Pokemon Go got a Generation 2 update, now they're all out there for you to masturbate to

Pokemon Go got a Generation 2 update, now they're all out there for you to masturbate to.

Does anyone not in grade school still have it installed, though?

I actually installed it cause i'm going on holiday and have to do some travelling.

I got bored within a week when it came out though

Have they actually fixed the problems with the game though?

I'm not actually sure you can fix the fundamental problems with their game design.

>still no trading
>still no pvp

The core problem of the game is that it's designed to siphon money the best it can. They didn't care about making a good pokemon game, they just want something that will sell.

If you can fix that you'd see an ok mobile game

I see several people playing it still. Saw an old man playing it while I was checking out his groceries.


Besides pokemon being a collect-a-thon it also has pvp, and trading. Until they bring that along it's never going to get better.

Why were you so interested in his groceries?

I'm a cashier. It's my job to be interested in his groceries. So long as he's in the store.

> Even flappy bird lived longer than this piece of shit
really gets the nogging going

It's still a weird fetish though. Different strokes i guess.

Some of those kielbasas and hotdog buns are too alluring, man. Not to mention those curvy as fuck pears. They're thicc, to say the least.

this image made me hard. Just the wording. unf

>no way to play it having root or custom roms

nah, i will pass

"No way fag" really gets you going, doesn't it?

that part made me lol. I can laugh and be horny at the same time

I uninstalled it in December since I have fed up with the crappy controls regarding catching certain Pokemon. Have they fixed that or it's still crap?

The last few people I've seen still playing it all seem like 40+ year olds. So weird.


Pokemon now have new moving patterns when trying to catch them, so probably not.

> Moving patterns

They also tend to play the Wii as well. Most old people I talk to about video games say that the Wii was the first and last thing they got since they got their kids an NES or SNES.

It's an absolutely massive number of them, too. Nintendo really hit a jackpot with the Wii.

Why are goats such a fucking bro animal?


I only played this game to mingle with normies, to see what it felt like to be one for a week. All they did was talk about parties and Bernie Sanders, while throwing out the occasional "OHEMGEE A SKOOTLE!". After a week of this, I felt disgusted with myself and them, and returned to my safe and cozy basement lair.

Fuck normies, and fuck TPC for pandering to them.

How does this image make you feel?

>not just using this game as a safari zone simulator on the walks to and from work
it's like you guys want to be mad

Did they fix the radar or is the game still just sitting in a park with 3 baits catching ratatas for 6 hours straight.

I haven't played since the October event