There's a video game in the video game you are playing

>there's a video game in the video game you are playing
>you can play the video game

>you need to beat the video game in the video game to beat the video game
>both of them

>tfw still never got the Rare coin

>Video game in video game you're playing is a previous installment of the video game you're playing

what game does this?

>tfw real life is a video game
>you're an obscure NPC with no effect on the story

You just inspired me to change that
*Buys a gun*

>Play video game
>There's three things to do

Sonic Generations is one.

>Animal Crossing

Modern Nintenjews would never allow it again.

Day of the Tentacle

>Wow look a star map
>Digital Mining
>Let's do a digital landing, hey this is fun!

>npc in game is playing the game

>What is the largest planet in the universe?
>Hmmm...that's a tricky one!
>If only there was some sort of multiplayer where we could find out together!

>tfw no digital styles


>Play a video game
>Makes my gums turn grey


Prince of Persia: Sands of Time had the original Prince of Persia hidden in one of the later areas.

>Day of the Tentacle
>can play the original Maniac Mansion easily

>gcn animal crossing had the nes that let you play old nes games
>doesn't have that in the new ones anymore

>Video game that states that all other past instalments from the series are actually video games

Pokemon, those kids in sun and moon (and other ones I think?) that are playing on their 3DSes

MGS4 sorta

>if you complete a level in the video game within the video game, a secret is unlocked
What game does this besides Trump Doom?

I HATE when that happens



>there's aretro video game in the retro video game you are playing
>it's more of a retro video game then the retro video game your playing

Wolfenstein: The New Order

Digital dancing, hey this is FUN!

>you're a player character but your player logged off a long time ago so you're doomed to a life of automatic stagnancy

Animal Crossing

What's that, some DLC? You don't want to buy DLC like that! Or you'll just end up sad inside...

is it bad i have often thought that? there seemed to be this strange point in my life i cant quite pinpoint where everything since has been a haze of "just go through the motions" and since then, special things just stopped happening to me

it was a retarded oversight that they ever let those free, unpaid games in.

>yfw you realize this is because you have to buy most of those games on the Nintendo store

>being in the middle of a crossroad
>you want to pick the road that drives to a dead end that does not move the plot along and with some collectables/lore/whatever
>Instead you unintentionally to take the road that drives to the next cutscene/stage