you know, is what weapon balance is all about, especially in Halo where the entire explictly stated purpose of the two weapon limit is to force players to not have a solution to every encounter on one hand at once, and to have to change up what weapons they are using based on the situiation.

With the pistol, and by extension the BR in subsquent games, it trivalizes the entire point of choosing your two weapons due to how absurdly versatile it is. It's not a jack of all treades, it's a king of all trades.

>kill yourself silvers
>e-sports AIDS

I don't even play CS:GO, I play original CS and CS:S. How can you be such a huge flaming faggot that not only can you not read a short OP but start acting like your gay fake-sport club is somehow helping your argument.

>pay-for sprays
>retarded skin marketplace with 101 knife designs stolen from fpsbanana targeted at middle schoolers and Gaben
>updates with constant balance fuckery in order to "keep up" with the competitive or whatever bullshit only a small minority of the players bought the game for.

Also, to be fair, at least using the pistol to get 3hsk takes a good amount of skill, to the point where other guns do get some usage, but it's still a little too versatile relative to other guns.

The BR is piss easy to use and is arguably even better then the magnum. And, to CE's credit, I think CE's weapon balance is better then 2 and 3's, but that and enemy AI is basically the only areas where CE is superior.

Pistol was op in one but br was fine, weapon and map control was still a huge factor in MLG games.

Except, again, half the weapon sandbox didn't get used. Only the BR and power weapons did.

The only halo games to actually balance their non power weapons right other then the token precision weapons are CE, 4, Reach, and 5, and even Reach, 4 and especially CE are pushing it.

Half the weapon sandbox sucked. Dual wielding would have fixed it but it wasn't implemented correctly

As someone who recently replayed CE's campaign about a month ago I found it to be a gud game but it isn't perfect, there are some flaws.

Specifically there are some moments where the AI gets invincibility-frames, like when an elite is entering a banshee which was insanely annoying on a specific level.

Sometimes enemies are given so much health you're in the situation where you're dumping all your ammo into their face just to kill a common enemy.

The assault rifle is trash because it has incredibly low accuracy and almost no damage, you have to get into shotgun range for it to do anything really apparent.

At some points later in it feels like they just put 100 enemies in one room rather than thinking of an interesting challenge.

Some of the vehicles handled like shit.
>In a ghost your killing options are ramming where the AI will input-read auto-dodge your ram 80% of the time, the guns on the vehicle will kill a regular elite after around 30 seconds of sustained direct fire
>The Warthog physics border on Mako-levels of retardation like it's suspension is made out of pogo stick springs and you're on the moon. It's so bad that the final driving escape scene is almost trial and error because the wrong path will cause the Warthog to shit itself, triple flip, and get stuck in a corner.

Besides those points the game is still fun today, comparatively more fun than most modern shooter single-player campaigns by far.

Progression systems and "muh unlocks" are a cancer on modern FPS games.

Pic related is still probably my favorite FPS of all time.

The pistol is does not have the farthest range,
The pistol does not do well against vehicles barring the tank,
The pistol is not the rocket launcher,
The pistol is not the best in close range like the shotgun,
The pistol cannot drain shields or ignore armor like plasma and the assault rifle,
The pistol doesn't have splash damage like the flamethrower or the explosives,
The pistol is just a very basic bread and butter weapon ala the spinfusor, supershotgun, etc.

The problem with Halo 2 is that the entire game is focused around power weapons and whose got it on spawn. If the weapon you had wasn't the sword, rocket launcher, sniper rifle or BR + PP you were fucked.

I think its funny you say the point of the two weapon system is so that you don't have the answer to every encounter. BUT THEN SUPPORT A GAME WHERE THE NOOB COMBO OR SWIPE SNIPING IS THE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING.

Plus halo 2 is ugly as all fuck and its a rushed piece of shit.


>the pistol 3 shots people across the map on hang em high

Yea sure it's not op at all.

Reach's Assault rifle was actually useful medium range, the damage it had plus burst fire was actually surprisingly good.
And even though 4's multiplayer was absolutely garbage, making the assault rifle act as a low range mini-gun was also a neat balance change.

>Across Hang'em high

No it doesn't, also stop standing still cuck.

Get better aim

How's that fan support for Halo 2 coming along?

In a team game with one at a time weapon spawns the starting weapons will always be the most heavily used, so they need to not be completely worthless or else the game devolves into just getting shit on off spawn. (Halo 2's fucking awful weapon spawn system made this especially blatant in SMG starts) If you give people close range starting weapons like ARs they will just get outranged and pooped on off spawn with absolutely no recourse. It doesn't matter what the kill time for a precision weapon is it's always going to beat short range weapons out of their range and for grenade cleanups, there's no point in nerfing them over it and shitting over the gameplay because herp derp people are relying on shooting skill too much in a shooting game.

CE had a lot more utility in weapons like the plasma rifle so people actually picked them up, while in later games the PR was just the SMG you'd rather have as your dual wield off hand or the gun that lets you beat ARs in melee trades and nothing else.

It literally doesn't faggot,

The pistol in halo ce will cover 1/4th of blood gulch in its length and then maybe 70-80% of Hang'em high. The only map it hits the back end is prisoner.

>a pistol with a scope that can 3 shot 300+ yards

I'm not complaining, owned plenty of people with it back in my day. It's just not balanced.

It's a jack of all trades, master of none.

>no upgrade bullshit

I got Splatoon as a present and dropped it almost immediately.

>you have to grind for weapons
>you are matched with people that have already grinded those weapons

>uses loadouts (IIRC)
>can't choose map
>team size is limited and strict

I like the originality they brought in but otherwise it's pretty shit design wise.

And yet it can't shoot across most maps,


It invalidates half the weapon roster. I can't believe someone is saying this about the br in 2 and defending the pistol in the same breath.

>It invalidates all the weapons

No it doesn't, get gud faggot.

Still op, makes sniper/shorty/rockets the only guns worth picking up

Halo 1 still had the best multiplayer, a utility weapon works well with Halo because you're limited to 2 weapons at a time.

You can't pistol a banshee or ghost, thats where a plasma rifle or AR work best. And usually during high skill fights these weapons are pulled out in a quick spray.

I sure love playing team slayer br only or ctf blood gulch 24/7. I wish people would use more variety.

yeah when early fps' had multiplayer bein just assets from the main single player game put together into a mp experience.

>a great but very well balanced selection of guns
>Halo 2


BR's 90% of the time is NOT "well balanced selection of guns" H2 is probably the WORST GAME for good weapon balance.


And the other 95% of gametime when your not dealing with a banshee?

Vehicles and rockets are what you use to deal with other vehicles anyway. Ar and plasma rifle are niche as fuck

Halo 2 had shit balance not just because of the BR but because every other weapon was a piece of shit. They took out all the unique aspect that weapons had in Halo 1.

Every weapon had their use, but multiplayer just seemed to devolve into BR/Sniper's only.

MW2 still has a good community. If you're not on that you aren't even trying.

You have literally not played CE,

The banshee is the most annoying and shit pushing vehicle in competent hands, ghost along with it. The fact you say rockets are the go to vehicle weapon tells me you're a bitch who can't use the other weapons to deal with vehicles. Then you never even mention the FRG which is a lot better as well.

What makes the AR and plasma rifle go to weapons for vehicles is because the AR is a default weapon that ignores armor, drains shields and is a default weapon. Everyone on the team can participate on holding down the fire button and keeping a ghosts shield from recharging. Also the AR does great damage against health vs armor.

Then plasma has plasma STUN which causes an enemy to be unable to move or turn or pilot.

Plasma and the AR are available for a player to get, the AR from spawn and Plasma comes with a full magazine no questions asked.

Halo CE pistol, - 4 kill possibility
Halo CE AR - 4 kill possibility

Halo 2 BR- 2.5 kill possibility
Halo 2 SMG/Needler/Bruteshot - 1.5 kill possibility

The game was slowed down to pussy bitch levels.

>Every weapon had their use
When did you ever wish you had an automatic weapon in Halo 2? They were absolutely worthless, they didn't even have unique aspects like better melee or slow down like in Halo 1.

hows it looking so far?
looking forward to it releasing but it seems a while away

The game was always slow, stop getting mad and kill the banshee with your rocket launcher.

>Wasting rockets on a banshee in halo ce


>not wanting to use a banshee's literal counter on it
Is this b8?

I don't think we'll ever get Halo back.
Halo 3 was just too good and we'll never get anything like it ever again.

You realize halo ce rockets don't lock on right? That shits dumbfire and its better to just shoot the AR at it.

>not plasma pistol overcharging every single banshee
>In CE where you can actually hijack them in every campaign mission

Right, that's what i'm talking about withreach and 4's weapon balance not being completely awfu;. Though i'd rather they have just swapped the AR out for the SMG if it's not going to actually be useful past close range as in 4.

Perhaps, but I prefer how 5 handled it over duel wielding. 5's weapon balance is nearly perect.

Clearly, though, there are bettwe ways to balance it then how CE did, such as how Reach or 5 did, where your AR is still useful out to medium (or even long ranges in 5's case), and your magnum, while good and versatile, isn't too much of a powerhouse.

Obviously skilled usage and guns need to be stronger then unskilled ones, but the skill barrier needs to be apropirately high or else the vesatilility outweighs and and makes it better even for shitters anyways: even shit players knew and used the BR over the SMG/AR in 2 and 3 because it's sheer versatility outwieghed the miniscule extra effort required to not just hold the trigger down.

You can also, just, you know, make autos have a skillgap, but even without doing that you can do more to make autos more useful then what 2/3 did.

>CE had a lot more utility in weapons like the plasma rifle so people actually picked them up, while in later games the PR was just the SMG you'd rather have as your dual wield off hand or the gun that lets you beat ARs in melee trades and nothing else.

I agree the plasma rifle in CE is underrated but it's still not that good, and it almost completely outweighed the AR except for niche melee timing shit.

>It invalidates half the weapon roster
It absolutely doesnt but the pistol is the defacto best weapon in the game. 3sk's too stronk

Probably because the BR had autoaim and bullet magnetism and landing hits with the M6D took skill.

Pistol was strong so that you wouldn't get absolutely stomped by shit like snipers, rockets, and vehicles like in later Halo games.

Unless you were doing those fancy BR combos, I found smgs to be pretty decent in close quarters or peppering vehicles. Ever try using and smg and a plasma rifle together, can be pretty deadly. I'll give you the magnum though, it looked cool but it was pretty weak.

I played comp ce. Every gun is useful. 3sks are too stronk.

The CE AR isn't actually that bad if you tap fire. What gives the AR the impression of ever being that awful is Halo 3's netcode honestly, because in that game any distance it was worth bursting with the AR your shots disappeared into the void anyways.

Is that even a valid point though? We're talking about high level play here where everyone has skill.

Bungie's idea of balance is giving everyone the best weapon at the start

>not wrecking everyone within a 5 foot radius with the BxR combo

>Cluttered UI oversaturated with bullshit all the time
>Fucking hitmarkers
>Like 2 fast characters

It's a pretty fun, simple console FPS but covering my crosshair with anything, for any amount of time, is a cardinal sin.

Bungie's idea of balance is also making a bad weapon even worse, ( the needler ) and then reducing the damage efficiency of all weapons, then taking away health packs and finally making 3-4 weapons so good that you lose if you don't control those spawns.

So yeah, because arguing otherwise is like claiming Tribes is shit.

If Destiny was on PC you'd have people in love with it. Sure, it's a weird abortion of a MMO-FPS-Diablo loot game, but fuck me if the gunplay isn't some of the best and most entertaining in the industry. And it's a fucking console game. I usually hate console shooters.

>covering my crosshair with anything, for any amount of time, is a cardinal sin.
Generally curious.

great game, retarded name. I never wanted to boot it up because the name was so dumb