>ITT: games Sup Forums used to love before they became popular
ITT: games Sup Forums used to love before they became popular
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I still love both of these
Changing your opinion on a game purely because it has a retarded fanbase and/or became popular just shows you're a sensitive little fuckfag
Most people here seem to agree that it went to shit with the adventure update (beta 1.8). That was long after it became popular.
I cant be the only one that still plays this right
i stopped liking minecraft when they added in hunger
You mean before Notch became a sellout and delegated most of the hard work to lazy fucks who don't know how to code with a damn?
dont worry user, a bunch of 12 year old kids still play it too
What happened to Minecraft? I feel it's an allegory for my time here on Sup Forums, or my life in general. It was so wonderful and fun to play with friends in middle school, and gradually lost its luster as the years went by. We tried to bring it back with things like Feed the Beast and Technic, but none of it ever worked.
Now we're here. It's been 6 years. Minecraft has changed, but so have we. We'll never get that young sense of wonder back.
If I set up a Minecraft/Discord server would anyone be interested in playing with me
I liked it before I realized that they're never going to add in anything worthwhile to the actual game anymore. The Nether is a joke, the End serves no purpose, and all the miscellaneous shit they keep adding in with each update means absolutely nothing. Woah holy shit guys, look out, they added LLAMAS into the game. This is totally a game changer.
I hosted one for a while to play with my friends. After about 2-3 weeks everyone kind of dissipated and we play other shit now.
I previously hosted one about 3 years ago as well, and everyone gets bored after a while.
I wish I could have been part of the whole Sup Forumscraft thing where there were factions and wars.
I'd like to know how many people truly actually ENJOY Minecraft vs how many people are just addicted to it.
The worst of all is that they take literally years to add things a modder can add in an hour
You were in middle school six years ago? Jesus
It seems like Sup Forums is actually mellowing out about this one, doesn't start shitstorms like it used to
I recently got back into it and I'm discovering all these fun and autistic mods that are out now, it's pretty good.
Sure Mojang literally shat the bed and made millions and the community is autism incarnate but building little houses and shit just never gets old.
I feel like the point is that the game became so popular the dev(s) started to listen to the demands of the plebs and ruined the game. That's what happened with Minecraft, at least.
It's solid
Yeah, I'm 18 now
I do all the time. The longevity is genius.
Post 1.8 they just began adding tacky crap, though. Things like the redstone and piston updates made so much sense but when some time around the fucking dragon update they lost me
I liked minecraft until they started adding dumb features and catering to the "Crafting/survival/single player" shitters. I enjoyed it for being a creative multiplayer game, but the final version didn't live up to it.
Never liked it.