Please don't break my tent

Please don't break my tent

it happened before

Other urls found in this thread:

>moves to a town
>doesn't want to pay for anything
>still sets up his tent next to someone's home

Maybe if he lived in the forest and not right next to a supermarket

This guy is such a phony. Claims to love nature and living off the land yet steals from the trash, takes food from the festivals and uses the public bath spa. He doesn't even live in the wilderness, he's camping in Robin's backyard.

He's just a really shit survivalist.

Looks like his head is popping out from a pinecone

wait really i thought he was homeless
I felt so bad for him too

He's definitely homeless. Don't listen to "Survivalist" or "Life style choice" nonsense.

When you pass out and he tells you he saw some one steal off of you.

Fuck Linus. Stop stealing from me cunt.

What the actual fuck what his problem

Like for real

he is my in-game husbando

look at his skin color

he's black


Is he the one bullying Linus?

Don't they have the internet in their world? Why didn't he just look it up

>be a carpenter
>own my own woodshop
>have a thing for redheads
>sucker for blue eyes
>(they do look blue right?)
>meet robin
>think I found my waifu quick
>nope married
>to a black man
>also sucks cause I am pretty racist

Why can't I have nice things?

Serves you right

Her eyes are clearly green.
She's a fucking paddy.

Yeah you're right.

Haley has the best blue eyes but she sucks. Don't trust a woman who changes her entire personality for the D.

Whatchu mean, what's a paddymy gf has green eyes

At least Linus has come to terms with being a bum. Unlike pic related

Why does he wear golden scale mail?

She's Irish.

To slay the dragon

But she's Swedish

This bait? He made a tunic out of leaves.

What was his problem?

An Irish person. Alcoholic slag. Not fucking white.

Good, then I won't have to racemix.:^)))))))))))))))))))))))atleast not with a white girl

Yeah but what type, north or south

>Last thing I need to complete the community center is a single pomegranate.
>Tree takes 1,000 eons to grow and bears fruit only in Fall.

What game is this?

Plant it in the green house. It'll grow every tree at once.

>didnt read the wiki and plan ahead
its your own fault you know

>Hey man I saved you from sleep exhaustion but uh someone took your wallet

Sure they did Linus. When's your next fix?

Stardew Valley, don't confuse it with Stardew Valley though, that game's shit, Stardew Valley is the good one.

Gotcha, thanks user. I've been wanting to play it, just didn't recognize all these images.

Haley is literally the best waifu

Penny is good too

Abigail is shit

>give wine to penny
>she hates it

Well fuck I'm dumb

You can.


>used goods

>needing to go on a wiki to get information that should just be there in the game
except you can see all that info from pretty much the start of the game, so ya it's his fault

Man, you were literally pining over a chick who's already married twice and had two kids, you do not get to play this game.

I always go for these types

>mfw the black man was cucked by a literal wizard

To protect him from the raccoons that he fights for trash.


I thought that was Pierre?

>beat journey of the prairie king without dying
Any tips?

Don't die.

>Don't trust a woman who changes her entire personality for the D.

so basically don't trust any woman?

Can I get a mod to turn Haley into Galko?

Pretty easily.

what's the mayor's tax policy?

its because her mom is an alcoholic

Jesus fucking christ look at the sadness in those eyes. Those are the eyes of a soul desperately trying to escape the body.

The more you drink, the more you shat.

>Robin is the first girl they introduce you to
>Think she'd be the poster waifu I'd get to marry
>End up getting cucked by the nerd who goes on autistic tangents about the status of tomatoes
>Have to settle for Leah, the discount Robin whos an insufferable artfag

Im still mad. The moms in this game look so much better than the actual marriage candidates

Considering you never pay there probably aren't any taxes at all

I mean, it's a town where the bus breaking down and the train station being blocked off by a landslide aren't considered huge issues


Literally worst girl

>Constantly trying to guilt trip you into marrying her
>Trailer trash whore at heart, got fucked by Sam in a tree a day before seeing you

>The moms in this game look so much better than the actual marriage candidates

At this point it's pretty much a genre trope.

Reminder that updates have been planned for a year now to be able to romance people already in a relationship, with realistic consequences.

>Stardew Valley adds literal cu.ckolding

So this is the power... of Indie devs...

>Cuck Kent
>He commits suicide

Jas is best girl

someone has to pay for the bath house that serves as Linus' private shower.
I also assume the wizard gets paid protection money for the dark arcane forces

>Clint now commits suicide if you take Emily
>Can no longer process geodes or upgrade tools

To many redheads in this. Shit tier fetish.

Thank fuck only two of them are marriage candidates. Bet Abigail was a redhead two before she dyed it.

I wouldn't fuck with Kent. He has mailed bombs to me before.

He's seen taxing local businesses. You aren't but you can roleplay that he's taking a cut in your profits when you ship your goods.


I thought ConcernedApe was mostly done updating the game

I played this a bit on PC, but I couldn't get into it mainly because I was never comfy playing on my PC due to having to play it on my TV in my bed, sitting up so the keyboard could reach
Should I give this another try? I know it was neat and different but I didn't get far enough to even build a chicken coop

I doubt he has one.

Not him but and to answer your second point he's doing a 1.2 update (looks like localization shit_ and co-op is in the pipeline for 2017

Robin built her house in his yard

The town built a spa in his bath tub

Jojo built a mine in his cellar

>Wake up at five in the morning.
>Gotta go see the farmer to take his goods.
>Wander up there, bleary eyed and sleepy, not even light out.
>Let's see what's in his box.
>Two mushrooms, a Joja soda can and a rock.

I played the game with a controller on PC.

You could use a controller

Didn't think about that honestly.
I was debating getting it on my ps4 honestly but grabbing a controller sounds easier

definitely try it on pc first before you spend any more money user

the gamepad controls are kind of bad

>wake up at 3am to go check the farmers box
>soda cans, broken cd's, and a soggy newspaper
>none of it is even worth any money
>throw it all into his pond out of spite

>Abigail will never be real

Post your farms.

Do you mean the ps4 controls are bad? Or the general gamepad controls

Deepest lore.

>that everything

Wait, what the fuck?

it's efficient

Does honey really make that much money? I'd figure a field full of straw/blue/cranberries was the best you could do.

Honey can be turned into Mead.

Poppyseed honey is high quality, if I recall.

>slog through rain to the farmer's house
>can only see by the lightning strikes because he hasn't lit up the fucking path
>witch flies overhead, cackling, scaring me half to death
>will need to see the wizard about her
>finally make it to the box covered in mud
>this better be good
>hundreds of pounds of day old 5 foot long Pike, and 20 gallons of mayonnaise

Farming stops being fun as soon as you can craft Sprinklers.

it's now my headcanon that the mayor dumps everyones trash into your pond

>farming makes mad dosh
>mining gets you materials and very little money
>most materials can be bought anyway
>fishing barely makes any money and takes too long
>foraging is a joke
Balance patch when?

You're supposed to farm to get money.

>game about owning a farm
>being a farmer is the correct choice

C'mon now

I agree, the game just becomes a lame rpg

oh ok