What are some RPGs with really good magic systems?

What are some RPGs with really good magic systems?


Treasure of the Rudras, for the SNES.
Instead of picking spells from a select list you make your own spells by comboing prefix + core + sufix.

might and magic 6
baldur's gape 2

Should I just play BG 1 first?

i like the way the magic works in the Zork series and other Infocom games

Magician and Dungeon Magic for NES have a similar system

yeah but magic is weaker in it until you get fireball and haste then you can faceroll most encounters in the main quest while BG2 is higher level D&D and has a lot of mage fights

By its nature, magic is best depicted as something intangible, enigmatic. This is difficult to translate to video games. Star Wars games ruins the force by dimishing it to a WoW-tier hotkey. Press F5 to cast Force Lighting™.

Never played those games, but what I find interesting about Treasure of the Rudras is that everyone follows that rule.
So if you are fighting an enemy and he uses a spell you can just copy it.

Another game with a cool magic system is the Ultima series (after Ultima IV that is), where you need to gather reagens and mix them to prepare your spells.

In Baldur's Gate 2 it's really cool playing a mage due to the great variety of spells and the creative ways the player can make use of them. In Gothic 2 it's cool playing a mage too, but not necessarily because of the system but more because of how the game reacts to the player becoming a mage (who are priests and have a high social status), the player being treated with more respect, etc.
Divinity: Original Sin has a really nice magic system, giving the player all kinds of opportunities to nicely combine spell effects. Sadly, the game can be really boring if you're playing alone rather than coop.
Ultima 8 has a nice magic system in theory, with the different schools requiring different rituals, e.g. sorcery involving placing candles and reagents on a pentagram at the right locations in order to imbue a spell focus with a certain number of charges of the spell, but the game itself isn't really that great and magic itself is more gimmicky than useful (except for the instances where it has to be used).

real life

I came to say this. It's top tier as far as jrpg magic systems go.

What about pic related? Not necessarily for the magic system but the game itself. I've heard it's really great but broken as fuck at times.

Dragon's dogma


i bought this for dirt cheap during xmas sale. added it to the 300+ library on steam. I did install and get started. there is lots of options for your character. I need to play it

Grandia Extreme had a nifty system where you fused mana eggs (preset spell lists you could junction to the characters) to make stronger lists and randomly gave the spells modifiers. E.g. more damage, bigger aoe, more hits etc.

Was a really neat system but obscenely broken if you abused reloading.

You just take drain life or whatever the hell that early necromancy spell is and then kill the entire world with it.

Not this one.

Final Fantasy 8 has a comfy magic system
