I work at Gearbox. Bored and ready to answer questions about how battleborn failed, future projects, whatever.

To start, a fun fact. Battleborn wasn't supposed to have any PVE and would have released 6-8 months earlier. That was probably the major mistake.


no proof = instant faggot

How do people inside the studio feel about Battleborn and its prospects?

How have internal plans changed in light of the current performance?

What went wrong with Alien Isolation?

Does pitchford regret his mistake?

Why does GB spam Badass over everything?

When are you gonna do Borderlands 3? And please have the creative team of Borderlands 1

can you just go through the gripes about why you think it failed, and why you decided to make a game almost exactly like overwatch and release it at the sometime when blizzard is pretty much unbeatable

Bit of proof. New building work from about a year ago.

That is a meme within the company. We know it was bad. All I can say is that a subset of the company worked on it and it was rushed. Not really anything juicier than that.

>posting pictures of taco bell reopening is proof
Fuck right off.

Have you ever had to occupy the same room as Anthony Burch?

when are you going to coup de grĂ¢ce Randy and replace him with somebody competent?

From release party. Probably won't post my badge... But I may have some other proof pics.

That is the current project. And yes the absolute GODS from BL1 are running the project. Some of them had no part in Battleborn, just BL3 work. If you are a BL fan and dissapointed in our other work, have no fear. It is hype.

Chances it will be even more shallow and dumbed down from BL2?

Let's be fair, there isn't much more room for the skill trees to grow in the current design philosophy.

Our release schedule was set before OW. We were blindsided. It sucks that people thing WE copied Blizzard. BB was in development long before OW geared up. The fact that they are hero shooters and released around the same time sucked for us. Can't beat blizzard. Lots of GBX dudes play OW, so no real hard feelings there.

Why didn't you save gaming in general and Borderlands in particular by choking Burch to death?

Also why did you fucks ruin Borderlands 2 post-game by making scaling in the DLC so fucking shit that build variety is 0 and all enemies are bulletsponges?

Can you give any details on new features or characters? Are weapons going to be rolled back to something closer to BL1.

>no results were found on google RIS
I'm scared.

Boy you lack faith. Skill trees are not tooo unlike BL2, but the gear augmenting from BB comes into play. Creating your own grenades and whatnot.

All BL1 manufacturers are back.

Brothers in Arms game when?

I'm a tremendous lore fag and am super fucking curious about Krieg's backstory/possible return to sanity, will that be addressed at all in BL3?

Follow up on that, will the BL2 hunters get as much characterization and relevence to the plot as the BL1 cast did? I want to see more Gaige. Actually, I kind of want Axton and Gaige as an awesome tag team mechanic duo that completely fucking writes Scooter out of the series by making him redundant.

Can you ask them to fix the following design flaws? I would really appreciate it.

1. Enemies only drop loot of exactly their level. This kills progression and co-op.

2. Co-op requires characters to be in lockstep with each other on quest progression.

3. Only able to track one quest at a time.

4. Engagement distance for most level is incredibly long range, so accuracy becomes the essential stat. Anything with even a bit of spread becomes mostly useless since bullet spread uniformly fills the firing cone instead of being weighted towards the center.

5. If your vehicle gets destroyed, your only choice is to walk to a garage. Either remove vehicles entirely, put them in their own gameplay section, or give us a way to summon vehicles.


The lore. The glorious lore. I think people will be happily surprised with some of the (obviously) retcon lore. For example: Why are all the psycos identical? WTF are vaults though, really? Also yes old BL characters are in the plot.

This is literally just a marketing play are you all fucking retarded

After TPS, A:CM and BB? Yes. Faith is coming up a bit short.

And what said about the retarded scaling.

It's actually awesome that you bing all 5 of those things up. I can tell you that 1-3 have been dealt with in really elegant ways. We were already known for co-op but BL3 really does allow anyone to play with anyone, and still feel fun while getting decent loot.

no shit idiot, all information for an anticipated game is marketing. you act like this is new shit on this board. god damn you're so fucking dense but think you're a step ahead but you're so far behind.

yeah there's barely any mid ranged enemies, even the axe trowing dudes have the range of a rifle, and the fire rate rate of a revolver, god I hate those axes.
better fix that shit GB

> Why are all the psychos identical
Ah fuck, I don't want them to be clones. That's way less interesting than them being abandoned prisoners and miners.

Not this user, but on top of that, might I suggest making Legendary weapons and rarer scale with your level similar to the Contraband Sky Rocket?

There's no worse feeling then finding a fucking perfect Sham on your Normal run and knowing it's fucking useless to you in a level or two, and I shouldn't have to re-grind for the right weapons every other level in other difficulties.

I think this change would make Legendary loot even better and also make the later difficulties not so fucking annoying.

Please notice I said annoying and not challenging. UVHM and OP levels are not a fucking challenge, they're just annoying and make every single gun/skill tree useless beyond a few very specific set-ups and make it all really boring and tedious as hell.

Don't work in marketing. Would a marketing team member admit that we advertised BB like shit? Didn't explain the gameplay? Anyway, only a "marketing ploy" in the sense that I enjoy working here and just felt like spilling some minor beans.

>Guy comes here claiming to be employee
>Reveals what they're working for
>People get hyped because LOL OUR GUY!!!! garbage
>They don't realize they're being gigantic idiots

Not all clones. There's a few twists :)

Will weapon/enemy scaling be closer to what it was like in BL1?

I couldn't stand BL2's "You have to find a new weapon every other level" deal.

Can you tell me if number 4 was fixed? That's actually my biggest worry right now. The game is best when in interior environments because enemies can shoot back at you, so you have to use cover and positioning, and most of your shots will hit.

Either weight the stability cone to make shots more likely to be in the center, or more preferably give the bullets a trumpet-shaped path, where they start to veer as they move too far away.

How about more abilities per character? Maybe a grenade power if you hold the button?


Any carryover bonuses for folks with saves for the other games?

can you make guns drops duplicate in co-op, I hate playing with greedy strangers who take weapons for themselves

gib borderlands 2 steam key fag

Can i get a free code for BB?

All I can really say about number 4 is that the enemy variety is much improved. Haven't played enough to really say.

Some guns have enemy-tracking bullets.

You can augment you action skill. Not just corrosive or fire, but really changing what the skill does entirely.

I was a BL fan before working here. As a player, I'm honestly impressed by the work happening.

don't ever use a hard to come by currency for backpacks slots and ammo slots again please

do you like working for gearbox? is it a cool working environment? are there any perks for working for gearbox, and if so which are your favorite?

>Removing a skinner box mechanic from a game based on skinner box mechanics


Best I can do is golden crate key:


I think that's single use...... So first come first serve!

What's the point you can literally cheat them anyway

Shit you are actually a real human bean
What kinda new character stuff are you allowed to spill about?
There was some talk about a bandity character that combines guns to make his own, or something.

borderlands 3 when?

Yes, I was a fan and worried that working here would ruin it for me. It's awesome. Perks? Hmm we get a shitload of free games on stream. And 1000 bucks a year to upgrade our home PC.

It's more a level design and gun design question than an enemy design question.

Are you guys looking for new employees? I just got laid off. I'm a tools programmer with Unreal 4, Unity, and MMORPG experience.

Has Randy sent out an order for employees to say badass as much as possible?

In all seriousness, are any changes being made to NG++ and on, because enemies become so fucking bullet spongey at that point it's just not fun.

speaking of golden crates i hope you guys are fucking off with that gay shit

the only decent loot in the game shouldnt be from a fucking lock box with trickled down currency to open it

In development now by a small team. I assume that will gear up as BL3 gets to polish state.

What badass qualifications did you have to get hired by Gearbox?

Will weapons be linked to characters (Sniper Rifles - Zero, Assault Riffles - Axton, SMG- Gaige, etc.) or will each character have skill paths to take advantage of each weapon type?

Any idea when we will see the first public showing of some BL3 footage?

Wasn't gonna say... buuuut drumroll please
Shipping Fall 2018.

What will they be announcing at PAX east?

Is sucking cock a future project of yours?

I actually don't know. I assume we plan to do something in the summer.

Will there be more references to the night of broken glass really enjoyed those in the past games

what lessons do gearbox learned after battleborn?
is someone losing his/her job because of it?

No Zero-type player in this game. You can use whatever.

Does Gearbox have any future work with the Duke Nukem series or are they leaving it at ports?

I'm going to pirate your new shitty game

Will Borderlands 3 have the same DLC shitfest as 2? I understand cosmetic stuff but having bosses/level caps as DLC that isn't even included in the season pass/GOTY edition is really bullshit

Name one new enemy or character that will be in the game.

No job losses. Hiring, actually. We would've liked a better reception, but a lot of people learned new skills and we have a lot of take-aways that will find their way into BL3 that wouldn't have happened otherwise.

Who is writing the dialogue?

Any new classes for 3 or we getting back all the old Hunters with new skill trees?

user..scooter died in tales.

Tink. Small human enemies that have trouble with recoil. They're hilarious.

Nice rp answer me this will there be more claptraps

Anthony Burch will return as lead writer

Will there be a borderlands 4

Is that what we're calling Midgets now? That exact enemy existed in BL1.

Post proofs

Thanks for sticking around to answer questions.

Will there be a mechanic to replace the super jumps and slams from the Pre-Sequel, or will it be more like BL1 when it comes to movement?

so Boomstick Midgets?


Are there pets like blood wing egg why did real blood wing die

I wish. But nah.

Come on dude, you were doing fine until now.

confirmed for never buying from gearbox again

I believe this guy, he talks the way I imagine someone who works for Gearbox would. Someone post that screencap, about Gearbox writing, you know the one.

That's being debated. So I don't know!

I think this post is a different user impersonating OP.

OP, might want to get a trip for the thread.

Is Tales from the Borderlands going to get referenced a lot?
Are any of the characters going to pop up in it?

How does it feel knowing that Telltales wrote a better story than the last two Borderlands games did?


That wasn't me. No Anthony Burch.

It is referenced and is canon. A lot? Not really.

Prove it

The only way I'm buying games from Gearbox is if they're on Linux. Made the switch a while back to trim down my backlog and not have to worry about all the bullshit with Windows these days.

So it was great seeing Borderlands 2 come out, and the Pre-Sequel getting a same day release, but disappointing that Battleborn didn't.
Any more Linux plans now that drivers are in better shape and Vulkan is now on the table?

why does randy say badass so much?

Linux suck