Lego vidya thread?

Lego vidya thread?
I just started playing Lego Marvel Super Heroes, it's actually really good. The Lego Star Wars games are really fun, too.

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I feel as if I'm the only person on Sup Forums who bought LEGO Dimensions. I have quite a few packs and recently I bought the Lego Batman Movie story pack.

I've played a couple. Both Harry Potters, the first 2 Star Wars, the Movie, Marvel.
They're all great.

Lego games are for retarded kids.

Prove me wrong.

The old Lego games were the shit.
The newer ones, especially the ones with Voice Acting, lose some of the charm. In my personal opinion, seeing the story played out without words made things very interesting on top of the gameplay.
You are probably the only one.

No, you're right

I'm still confused about why they just didn't bother making the final film dlc for the Lego Hobbit: its just the first two and nothing more.

Sure the game is largely the same every time, but they're so cheap on cdkeys etc that i can avoid the dimensions money-pit.

I've played a ton of these, especially Lego Star Wars 2 which I played on the ps2 and psp. But I also played Lego racers. The force awakens one is ok but it just feels wrong

u r wrong

Then why aren't you playing them?

Lego Jurassic World was so much fun.

Reminder that this is a thing that exists.

Is this the GOAT lego game?

lego star wars 2 is probably still the pinnacle of the licensed games


I'm here.

There's 0 reason for every puzzle to be tied to moving pieces around the board and for the combat to have less depth than a regular Lego Batman game.

It's a terrific crossover though, and you can tell there's lots of love put into it outside of the constant wanking of doctor who.

But it's really one of the weaker games as far as gameplay goes.

Me and my gf are playing through Lego Lord of the Rings.
Pretty fun, but Lego Star Wars will always be the best Lego game.

Good taste, user.
I'm playing through Lego LotR by myself. Still fun. ;_;

dont forget about the flash games

so Sup Forums

Lego Racers or Lego Racers 2
Lego Island or Lego Island 2
Lego Chess or Lego Loco

>tfw Beltz still won't work even after patching it and using Firebird

>entirety of both the PS2 games
>plus new content

has ANYONE besides me played world builders? That shit was the best but it's been fucking atomized and I can't find it anywhere.

>a band with a child molester is on the soundtrack
Fucking kek

I've played it. Just keep lurking. They're both somewhere.

I just realized Tt games made both Crash Twinsanity and The Wrath of Cortex.

I absolutely loved that game as a kid. There will never be another game like it because of all that franchise money. The only game that's even close is Lego worlds, and that's basically a Minecraft clone. A top down Lego city builder with modern consoles/PC would be glorious.

they're the only games my gf likes so we play them from time to time.
I enjoy most of them but Lego Pirates of the Caribbean was a bad time.
Star wars and Marvel Heroes are the best ones.
Lord of the rings comes close.

>Lego Pirates of the Caribbean

the best

>Lego City Undercover is getting ported to X1, PS4, and PC
>tfw the shit tier load times get fixed

>Lego game
>Only the characters and a few select objects are actually made of Legos

i'm just going to leave this here...

>there will never be a proper lego adventure/collectathon game that's entirely lego a la the lego movie

>play lego game
>spend more time smashing random objects for coins than actually playing

Is that just me?

smashing random objects for coins IS playing, user

That game is so nostalgic to me, yet I never beat it.
The Lego Movie Game was pretty much all Lego bricks, IIRC.

>Lego thread
>Rockraiders is not the first post
>Damn newfags

LEGO LotR is easily top 3 LotR games of all time

>doing a lightsaber groundpund in the middle of a bunch of those white crates


>tfw lego worlds turned out to be a huge ripoff and has had no progress
only EA game I've bought and I got fucking duped. learned my lesson.

I'm no Sup Forums expert but the Lego Batman movie was pretty funny.
I like how they gave Bane a silly voice.

>See a fucking ton of stuff in a tight area
>Set a bomb and walk away
>Run around like a headless Lemming as it rains studs and get that gleeful feeling that really only comes from stupid silly stuff like that

it's not as hard as you remember. i pirated it and beat it within 5 hours easily


It is when you're playing it on a shitty PC that can't run it very well.
I need to try it again.

You made me find the CD in a box of old stuff and I'm now installing it. Hope it works.

I played the shit out of that. It came in a cd sleeve when my parents bought our first computer. I think it was 1998? Hard to recall.

Unlock the Mythril Disco Phial as soon as possible.

Thanks me later.