Switch = 480p Gaming "Console"


What year is it again?

Sure looks like 720p when undocked... wow

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Is this sony trying to distract us from the embarrassment that is the horizon stream?

That's the resolution it outputs to the TV.

You are clinically retarded.

>b-b-but Sony

>TV mode is 480p
that's even worse retard

Who else would make these threads about literally nothing?

What does that mean? Didn't you tell it was 900p in TV mode?

Didn't you guys say it's 1080p?

>literally nothing
>480p is an available option in 2017

I knew this was going to be another underpowered toddler toy but not THAT underpowered.

>but not THAT underpowered
You mean playing games at 1080p 60 FPS?
Yeah, it's pretty underpowered.

>1080p 60 FPS?



The options are clearly:

Auto - outputs whatever from your HDTV
480p - makes it playable on SD tv

People are fucking stupid

>playing games

whatever you say mouth breather

MK8D is 1080 60fps even when split screened user

This is very obviously a dropdown menu, which means it can be CHANGED.

My cable box allows me to enforce 480p, too.

no he clicks on it, there's no other options than


That's it.


9K 120p

to me it looks like theres an automatic button that detects if a tv is HD or SD and sets it accordingly. or you can manually change it with the dropdown list (currently set to 480p on the image)

That's only because he hasn't connected it to a TV retard. There will be more options after you do that. But you are probably a shitposter who won't listen to reason, so I won't bother anymore.

It's confirmed 1080p 60fps in docked mode.

720 in handheld mode user, 1080 on TV

Didn't people deduce Switch's resolution by BotW gameplay? How can you get that wrong?

>What is Smash 4

then why would automatic have a check next to it while 480p has a box?

It's pretty clearly 240p docked. 120p handheld. I have evidence

>Criticizing the all holy Nintendo Corporation means you must be an undercover shill for a competing company.

No one, not even Macfags, are this delusional and dogmatic. And believe me, THAT is saying something.

looks like a Gamecube game

when docked it should be 4k

it was confirmed 720p undocked, my dude

720p is unacceptable regardless of portability. Especially on a 6 inch tablet.

PS4 Pro and Scorpio are doing 4K poorly. Switch is doing 1080p poorly.

Oh, so a port of a console that was underpowered when it was released runs at 1080p? WOW NINTENDO YOU SURE DONE DID IT!

Put your glasses back on.

>what is a game that looks like it would run on N64

>PS4 Pro and Scorpio are doing 4K poorly
no one really gives a shit about the PS4 Pro though, the PS4 Slim has outsold it by a wide margin

it's confirmed to be 4K when docked and 1440p undocked with 60 FPS

the battery life lasts 20 hours too and the controllers never run out of juice so you don't have to buy peripherals

Zelda also has no DLC, just Expansion Packs so the Pass is worth buying as it adds new difficulty mode (NEW ONE, which means there's already hard mode!!111) and tons of well worth items.

All in all it's the best gaming console with next generation graphics.

This is all been confirmed and fact. I don't need to provide sources. It's all confirmed so no need to prove anything. Confirmed.

>mods will leave this thread up

Switch isn't a direct competitor to the PS4 or Xbone varieties.

4K will be stuck as a meme resolution until games start being made to look good in it rather than just 1080p

post the video

>announcing reports

you're that unstable?

Don't forget that it's running on new generation breakthrough gpu by nvidia, which decided to give it exclusively to nintendo, and will be nore powerful than a ps4.

Fuck off, logic sense isn't allowed here

video source

vid.me/oQkOonly options are

Nothing else.

Except when Nintendrones need an excuse for paid online

End yourself

You forgot that Breath of the Wild already went quadruple platinum and is going to outsell every other game ever released combined

>480p on a fucking 2017 tv
>Drone sees nothing wrong
You reinforce that Nintendo is for manchild with children IQ's

Who uses fucking sd tvs anymore? When was the last time you could BUY a sd tv?
Are Nintendo that far behind?

Maybe Game cube virtual console available

>>Switch isn't a direct competitor to the PS4 or Xbone varieties

Nintendo markets this thing as a fucking home console. Of course its a competitor to the PS4/XB1. I don't care if this is portable. Only kids, ultra nerds, and manchildren would take this outside. Portable gaming is fucking dead, raped in the ass by Apple and Google. Nintendo would have been smarter doing a proper nonportable home console that focused on power, like Iwata said they would if needed.

Also Wii


Oh shit I hadn't thought of that

t-there is to be some sort of mistake

Is Shitch the greatest blunder in gaming since the Virtual Boy?
>only 480p undocked
>literally every exclusive is Sonic 06-tier
Shame on you, Nintendodo.

Yup it is. Nintendo said it themselves, Switch is an anthology of all the gimmicks Nintendo has done since the 1990s.

Bumb for delicious Nintendy tears.

RIP Nintendodo 1889-2017

>Who uses fucking sd tvs anymore

Lots of people. Not everyone can afford the latest technology.

Sun and Moon was trash. The "oh its different from the last 20 games" was different.

Glad Sup Forums can universally agree. Can't wait for this shit to tank harder than Virtual Boy.


What a great console!

>people will fall for this low-tier bait
The tablet is 720p, it just outputs 480p to the TV. Retard.

Amen, brother. Pokemon is well on its way to the grave now because of it.

>this is the fetish of the average Nintenchild

The option literally says TV resolution its fucking placeholder.

Thank you. Pokemon is dead. I enjoyed its run. RIP 1996-2016. Glad it BTFOd. Now cuckfreak is forced to make decent games. Oh wait. They can't. Ok, time to move on to making mobile apps. They'll make more money charging 99 cents for a random drop of items on Pokemon Sun GO VERSION.

>console has a 480p MODE
you guys really do shitpost about anything don't you?

Sd tvs can't even display 480p dummy, 480i/240p is sd.

And how is that supposed to be a good thing??

480p mode indicates that's where Nintendo's mindset is - in the early 2000s, before proper online multiplayer and high definition.

Nintendo said ages ago that it's 720p in tablet mode, 1080p when docked.

Are you really trying to convince people that Nintendo would lie about the resolution?

Nintendo is dead Bait and Switch will be their last ever console lol

Well, that was the last time they were any good, so it makes sense.

why do you need more than 480 on a TV? The Wii did just fine outputting at that resolution, and that was a huge success. "HD" is a gimmick that nobody even uses.

The biggest pillar of Nintenshit and eastern """""gaming""""" in general has fallen and I couldn't be happier.

True that, anonbro.

Nintendodo just can't stop getting REKT

Because Nintenchildren said so.

Jeff Gerstmann just said on the most recent Bombcast that Nintendo has another handheld in the works, so they've already given up on the Switch and moved on to their next last ditch effort.

this. Can't wait for Nintendo to go third party. I'll be drinking Nintendofag tears as I see Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon cases with the Xbox and Playstation logos all over them.

>being this retarded
Its like you don't have functioning eyes. Guess being half-blind is a requirement to be a Nintendrone.


holy tryhard batman

Explain to me why 480p on a TV is such a travesty. I'll wait, so take your time.

It shows just how desperate Sup Forums is for attention. Every scrap of information is analyzed for shitposting potential so they can get the most (you)s but they do this with every new system no matter what it is like some OCD desperation shit.

Really? Link and timestamp. Can't wait to be armed with this knowledge to make Nintendo kids cry.

giantbomb dot com
I'm not listening to the whole fucking podcast again to give you a time stamp.

480p will be used for virtual console

>720p and upward is the """"""""latest technology""""""""

OP here.

Before I'm banned for "flagrant fanboyism" or "console war baiting" or whatever I made a webm for those who think I'm cutting off the vid or lying about the footage or cherry picking it to give false information.

There are only two options.


If 720p was an option undocked it should be on that list too, not only 480p and Automatic.

Defend this.

>Switch already DoA
>Nintendo officially stated they're thinking about a successor / Switch isn't successor
>People comparing the Switch (aka newest gen HOME console) to Vita (aka last gen HANDHELD)
>Somehow the Switch doesn't win in every category (online / games / screen / battery life)
>Paid DLC for a main Nintendo title
>Paid online
>Expensive controllers if you don't want to use the retarded joycons
>People are still defending this shit

It's legitimately baffling to me. Their only defense thus far was "B-BUT OTHERS DID IT TOO!" while also failing to realize that nobody liked it when they did that shit either.
This will be Wii U 2.0.
Screenshot this post -- You'll see I'm right when it flops.

My understanding of that was that with the 3DS being broken wide open and Nintendo's standard response of "DON'T WORRY THIS SYSTEM WON'T REPLACE THIS SYSTEM" that the chances are that they are making a new handheld is very high, but not confirmed.

Unless a new Bombcast just came out and I missed it?

nice try using hdmi in your sd tv