Final Fantasy Special

Hey, are any of these actually any good ?

I played VII and couldn't get in to it, I just found the conversations and the general atmosphere really dull. Started up XIII and stopped before I'd even beat the first enemy...The thing is that I actually like turn based combat, but I want a decent story and interesting characters that you want to get to know.

So yeah, what would you recommend ? Doesn't have to be FF

IX is the best game in the series.

VI is amazing, but the PC port is a fucking disgrace since they ported the Android version with those horrible graphics. Just emulate it or something.

4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are very good. Rest is garbage.


Any of those except VIII, the XIII games or the MMOs.

Also Grandia > Chrono Trigger > Breath of Fire > the entire FF franchise. I haven't played Suikoden yet but have heard many great things about it.

>except VIII

What's wrong with VIII? I liked it.

I wasn't a fan of the level progression or the characters except Laguna and his bros.

How hard is it to track down physical copies of 13? and how well is ps2 emulation? I'm considering just buying 8-12 but I don't know if they emulate well

It seems like it has qt neko grils, I like it

Isn't VI the one where they introduced a more "techno" world ? Because I've heard it's pretty good

For VIII I only have the Spoony review as a reference and yeah, looks not great. I played XIV for a week and didn't take long to get boring. I'll check out Chrono Trigger, because I've heard good things said about it

XI and XIV are fucking fantastic if the monthly fees are in your budget. Most people don't give them a chance because of that though.

The other games are all very different and basically all have their merits (except XIII, which is basically dog shit with a good combat system, and VIII, which is dog shit with no good anything).

I would be better off playing the PS1 Final Fantasies via an emulator, right? They look pretty goddamn ugly in high res.

I would honestly recommend any of them. They are all good in their own way.

If you want to start off, you're best bet in XIII or VII.
Or you could play XV, that is the best to start off on.
I would personally recommend XIII or VI as your first though.

PS2 emulation is still pretty bad if you ask me, sure the games are playable from start to finish but there are too many artifacts/graphical glitches to be an enjoyable experience, just get the PC ports if you can.

Oh yeah, forgot about XV, still need to pick it up on PS4, wait for payday


He already tried both VII and XIII.

Is every Final Fantasy turn based?

I don't know about III or XIII but IX is great, fuck off.

Don't buy 6 (originally 3) on steam, you are better of emulating it. The steam version is ugly as because they ruined it.

kys millennial

XII and XV are not turn based.

>not good

>6 (originally 3)

6, 7, and 9 are the best games in the series.

I always wanted to play V but I heard the Steam version is busted, is that true?

The sole purpose of that game was to lay the groundwork for the infinitely superior V.

>it's a "pretend that World of Darkness was a good dungeon" episode

3 and 9 are good, fuck off

Butz is a dweeb, the overworld sucks, the job system is broken, there are only 2 good characters, etc.

5 is better than 7.

>people seriously recommending 13

Spotted the nu-male.

>it's an "ignore that it has the best job system in the series" episode

The combat is fun.

OP here. Is X and X-II good ? Seems like plenty of content seeing as it's 2 games, but yeah, that blond thing

By fun you mean repetitive?

Isn't avatarfagging against the rules?

>best job system
>not V

What's better, steam version of the games or original hardware?

>he's mad that I only like the good ones

You're going to get lots of different answers about any game in the series

Yes because the turn based combat of the previous games are not repetitive.

Getting VII, just to see what the big deal is.

Who are you linking?

Get X-X2 remaster

If you didn't like VII then try IX, it's the only good in the series besides XV and VII

They're both alright in terms of gameplay. The only real problems with X in that regard are the sphere grid and the linearity.
Story and character-wise, they're both mediocre at best.
It's worth it.

What are people's opinions on type-0?

>there is no proper non-linear FF game with the job system
3 is probably the pinnacle of the series in terms of the job system, but it's a pretty linear game. 5 makes choosing jobs feel like more of a punishment because it's all about grinding until you learn all the job classes' abilities, and it's also pretty linear. 5 sucks, 3 is better

Try Trails in the Sky. Comfy atmosphere with good world building.

Hot garbage.


get fucked 1 is good

One is average.
But for the time it was great.


>try this weebshit game because buzzwords

Can't say about the online games, but I played all of the others and liked them. If you didn't like XIII, you could try Lightning Returns, which is more action based. Look a bit into it before deciding.
The other ones are ATB, except III which follows the I and II formula. Story in III is a bit old fashioned, therefore lackluster for today's tastes. All the other games have OK to Great story. You definitely won't get into X-2 without having played X.

He's just trolling hard. X, X-2, XII and XV are all better than 8 and 9

Only trying it out just because Remake looks hype.

As a heads up, the PC version uses weird names for the buttons instead of showing a symbol, so you should look up that mapping. Caves of Narsche has a buttons page for this purpose. Also, definitely play with a gamepad.

Kain is a goddamned cuck

This should be updated to have XV up next to VII as a starting point.

X, start with X

What is your favorite job class?

Mine is monk because it's basically a shitty character at first, but it's a long-term investment because eventually you'll just hit 9,999 repeatedly. I always make sure to put a monk in my party. Plus that's one more character you don't need weapons for so it saves you money. And it's just badass to beat the shit out of enemies with your bare fists.

I don't like X because the main characters are lame (except Lulu). Will I like XIII?

and world of final fantasy as cute and light hearted

And it was a fun game too.

I have a fondness for the blue mage and trick mage, though they're often better in concept than in execution.
Any notable ones beyond Cait Sith, Quina, and Kimahri?

>I let my dick do the thinking
Just play X-2 then kiddo

>Doesn't like Wakka.

Straight up plebeian taste.

Just don't get Final Fantasy III, it is fairly dull. It isn't terrible, it has solid mechanics, but it is just boring.

It's not about my dick, otherwise I'd love Tidus. I just think they're all too exuberant and annoying.

7, 9, X.

6 is fantastic but the steam version is a port of the mobile version which is loathed for replacing the detailed sprites with flash tier graphics.


Monk is a good decision, but I really appreciate the plain and boring Black Mage with its Ra's and Ga's.

Throw 13, 14, and 7 in the trash, play the rest.

10 sucks because it's basically just "attack the correct enemy with the correct character and you'll pretty much kill everything in one hit". There aren't even any hard bosses until over half way through the game. And the cloister of trials suck, especially the last few with the stupid conveyor belts and the tetris floor "puzzle". Bad gaem

You really ought to stop using words you don't know the meaning of.

Monk isn't even shitty at first in most FFs, you're doing almost as much damage as a Fighter out of the gate and will catch up by the end of the game without expensive equipment in 1, slightly worse than Warrior in 3 before massively outdamaging any class until Water Crystal, shitting damage from the get go in Tactics, and so on. 5 probably has the most underwhelming monk but that's more because a lot of the other classes are so good

If you haven't played any of them, I have played them all excepting the mmos, and I recommend starting with 7, then playing 9, and then 6. There are no truly terrible mainline entries, but pre 6 are really only good if you can deal with old school games, post 9 is a mixed bag.

But you owe it to yourself to play 7 and 9 at least.

exuberant - adjective
1. effusively and almost uninhibitedly enthusiastic; lavishly abundant:

Not him but he is correct, they are way too peppy and frilly

>filled with or characterized by a lively energy and excitement.
That's Tidus, Rikku, and Wakka. Eat my ass.

you're supposed to be 18 to use this site

Most of these are pretty good, but they are also one of the worst versions of these games.
III is a lazy port from android. Other than the ugly ass UI, it is just like the PSP version (that is extremely easy to emulate).
IV and TAY are also lazy ports from android, but the 3D version of TAY is only available on Android (and PC). 2D FFIV and TAY can be found on PSP.
V and VI are better on GBA with sound patches.
VII and VIII used to have terrible .midi music, but I heard that SE fixed it (though there is a mod to fix it anyway).
IX have a very weird graphical update (protagonists and a few NPCs got "shiny" 3D models, but backgrounds and most NPCs still have the old models, so the new models looks out of place and sometimes "floating" on top of the background), so it's better on PS1 emulator (or PS Classics).
You can mod the shit out of X/X-2 Remaster to get better character models.
XIII trilogy is fine on PC, compared to all other ports.
XI nowadays is a giant single player online game. Same for XIV, except that instead of dumb AI you get dumb players. Both are pretty nice if you are into MMOs.

Nice cherrypicking. Now explain how Kimahri and Auron are exuberant.

>I have played them all excepting the mmos
I played them all up to X. Is it worth doing X-2, XII, XIII, and XV? I have no interest in the MMOs either.

But not Lulu, Kimahri, or Auron.

Yuna is debatable. So you've got half the party or more that doesn't match your description

Weren't you talking about X-2? Now you're moving the goalposts to X?

>backpedaling this hard

>Said the guy who was not capable of understanding nor googling before shitposting


>Tidus and Wakka
>Party members in X2
>Can't even follow the conversation.


They're not. Auron's pretty cool.
Fair enough. It's just that there's a lot more focus on the half that I don't like. They even replaced Lulu in X2 because she wasn't upbeat enough.

>FFT is STILL not on steam

it's like they want me to pirate it

Hey is this the final fantasy thread? I want to emulate FF6 and Mednafen is being a real hastle, will Epsxe give me any trouble?

>IX is good

Is VI really that bad though?

I honestly think the mobile/PC version of V looks fine in terms of the sprites its just the UI that is bad

the enemy's sprites are the only good thing

V is a shitty game so this debate doesn't even matter

Whoops I meant to say FF7

nah I think the character sprites are good because they actually look somewhat close to the original non-Amano artworks

backgrounds are also fine not like the original game had very good backgrounds to begin with so I'd say its an improvement

Is there even 1 case where the steam version is better than emulated?

I mean just look at VI.