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100% not op...
git gud...
I really only hate him in 3v3 because he is god damn meta.
Stop sucking dick
Maybe if you're team played the fucking game like you're supposed to and surrounded his ass, you'd kill him.
They've already said that they're increasing his hook cool down to 8 seconds so shut the fuck up
>get him down to 10% health all alone
>he gets healed by healers, heals himself and I have to retreat unless I want to be fucked
I hate fighting him with bad teams that don't understand he's a priority target
So fun fighting Road+Soldier+Ana every fucking 3v3. I quit playing that mode completely once I realized that was all it was.
Occasionally you fight some really good snipers which is just as bad.
Are you the same fucking OP every time?
>Admits an entire team has to surround him
>Doesn't think he needs a nerf
he's so cute
Really makes 3v3 stale as shit. Because if you don't pick these classes either you are probably gonna get fucked. Teams that can heal themselves without a healer are always great in 3v3. I see a lot of S76, Road Hog and Mei.
I really only play it now so I can smash the wins quickly to get crates when they reload.
>Be Genji
>1v1 roadhog
>manage to avoid 3 hooks in row and not get hit once, and dps through his heal
>he is on less than 10%
>get hooked.
Why does blizz hate fun?
>be genji
its what you deserved
When server browsers out you'll be able to balance him yourself
Also you can choose the maps aka no hanamura
but user playing hoggo is very fun
it's only fun if you fucking suck at the game and can't play anybody else
>waddling around slow as shit
>only satisfaction is from hooking people which requires 0 effort
>ult is worth fuck all in many situations
It might be fun for you, but its not fun for everyone else.
>doesnt need to hook to kill someone
>doesnt need to be close to oneshot someone
>hook has a massive hitbox
the whole concept is shit
tank with the ability to oneshot kill something
gj blizzard
He has the same speed as every other character, bar Genji and Tracer.
>play nothing but hog
>trigger nu-males all day long
>"lemme ask you something. Do you actually enjoy playing that class? Do you really think you're good at overwatch? Anyone can be good at Roadhog"
>"So why aren't you?"
>he leaves the server
>start bullying the IRL grill playing mercy
>tell her to heal no one but me, damage boost no one but me. Don't even take a piss without asking me first
>she gives me her number and home address
>Now play a permanently pocketed hog boy
>Eat Bastion's for Breakfast
>Lucio's for lunch
>D.va's for Dinner
>Munch on mccree's
>Slurp up some Sombra's
>Pass Gas from Symmetra
>Wolf down the Weeb brothers
>come on to Sup Forums and wonder if the daily Hog shitposting thread is about one of my multiple 30+ player killstreaks
>Introduce new "nerfs" on PTR
>Actually buffs in disguise
Literally will never not be a god.
He's only not fun if you're bad at him. This is objective fact. sorry retards
>Sucking dick
>at a game that by design is impossible to suck at
It's not by much but he is in the slowest character tier
First 8 or so seconds is the only important part of the entire video.
I'm good with him because its impossible not to be good with him if you understand how to play him. But compared to other classes he is boring as shit.
bu-but i.. i '''''main''''' him...
>Not enjoying a good boss fight
Fucking pleb
>boss fight
t. bronze pleb
I've seen people DDOS blizzard servers because they couldn't get a turn playing hog. My player group we have a rotation. We all usually are yawning and shit while playing except the person playing hog.
Please kill yourself at the soonest convenience.
You and your groups opinion is dog shit. Sorry friendo.
I don't understand. Hog never gives me any problems but according to Sup Forums and reddit he's the bane of every characters existence.
Like I don't even understand what the problem is. if you get hooked its your own fault. Its like getting sniped by widow and not thinking it was your fault
>slow as shit
Yea that would be a great argument if every character in the game didn't have the EXACT same movement speed, which is the REAL balance problem.
I've played 4 3v3 matches and won them a without losing a single round. All they have to do is add healthpacks to not make him so broken.
>What is tracer
>What is genji
>What is lucio
heh *hooks behind you* Nothin personell kid
sorry I can't kill myself. I'm trying to sink another 300 hours on hog before the end of season 3
genii and tracer are faster than everyone else you shitter
I am not complaining about losing to him, just that he is always picked / needed. I like a little variety.
for move speed comparisons
I feel like the characters in overwatch are mostly just UP instead the few good ones being OP.
Like Zarya is used in like 70+% of professional matches but I feel like she isn't the problem its the other tanks just not being nearly as good as her.
I've had really good luck fucking over 3v3hog with Sombra.
Yeah, by like 10% and Lucio is around 10% faster than Genji and tracer
>Pass Gas from Symmetra
I didn't get it at first but then it hit me
>>ult is worth fuck all
This is how I know you're a gold/plat. You can use it to break a rein shield so you can get an earthshatter or another ability like tac visor. You can walk behind your rein and shoot it into your team's graviton surge. You can use it for 1v1s because of how fast you can get it.
Tanks are the problem.
>Sup Forums still thinks Roadhog is OP
If you people were even half as good as you think you are, you'd be complaining about Ana instead, and rightfully so.
Even Zarya can pump out more bullshit than Hog
Nah nerf Genji and Zarya. Those are the two that counter my heros.
I would prefer no nerfs, just buffs to every other hero.
so many shitters ITT
>genji and zarya
>being a counter to the same hero
>counter my heros
I like to play Bastion, Torb, and Junkrat.
>Bastion, Torb, and Junkrat
Oh wow, you're worse than I thought.
Does anyone have a break down on how SR works? Some games I gain like 9 SR and others I get 80+ from one game. Same with losing SR sometimes I lose next to nothing and others I lose a shit ton. One game dropped me from 2853 to 2785. The average seems to be in the 20's but I want to know how this shit works. Some games I know I was the best on my team but I lose a ton of SR when we lose and others I know I botched it hard and we lost a point specifically from my misplay but I'll lose a handful of SR.
>implying the problem isn't that he does 400 damage in one-shot. The reduced pull range was nice but tightening his spread was counter active because it literally changes nothing and in fact makes him more dangerous without the hook.
He got buffed again
>Saying Zarya of all things is worse than hog
>I've seen people DDOS blizzard servers
I can't play 3v3 anymore because of him. He killed Arcade mode and makes getting the three loot boxes a week an absolute nightmare.
Why don't they do a basic rebalancing for Elimination that just effects it? Get rid of self heals.
They reduced the spread of his shotgun, making it tighter and easier to hit with which is a massive buff. Having his hook increased in cooldown by two seconds is hardly a nerf, and the placement after the hook is made irrelevant by his tighter spread.
>revealing your power level
You're down there for a reason goldie
More like up, Zarya is nowhere near the problem Hog is. Only low rank shitters can't handle her.
>great damage in a very short time
>great survivability
What were they thinking?
>be soldier
>notice roadhog walking about
>strip away over half his health
>tries to hook me, but not in range
>if he doesn't go back into hiding, I kill him with my reload
>move on with my day
>not just staying in the back and discord orbing the hog
Hes been nerfed fucking 17 times already holy shit
>Zarya is nowhere near the problem Hog is.
>Only low rank shitters can't handle her.
It's funny because that's completely backwards.
Stay bad mate
>tfw Hog main
>tfw Scrap gun 2.0 soon
They keep "nerfing" him but it just makes me want to play him more
Couldn't get good, my lad? Really werfs the ol' gubbagoo.
It's great when you switch it up and pick some stupid as shit comp that wins. Had a win with a symm, mei and a junkratt today. A comp that should have never of won.
>misses hook
kek, i know u stand still sometimes faggot
>fat Geralt
>standing still as 76
There's no spread penalty for moving about, only continuous fire
This wasn't even a nerf aside from the 2 more seconds(should've been 4) on his hook, they just buffed him again. Blizzard really wants Roadhog to be OP
He's been """"nerfed"""" like 3 times now. Just give up and admit you're shit.
Hook now drops people further away too.
>over 70% usage in professional tournaments
>recent drop to sub 30%
Quit nerfing my husbando.
He has a pretty low win % as it is. Actually, among the tanks he has the lowest.
He still one shot's everyone he used to, now he just has to walk slightly forwards while the target is getting pulled forwards.
Okay I'll bite, tell me why you're having such a hard time with her.
really a 10 second cd on his only decent ability?
He's got no passive already, and his hitbox is absolutely massive.
>Jump off cliff and hook.
>No longer pulls my enemies to hell with me.
>They just stop at the ledge.
Blizzard already ruined him.
>commenting on ptr changes as though you've played them
I can see you haven't. That's why they lowered the spread. So he wouldn't have to walk forward.
literally don't get hooked scrub
You can still drop them off by hooking them near an edge and turning around to face the ledge
happy hunting
When will Blizzard start paying attention to the Defense class? Everyone but Mei is useless.
He has a metric fuckton of HP, and as soon as that hook cooldown is available again, he's an immediate threat to anyone below 300 hp.
They should at the very least increase the amount of time it takes to ready his gun after hooking someone to encourage pushing with teammates who can fuck up a hooked target.
Junkrat is still B+ tier. Hanzo is A tier. Torbjorn, Widowmaker, and Bastion are around C tier, not nearly as bad as they're made out to be. Certainly better than Winston/Mercy/Genji/D.Va right now.
>no other character has 20 meter kill zone in every direction around them
>no other character shreds reinhardt shields as hard as him
>is a tank character but does the most damage in the game, can one shot every other character in the game and 2 shot every tank
>other hitscan characters actually has to aim to do a lot of damage, roadhog can just one shot every non-tank character in the game every 6 seconds without any skill required, he even does like 70% hp of most of the tanks
>only character that has ridiculous self healing
>only character in the game with no counters besides himself
Literally just remove him, he adds nothing positive to the game. Nobody can tell me with a straight face that they actually enjoy playing against the "oneshot every 6 (8 now ecks dee) seconds character.
I never said I have such a hard time with her particularly. The point I was trying to convey is that Hog is easier to deal with than her. And he is.
You're probably thinking strictly on a 1v1 basis, which is retarded, but you'd be right that a Hog dominates in that area.
However in every other scenario, a good Zarya blows a good Hog out of the fucking water.
so bite these nuts nigger
It should be 20. Allowing you to hook and kill one enemy player over and over again and that's it.
Want to know how to fix hog? Make his hook have a minimum distance before it will hook anyone. 90% of hogs cant aim for shit with their gun. They cling to the crutch that is the hook to save them when someone gets close to kill them. So many times I've seen the hog get to critical health from reapers and Syms and they just freak out unable to handle someone that close. Then bam point blank hook stun saves them.
If they did this he would actually be balanced as most hogs would be wiped no problem and only the truly good players would play him.
>team game
>HURRRR why can't I 1v1 him?!?!?
>should have never of
How do you use the correct word then immediately use the wrong one straight after?
Hog is the 1v1 player, if you see him you run from him.
You act like you can't pick him too to win. Stop being bad. Me and my Friends rolled on kids and won 7 of 8 matches and I only used him once
If you need an entire team to kill 1 guy, that's OP.
It's a team game, yes, but it's team vs team, not team vs 1 guy and then the 5 other enemies rape you