So how do I get free games on this thing?

So how do I get free games on this thing?

>inb4 "spoonfeed"

Other urls found in this thread:

OP can't inb4 you fucking newfag

Alright, it's pretty simple. Just update to the newest version (that's what the hacks use) then look for some guides



This. Then after you're done you can remove any of the files you've added from the guide because they take up a few gigs worth of space

Been on this site since 2014 and that's literally the first time I've been called a newfag.

Make sure your system is updated to the latest firmware (BEcause of the security flaw, you can backdoor it) Then you just activate the camera and scan the QR code, simple as that.

Update your system first though.

Damn, really? Where's the qr code?

Probably on fucking google.

Don't scan without updating though, because you'll brick your system permanently.

Obviously it won't work until you're set up, though.

how do you figuratively be called a newfag dumb frogposter.

How tf do you brick a 3DS by taking a picture?

Please excuse my ignorance.

Try stealing some from Walmart because youre obviously too dumb to do it any other way



Woah check out the veteran

Don't listen to the people in this thread, OP! They want you to brick your system.

ITT: Anons trick a poor idiot into ruining all chances of hacking his DS

>Be on 11.3
>Scan CFW QR code
>free games forever


It's abusing an exploit in the camera program. But that same exploit can cause bricks if you don't do it right.

The QR code launches a website that uses the firmware security loophole to basically unlock the 3DS and let you play with the admin settings, so to speak.

If you're not updated, trying to use the website in the QR tries to use something that's not there and fucks itself in the process, so MAKE SURE YOU UPDATE FIRST

Don't update. 11.3 isn't hacked yet.

There you go. Follow the guide step by step and you'll be up and running in no time. The process has been simplified a lot since last summer.

so has OP bricked his system yet?

What the fuck is happening in this thread?

Pirates are trully pathetic. Nothing matches the joy of having the actual copy in your hands and discovering it was worth the time and money. A feeling that never gets old.

get a load of this goy


Follow this op

>tfw picked up a spotless mind 3ds on 11.2 from eBay a couple days ago
>tfw it only cost £80 and I never have to spend a penny on a game

Feels good mane

>spotless new 3ds
Fucking autocorrect

Are those games really worth a single dime, though?

What if they're worth 2 whole dimes?