What is it about the SAS that makes videogames so obsessed with them?
Seems like every single modern FPS has them in it in some form, even though in reality they're just meme soldiers who barely ever see action.
What is it about the SAS that makes videogames so obsessed with them?
Seems like every single modern FPS has them in it in some form, even though in reality they're just meme soldiers who barely ever see action.
the accent
1) Modern Warfare did it. Everyone's copied that game ever since it redefined FPS into something ugly.
2) You're aware that most special forces missions aren't disclosed in any country, right?
How are they meme soldiers?
They're just the best
Iranian embassy style SAS are the absolute best though.
Because they are legitimately one of the most efficient and effective units in the world?
They have a reputation for a fucking reason.
why do they all wear gasmasks
Riding the coattails of the fame the SAS gained in WW2
long coattails
No one cared who they were until they put on the masks.
They're in Syria right now - you just don't hear about it often, because that's the whole fucking point.
This spec ops and lads go well together
im gonna take a bit of a guess here and say gas
Because one of them is armed with Wotsit gas canisters.
What are you on about? They were almost unknown by the general public until long after the war. They were even disbanded following the war.
Video games.
I always assumed it was a bit of a "putting the fear in the enemy" type of thing. There's somethign unsettling about guys dressed in black wearing a gas mask. It's like they're not quite human.
Also, more realistically, tear gas.
Doing what? Not much apparently because it's worse than ever.
You can put special lenses in the masks that reduce the effect of flashbangs on yourself
That's delta force though.
Are you saying the SAS are not famous for their actions during the second world war, including the Campbelltown raid and numerous others?
What the fuck does their existence being hidden until later in history have to do with their acclaim and fame?
special forces' objective isn't always peace, more often than not is political unrest and destabilization
No user.
Read your own post. You said "the fame the SAS gained in WW2". That's incorrect, they didn't gain fame in WW2.
parachute troopers are generally considered one of the coolest, toughest military units. not just in video games.
>this thread
>NEETs trying to shit on legit killing machines
The SAS doesn't disclose missions like other countries units because they don't always do things others would agree with, they do what needs to be done and they are fucking good at it.
Delta force and Seal team 6 are counter terrorism units, very specialised.
There's a reason they were considered worse than spetsnaz
>their actions during the second world war
>their actions
brits arent good at killing anything other than their teeth
>Delta force and Seal team 6 are counter terrorism units, very specialised.
isn't that what the SAS are too though?
Because when the world was watching them in the Iranian embassy issues they appeared to kick all kinds of ass.
This made them look like they lived up the legend of special forces being proper hard.
>not the marines
They're a special ops unit that feels somewhat less generic than an American one. SEALs but with accents so they're a slightly classier brand of trained killers
That's about it!
Your first post. The one this entire exchange has been about, moron.
They only thing that could kill the brits was other brits that stopped being brits afterwards
How else do you think murrica was made?
tell that to the russians that got absolutely assraped by the mujahideen with british stingers
There's a bunch of other paratroopers that deserve to be in the spotlight after SAS.
Without SAS, there would no Delta Force.
I'm gonna go ahead and side with him on this one, chief. Just because their actions during WWII were classified, doesn't mean that those actions didn't gain them fame after. He didn't say "during WWII", he said "in WWII".
>Iranian embassy style SAS
The whole embassy thing is neat in general
>At approximately 20:00, Oan became agitated by noises coming from the Ethiopian Embassy next door. The noise came from technicians who were drilling holes in the wall to implant listening devices, but PC Trevor Lock, when asked to identify the sound, attributed it to mice.[34]
>COBRA decided to create ambient noise to cover the sound created by the technicians and instructed British Gas to commence drilling in an adjacent road, supposedly to repair a gas main.
>The drilling was aborted after it agitated the gunmen, and instead British Airports Authority, owner of London Heathrow Airport, was told to instruct approaching aircraft to fly over the embassy at low altitude.
Ask a former paratrooper anything while I go get some snacks.
That's where you're wrong. What gained them fame is the Iranian embassy raid, their actions in WW2 only became known as a result of increased interest in the SAS following that televised raid. Also "during WW2" and "in WW2" are entirely synonymous in that context.
How tough are ya?
>even though in reality they're just meme soldiers who barely ever see action.
>t. butt hurt seals who take 50% casualties from midnight raid on a lone goat wife
what kindof snacks do you like?
have you ever shit yourself before a jump?
Closest call with death in relation to jumps?
At this point I'm just a civilian eating chips and salsa posting on Sup Forums, but I could probably kill you with relative ease.
>implying killing me is even remotely difficult
Are you a Brit or an American, or neither?
What do you think of the others?
I'm a pretty big fan of chips and salsa.
Never shit myself, almost hurled.
First jump I almost broke my legs (or at least it felt like it), I went with the wind instead of against it. That hurt like a motherfucker.
You asked.
>meme soldiers
>lol ur special forces die
This kind of shit right here is so fucking dumb. Pasty nerds talking about who the better soldiers are on an anime imageboard.
Why would someone shoot a man after jumping out of a plane?
Have you ever worked with other countries? Do you work out still? Are you retired?
never liked the sas missions in cod felt like they were boring as fuck same with the other spec ops missions but loved playing as marines or other regular forces
It's for the cool factor, no joke. It creates an image of fear and intimidation so when the bad guys hear the SAS is coming they start shitting their pants.
What does Sup Forums think of the """elite""" Egyptian Unit 777?
they should make a game of that the more you fuck up the more points you get
also there is a time limit where you have to fuck up
Do you think you think countries have even higher ranking groups which nobody knows about? So higher and more dangerous than the SAS, navy seals etc
What are some interesting sieges lads?
Reading about the iranian embassy one made me curious.
probably they probably have groups without a name just a bunch of naggers who fuck shit up maybe even do bad things just to stir up shit and if they get caught they get called the enemy like bin laden
>he doesnt know about seals having shitty infantry basics because they specialized for UD infiltration and not very good at direct action
>he doesnt know about even regular US army units pulling their ass out of the fire all the time in iraq because they walked into an ambush for the 25th in two weeks
The UK has more than just the SAS (and SBS). There's also the SRS, who are even more secretive.
CIA SOG are basically that.
I was under the impression that they were Redeyes, not Stingers.
Please tell me more my little armchair warrior.
American, sat around with some Brits for a bit, they seemed like us, but with different accents. Soldiers are soldiers.
Nah, I just run to the bus stop and back for school these days. Only did 4 years, nothing crazy.
Maybe? Delta fits that description, from what little I know. I would guess that other countries would try to keep up with spec ops of various countries, whether or not they're successful would be a different story.
>doesn't know brits are crazy
>doesn't know our special forces are unhinged
SAS will fuck your day if you are the bad guy, thats all you need to understand.
>muh seals, muh delta, muh french legion, muh sas
don't be this guy though, they are people not characters in a game.
except price, that dude was a good example of nuts.
Only because of how royally the Spetsnaz fucked up
Why are they dressed in black in the desert lol
they have an advantage in hand-to-hand combat when the enemy burns himself fighting
>On June 3, 1998, in response to the departure the ship Global Sky from Suez without paying port fees it owed, the Suez Canal Authority asked the Egyptian Armed Forces to intervene.
>The Egyptian Armed Forces decided to send Unit 777 along with naval forces to deal with the ship in international waters. Unit 777 used a Commando helicopter to descend on the main deck, capturing the whole crew without damaging the vessel
This is the daftest fucking shit I've ever heard, and I work on board ships. Literally all you would need to do is order them back to port, or just whine to the IMO to sort it out later, or any number of other things. You don't send the fucking special forces to board a ship (putting lives at risk) for the sake of some measly port fees.
honestly surprised you havent threatened me with navy seal gorrilla warfare yet.
but it's no big deal to me that you cling to bei g a fan of seals. they do make great films after all, which is what theyre best at.
because of kangz n shiet
>hardest operation in history
>fucked up
Biggest meme spout by 15 year old armchair special forces commanders
Does anyone have that cartoon comparing the world's special forces and how they would deal with a hostage situation?
I thunk they only seal with indoor shit hence wearing a black jump suit its for psychological shit also the egyptian unit 777 fuckups are legendry threr wiki page is quite a laugh to read yeah its sad people died but still the level of incompatency is amazing
>never shit myself
The reason I ask is because I heard a story of a guy who was hungover AF before a training jump.
Shit himself, bantz ensue on the plane.
Jump time, everyone jumps.
Back on the ground, old mate with the hangover has has shit sprayed out of all 4 cuffs and the collar of his jumpsuit by the air speed during freefall
>Plausible Y/N?
>133 hostages dead
Explain how that isn't a fuck up
Brits aren't crazy at all. They're mostly beta. Anyway, you don't hire crazy people as special forces.
They are one of the founding members of the Special Forces community, and its only a slight exaggeration when it is said they wrote the book on Modern Special Forces tactics and operations
>kill terrorists
>kill hostages
>mission successful blyat
>if you don't hate the SEALs you love them
No you dumb motherfucker that's not how it works. I'm saying how retarded it is to sit here on Sup Forums criticizing any special ops group because I guarantee you have never done anything close to what they do.
>meme soldiers
epic just epic
oi u cheeky cunt u wan to get smaked?
>let's pretend SAS aren't the best force in the world because they're not from muh USA
grow up
Hah, sounds pretty plausible. Generally speaking, if you were a dumbass and did some dumb shit and put yourself in a bad situation you're going to be learning the hard way. Assuming that story is true, the dude probably never got really hung over before a jump ever again.
well i've never crashed my car but I can still criticize people who do
They would literally have been better not bothering. Obviously it was very difficult, but still, that many casualties is completely unjustifiable.
>brits arn't crazy at all
whatever helps you sleep at night, I live here.
>how do we save these hostages?
>let's gas them all
Goddamn, you are as dumb as I thought.
Talking sieges, is there any good stories of the French sieges that have happened in the last few years. All I know is this picture.
Baby wipes are legit, try not having access to a shower for a couple weeks. Those babies are gold.
I heard the actual group commander's name at the time was Samuil Haidenovich.
Best aesthetic.
>EgyptAir Flight 648, 1985
>As explosives were detonated to attempt to blow a hole on the top of the airframe, the explosion ripped through the cabin area, immediately killing 20 passengers.
>Using the same hole, the operators gained entry to the plane but in the confusion opened fire indiscriminately and killed and injured more passengers.
>passengers that managed to flee the plane were then gunned down by snipers in positions around the airport who mistook them for terrorists attempting to escape.
>The total number of passengers killed was 57, out of 88 total
Ho-ly shit.
hot concept for a porn: Just a naked dude with a gas mask breaking into houses and fucking the shit out of women without ever saying a word
hes seen some shit
This pic makes me want to go play Montagne.
What they are best at
Seals: water and water insertions(Sniping now too)
SAS: Hostage and Urban warfare
Force Recon: Jungle reconnaissance
Rangers:Jack of all trades
Royal Marines:Small unit tactics
Green beret: Eating snakes and giving guns to chang
CIA: killing innocents,Americans and planes
Spetnaz: Police raids(non hostage lmao)
What ever Germany has: Welcoming rapefugees
SOC: extreme environment and boats