Is there a more cancerous fanbase?

Is there a more cancerous fanbase?

there is not



But there is.
Sonic, Five Nights, any Twitch Streamer, Minecraft, Hearthstone, Overwatch, Undertale...

Is the Portal fanbase even in existence? The game was released like six years ago.

not worse than portalfags

i see newfriend like you needs to reminder about sonic urinal transformation
and i'm not gonna post it

Five Nights at Freddy's
Smash Bros.
Kingdom Hearts

Did I mention Sonic?

sanic doesn't count. that's legit autism

>A fanbase of a video game series doesn't count as a fanbase because they're too extreme

Undertale is the pinnacle of cancerous fanbases.

This. Did OP wake up from a 10 year coma?

Undertale is bad but it's nothing compared to Five Nights at Freddy's.

For Honor is heading that way real quick

>there is not
You're a fucking idiot for thinking Portal's fanbase was even that big in the first place

Who the fuck complains about the Portal fanbase now? Does it even exist right now?

The whole "the cake is a lie" phase was a bit cringy, but not as bad as the undertale or fnaf fanbase

If I enjoyed a game does that make me a part of the fanbase Sup Forums?

Embrace the cancer and make anons upset.
Then pretend to be against it and make fans upset!

>a bit

>19 posts in
>No one mentions moba garbage and overwatch
Really activates your almonds

Five Night's At Freddy's is the most cancerous fanbase.

Undertale's fanbase would be worse but Undertale is actually a good game if you ignore the fansbase while FNAF is complete shit.

want more?

>Control+F "Overwatch"
>3 results, my post, your post, and the third fucking post of the thread

>Problem Slueth is great
>Homestuck is shit
What happened?

>tf2 fags
>indie fags
>mount and blade / chivalry fags
>entry level anime fags
>anyone who ever got into a modding scene for any game

I can mention at least 3 right now

>Act 6
>Vriska Serket actually being mary sue

>bigger than FNaF or Minecraft

Life is Strange
Ace Combat


Weeaboos are fucking trash

Portal has never had a cancerous fanbase. People who latched onto the "the cake is a lie" joke had never even touched a Portal game.

Survival games like Rust, DayZ etc.
The abysmal autism is taken to the next universe in that genre.

The Unholy Trifecta of Cancer is Sonic, Melee, and Pokemon

Yoko Taro fags

>counter strike
>team fortress 2
rank these in order

Actually giving in and pandering. Certain trolls. The second set of kids. Good lord all 4 of them were irredeemably awful.

I'm guessing portal fantasy and valve fantasy overlap quite a bit,

Yes, there is.

Is this a Jojo reference?


The first game was decent, most of the rest are shit.
I think Undertale's quality actually makes the fanbase more insufferable, though. While FNAF's fanbase has pretty much quarantined itself by being tied with the LP audience, Undertale's fanbase is considerably more dedicated and will be around after interest in the games dry up.

I'm gonna be honest, the only reason I dropped Homestuck was because Act 1 was so boring that I never finished it. It kinda sounds like I've dodged a bullet.

HOL UP I got the biggest one: STEAM

> (OP)
Right? It's like OP just found out about cake memes and wants in.

No, it's a tripleq reference.

Steven universe
All anime
Any game popularized by twitch

Sup Forums

Thing is, Overwatch fanboys will deepthroat Blizzard cockwhenevr they can, and will yell at others on how much superior their game is.

Is the MLP fandom even a thing anymore? I haven't seen a trace of them in years, save for Barneyfag triggering.

Garrys Mod
Most Valve games
Etc, etc, so yes, many more

/mlp/ is still there, so I guess so.
It's contained cancer, but cancer nonetheless.

Its still there, But the online presence has dwindled significantly since 2014.

>implying there's a fanbae

There is no Portal fan-base
There are "cake is a lie" fags but the Redditors that say that probably have either never played the game or played it once.
The retards who say that probably don't even play community levels and can hardly be considered a fanbase.

Sup Forums

One that can't even spell yes.

Can someone explain to me why Five Night Freddy fanbase is cancerous? What did they do? I'm curious but researching social community that i have no part in of a game that i've never played before is so bothersome

>Can someone explain to me why Five Night Freddy fanbase is cancerous?


Maybe stop wasting your life bitching about fanbases nerd

Apart from the 2/3 memes it spawned Portal doesn't have a fanbase per say.

Maybe Valve as a whole but not specifically Portal and even then Valvedrones aren't nearly as bad as some other fandoms.

Anything Nintendo related.

They're mostly made up of very young children (and I'm talking eight years old here) and furries. So that huge gap of people from little kids who were influenced by Matpat and Markiplier to teenagers and adults who want to have sex with the robot animals attracts some real wierdo's.

If someone can post that video of the girl dressed up as Freddy prank to further cement what I mean, I'd appreciate it.

I can't think of a less cancerous fanbase

Why is it supposed to be bad, because memes? Those things became memes because they were iconic and people liked it

Can you only enjoy things if certain other people enjoy them? Grow up you pretentious baby


I don't know if this counts, but the anti-fan base of call of duty. Shitting on this series like it makes them cool or something.

>Pic related is one of the coolest shooters of all time and I will defend it till I die.



undertale, tf2, that "sakura sim" or whatever that's all over youtube, hots, sonic, nintendo, paladins, fuck man there's a lot.

Souls games

Persona 3 fanboys.

>Smash Bros fanbase worse than Volvo

Cancerous how?


Now the list is completed

Yes but you didn't mention Undertale nearly as much as you should have.

you aren't supposed to greentext facts like that, user

I'm never seen a bad FNaF fan, but I've seen, and still see, plenty of degenerate undertalefags.

FNaF and minecraft are literally just kids
Doesn't count

Honestly, there is no genre that attracts more tryhards who can't accept their own flaws.

Tout their game as brutally hard when really it's just roll to win.

But they're faggoty kids.

Dark Souls hatebase. They were really quiet when the game first came out, but now that it's popular not a thread goes by where they don't pretend to be hardcore l33t gamer dude to get Sup Forums karma.

why do you people act like any person who obsesses over a single work of fictional media enough to be considered part of a "fanbase", wouldnt automatically be a cancerous faggot?

Dude's got a point.


Basically the narutards of videogames.
>Every game is compared to dark souls
>People who barely play other games claim it's the greatest game ever
>It's a mature game, just ask the teens that gob over it
>People form identities and philosophies of Solair's dialogue the same way people did with whatever random character's one liners in a shitty action anime. People see depth and meaning in a shallow media meant for entertainment
>Naruto was the only thing keeping Toonami afloat, Souls games are the only things selling PS4s

I could go on. The point is every bit of "Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind" pasta could be replaced with Darksouls and it'd fit. I don't think they're the worst fanbase of all, but they're honestly in the top 10 by my estimation. And I think Souls games are pretty good too, but the rampant fanboyism is just rediculous

I don't get it, Sonic? How has that got a cancerous fan base? I'm not a huge fan or anything it's obviously a classic game.

What beef do Sonic fans possibly have?

I eat ass

I am Mata Nui. My original form was built on the world of Spherus Magna more than one hundred thousand years ago. I was built to bring order back to my world and its people, but I lost my way. With the help of new and old friends, I have one final chance to fulfill my duty, and my destiny.

last year people in clubs made undertale posters and hung them up in my highschool

Go to google images
Search "[your name] The hedgehog"
continue searching with other names of friends and family until autismo is found

The cake is a lie! XD

>I'm never seen a bad FNaF fan

Some faggot wore a fucking Foxy head one day at my school

He also thinks fedoras are cool

And he's a she

Lurk moar

FNAF's first game was very interesting and actually a great horror concept, especially for any of you who actually went to chuck e cheese.

The problem is, it got picked up and loved by the same kind of mouthbbreather autists who love minecraft, so the game's development and fanbase pandering ruined it.

Same kind of story with fire emblem, now it's too easy and just waifu shit.

It's an intersection point of all cancerous fanbases ever created, past, present and future.

Anyone that likes this game is sure to have cancerous taste and behaviour.

>inb4 hipster shit
I remember when the first fnaf trailer hit steam greenlight, shit gave me nightmares. now that shit gives me nightmares because of the fanbase.

That's tough.

Overwatch (if only because it's so normie and SJW and my libcuck friends won't stop spamming it everywhere like 'I WANT TO BE A PART OF THIS UNIVERSE')
FNAF (if only because of the horrible fucking youtuber scene)
NEP (if only because of the fucking terrible autsitic threads we hafve here
TF2 (if only for the custom servers and micspam and furfaggotry and trading and idling and hats and everything that involves everything NOT playing the game
CS (if only for all the games from 1.6 forward. i actually liked the game before 1.6. and the esports shit is pure cancer now).

Fallout 1 and 2 fans are fine, though.

Why not post FO4 or NV?

Also Nv fans are comfy as fuck, it's always people talking about character motivations and the actual moral grey area that the choices in the game have (especially faction allegiance)

I actually liked bionicle though