gamer rage thread, how autistic are you Sup Forums?
Gamer rage thread, how autistic are you Sup Forums?
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you have to be a literal sperglord to get mad at videogames these days
>speakers and insults still alive after rekt screen.
im the guy saying woosa.
>Gamer Smashes Computer
looks more like his monitors
>destroying things you paid money for just because you got a little upset
i can safely say ive never done this shit over a video game despite getting mad easier than I should about most things.
I like how they always regret it and try to fix what they just obviously destroyed.
I think so too. One monitor isn't even on, probably broken. The other one isn't widescreen and might have some problems and he was getting rid of it anyway. Looked like some generic ass keyboard, who doesn't have a million of them. The only other damage was some empty beer bottles.
well it'll be worth it once OP shills the video a few more times
>he just happens to have a HD camera running while he smashes his computer
I feel like faggots like this are the guys who fill up those Miku Monday threads.
I like how he's concerned with his monitor but not with the fact that there's thousands of dollars in drywall work and painting needed because he's a turbo autist. Also, Eurobeat or whatever that Maid of Fire shit is is trash.
they gotta do it for jew bucks
this. I've punched the wall and even bited my own hand but i would never break my shit. and to be honest, i have temper issues.
Yeah. I guess when your autism levels have reached these levels, normal things like having a decent living space don't matter anymore.
I like Eurobeat, but that song really is trash.
That, and the fact that he just decided to film himself in that oh so spontaneous moment. Like those people that suddenly remember to turn the camera on during "epic fails".
>be 5th grade
>go to my friends house for vidya
>kid gets so mad he goes full autistic mode
>breaks controller
Why are white children so autistic?
>staging rage videos
People are pathetic
fixing drywall doesn't cost that much.
>Mom gets yelled at, backs off.
>Gets mad after realizing she didn't get the last word/didn't establish her authority
>Comes back to yell some more and take up that slap invite.
Not defending that faggot but women in general do this shit all the time, they get pissy and follow you around to nag if they can't prove to themselves they won the argument.
I had a broken keyboard once, I got pissed and broke it more. I was young though.
Thats about the only thing I ever broke, even if I did break shit Id be so disappointed in myself, shits expensive these days.
>meanwhile niggers are scalping whites on facebook and destroying their cities because muh welfare muh raysism
5/10 got me to respond
Michael Jones
And whites elected Trump, whats your point faggot?