FFXIV/Final Fantasy XIV

Fanfest is this weekend. Diadem remake and Proto Ultima are due real soon.


Other urls found in this thread:


AST cards are serious business.

So since we were all talking about how PLD needs some fixing in 4.0 what do you think about giving it a cooldown like pushback?

Obviously the cooldown timer would have to come down and the potency up for it to be viable on bosses who only attack every few seconds.

>low level dungeon as PLD
>pull with lob, ready for run and flash
>the MCH and BLM focus on the two mobs that didn't get hit with the lob
>they get aggro and run to opposite sides of the room

>6 out of 8 people will fail the bottom pattern

>in any other game community, if someone complains about how a certain character/class/other is underpowered, the opposition will tell them that the job is in fact balanced and that they should stop whining
>in FFXIV, when someone complains that a job is underpowered, the opposition will acknowledge that the job is in fact underpowered, but will also claim that that is how things SHOULD BE, that the job DESERVES to be underpowered and that anyone who plays that job should not be allowed to have fun

How the fuck did we end up like this? Why can't every job be allowed to be good?

About to start my first Anima(as MNK), just collected all the crystals from FATEs. When will I start having suicidal thoughts?

i'd appreciate some help because i don't know if i'm retarded or not. i want to level scholar but since arcanist is a dps class, do i put all my points in intelligence? i know cleric stance is a cross class ability, but when i use it will it be like a reverse white mage where my intelligence score is switched with my mind score?

What makes Paladin and White Mage considered underpowered anyway? I thought Monk is strong but they don't offer much utility to the party.

Because since there's only 2 viable tanks those people get free lunch as far as places in statics. The less competition the better for those guys

To the gentlemen in the last thread:
If RNG is going to fuck you then RNG is just going to fuck you. Expanded Arrows and the occasional unbuffed Arrow/Balance are the only concessions you should make when RNG fails- because AoE/Enhanced Balance (in 8 and 4 man content respectively, extended is also okay in the latter) is just so much fucking better than anything else.

I would '/status "X drawn" off' 100 Ewers, 100 Spires and 1000 Spears before I would sacrifice an optimal Roal Road on the off-chance I would obtain a Balance on my next Draw.

In XIV when someone complains that a job is underpowed they will moan and cry and ask nerfs for the balanced jobs.

The job offers very, very little that the other two tanks don't already do just as well or better. What little stuff it does provide that the other two don't are either highly situational and/or shit.

Similar to PLD (if not QUITE as bad), but also add MP issues on top of that which the other two healers don't have to worry about.

I have a fetish for long sleeves, are there any chest equipment with long sleeves?

You have a ways to go yet before it gets bad. The current worst step is about to get nerfed.


In all three cases the answer is "lower party DPS".
PLD does less damage than DRK.
AST gives DPS buffs.
Monk does high DPS, but it doesn't synergise with any other class so overall DPS will be lower if you have one in your party.

PLD's kit is half neutered because it mostly works on physical damage which there is fairly little of. All the extra shit that they have is fairly worthless or extremely situational like awareness. Other tanks have exactly what they have but better. Like storm's path vs. Rage of halone.

Even their panic button is inferior to WAR's I think. Because some attacks go through hallowed ground

Clemency is the only decent thing they have that can't be cross classed and you'll mostly never use it unless you have shit healers

>people bad at XI are bad at other games too
Really fires my neurons.

I've been wondering for a while but does anyone here play on odin?

put points into intelligence as a arcanist. when you become a scholar, buy the hymn item from your grand company office to reset your attributes. put all your points into mind as a scholar.

PLD is the more defensive tank. Problem is, tanking in this game is basically playing a DPS with damage reduction cooldowns. Everyone has enough cooldowns to survive everything, and thus PLD is not as efficient because he does less damage than the other tanks while not really offering anything in return.

WHM is fine, you got a better arsenal of heals, but AST just outshines them because of
>lol 40s groupwide 10% more damage
>lol 55s single party member 30% more damage
shenanigans. Again, there's no situation in this game where you'd actually NEED what a WHM has to offer. Would it make stuff a bit easier? Maybe, but that's not enough to compensate for those ridiculous buffs.

Who the hell is Romeo Guildenstern.

What's the difference between Savage Coil and regular?
In terms of drops.

Give them Testudo and call it a day

Vagrant Story, bruh

Why is MCH damage so shit?

Are they going to announce that the expansions has cutscenes better than a phone FF game?

Why are you so shit

Vagrant Story, if I were to take a guess

Because you're bad.


PLD just needs to have more support abilities and/or have its existing support abilities made actually useful. Buffing its dps will just make it displace one of the other two tanks if it ends up doing more than them and won't actually solve anything. The real problem is that it doesn't bring anything to the table that WAR or DRK don't already do better, it needs its own unique niche that the other two tanks can't provide. Fix that and PLD would be be much more useful, especially in endgame raids where some groups might need extra support tools in order to clear.

Bumping my question. I just want something that goes past my hands and preferably cover them up but anything long is fine.

I enjoyed the 400+ hours I put into it, but I'm so done with it. Became too tiresome to keep up with shit and I personally hate the majority of people who form guilds.


many have long sleeves, check them out here


Nah, we'll still get emotes as cutscenes.

PLD's panic button is super to the other two tanks, at least. And by a wide margin. Any attack that pierces Hallowed Ground will also kill a Warrior through Holmgang (and Dark Knight through Living Dead)

Aside from memefire their damage it awful. It's so boring too.

Superior* not super

If it wasn't for Hallowed Ground I would genuinely have hopped ship for another tank, but being invincible is really nice.


so ala mhigan is eorzean niggers right

Requires its synergy partner to deal its max potential damage as a "support damage dealer"

You're playing the game exactly how it's meant to be played, imo. Just drop it for major patches you think are worthwhile, then unsub. And yes, the people in most of the FCs in this game are either massive weebs or insufferable dpsdpsdps fflogs elitists. God help you if there's females.

Oh okay. The tool tips for the other two don't mention some attacks going through so I figured they wouldNT
[Spoiler]hallowed ground should be 100% foolproof desu [/spoiler]

No, cats are.
Mhigans are akbars.

Balance was a mistake

Had played proto ultima at the vegas fan fest. It was so bland and easier than odins trial.. Pretty sure they're not making it harder either.. Just waiting till xpac I guess for something :/

what about duskwights

They're anglos

>mfw PLD is so forgotten that many mechanics in the endgame still apply knockback or a status through hallowed ground
>mfw tempered will works on nearly none of the knockbacks

>aside from the way they do damage, their damage is awful

Were there at least any cool looking attacks?

>Ultros + Typhon just came out
>people haven't figured out how to cheese mechanic yet in case of retards
>DPS are retarded and don't get enough stacks
>think this'll be my time to shine with Tempered Will or Holmgang
>get knocked back anyway
Thanks Yoshipls.

FF14 still sucks. Boring ass combat and customization

Meh, I've tried to get back into it recently and just couldn't.

Yes waiting 90 seconds for your damage to be relevant again is pretty shit.


I would appreciate if you left forever, you dyke lookin' motherfucker.

I actually felt a glint of hope in Sophia how you could negate the tilts with tempered will.

Are we going to get any gear from it like odin or it is just going to be for an orchestrion roll and a dumb ass minion?


You don't need either of those
just stand directly under him and you can't get knocked off


Go and stay go

So you're just going to stay subbed to the game now because someone told you to go?


>tfw everyone plays catshits or skin cancer patients
Midlanders are the cutest. Femroes are the best though.

Midlanders are literally the most used race what the fuck are you talking about.

>panic button
please tell me you mean clemency and not hallowed ground

bullshot thread?

The fact is they do so much damage at the end of those waits that they hold their own against other dps.

>special snowflaking so hard you go full circle

Femroes have broad manly shoulders, shia lebouf face and no ass.


>shia lebouf
It's Michael Cera

I said I'm not going to ever play it again...

Maybe it's my server but I see way more cats and lizards than midlanders.
It's kinda sad that this is true
It's Michael Cera you dumb nigger. Also every race has no ass so this is a stupid thing to say about them.

Right, they're the same person so I forget.

look at all that inventory space we could have had if PS3 didn't exist


Midlanders do.

>reach lvl 50 as PLD
>love circle of scorn animation, feel really cool
>get hallowed ground
>expect some sick looking bright holy intervention animation
>it's just another Protect/rampart/Foresight Hexagon effect

I'm so sick of this ugly shit.

Nothing long enough unless I am missing something. This is kind of what I wanted, something that goes past the hands.

>1.0 inventory had 250 slots

it's pretty pathetic, honestly.

>these cuties cleared savage before you did

>mfw I met an incredibly beautiful femroe on my server that makes my dick go wild with glee
even remodeled my retainer after her

>Skip Soar or disband and black list
Wew lad
How tryhard can you possibly be?

Good, stay gone. Good riddance.

I don't really care about your dykeposting long as you stop playing.

Welcome to PLD, enjoy your stay.


>Skip 1st soar
>Wipe to 2nd soar because people can't do the mechanic

at this point I stay away from "skip soar" groups. clear groups know the fight better than skip shitters.

>people set up 1 tank 1 heal parties so they can skip both soars
>dps so crippling bad or dying that they cant skip the 2nd one then blame the healer for "being shit"

I have a couple screenshots that prove otherwise
Post her

except those parties burn tank lb2 on second soar so you're never really dealing with the mechanic

They definitely have more ass than the other races.

I've been in a 6 DPS group before that couldn't even skip the first demons claw.

Quickest disband I ever saw in my life.

I mean specifically in the context of the person I'm replying to.

Popping tank lb is useless when you got 2-3 people standing ontop on each other in the WRONG spot. Vuln up and damage will take care of you quickly and if you somehow live, demons claw will kill if you don't have a DRK/PLD and if you somehow make it past that then wave cannon/tyrfang will finish you off.

>terrible Leviathan EX group
>second time I was left alone and managed to clutch
Say what you want, Paladin is the best when things go wrong.

Just took one portrait screenshot because we were farming sophex

>that filename
Zyengekrlaele Wyanelgrd. I actually looked up the sea wolf naming conventions and thought about getting a name change. Shits too expensive though.

>This is what people think is 'beautiful'

There's hope for me yet