Why are you all so fucking awful at Overwatch and why are you always on my team?

Why are you all so fucking awful at Overwatch and why are you always on my team?

You're in gold as well?

That's not possible, I'm actually the worst player on Sup Forums and I got promoted 2 days ago to platinum. Therefore, we can reason that anyone who posts in this thread must be at least platinum.

Answer me now

I'm in platinum. I've lost around 10 games in a row tonight. I think I'm done with the game now.

I smoke the herbal jew and play on console.
This hurts you.

Your skill rating dictates you play with us. Maybe git gud yourself :^)

>Why is everyone on my team so awful!
—every awful player ever

I'm diamond and I literally carry with Widow 99% of the time I play her.

Maybe you should stop looking for people to blame and get fucking good.

because you get matched with players in your skillgroup, user

thanks for sharing Timmy.
did anyone else bring something to show and tell?

I bought the game monday that's why.

It's nothing to do then with the Reins that charge off from the group, everyone scared to push through a checkpoint,terrified to touch the objectives and instead split up from the team and do their own stupid fucking things

>Tracer taking her time-thingy off

>playing on PS4
>useless teammate playing Widowmaker doing absolutely nothing
>teammate still refuses to stop playing Widow

I dont get why everyone gets so worked about a skill rating in a team based game as if it has anything to do with individual skill

>play with RL friend
>he always gets mad as fuck at the game
>he's not mechanically or strategically bad, but boy does he love to shittalk
>he changed his bnet nickname to a russian name for shits and giggles and as soon as he speaks a single negative word everyone starts arguing and it's a guaranteed loss

I wish this game wasn't 90% communication, I just want to have fun and win with friends.

Unless you're having a bad game in which case you literally do not exist.
I hate inconsistent heroes so fucking much.

>not maining Bastion and assraping everyone on defence with actual tactical play and good positioning

It's like you want to be bad

I'd actually rather have plats on my team. Every diamond I've played with is a cocky faggot who thinks he's hot shit because he's slightly above average. If you were carrying 99% of the time on a hero you would be in the top 500.

QP on the PS4 in a nutshell
Especially on attack, widowshitters refuse to switch

>All these fags now picking Bastion because of the update