What was her endgame(s)?

What was her endgame(s)?

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Despair. Literally everything she did was just about despair.

It didn't even matter if she failed or not because that too would result in despair


What IS despair though.

What the above posters basically said. Like Poison she is a meme character and is otherwise only liked because she's hot. If only she had a dick, though, so she could be even more popular because of a memier gimmick.

The Grand Inquisitor from 1984 without the platitudes of saving people. Convince somebody their world is gone, get them to betray their friends and themselves, then thank her for her mercy.

Having a hot design and wasting it on a shit character.

What the hell kind of logic even is this? People don't betray their "friends" because the world is gone, they betray their "friends" out of opportunism for the chance to receive something where the payout is perceived to be greater than the loss and seemingly "worth the risk" of things such as potential antipathy from those who once trusted you.

Basic humanity 101.

Why do people find bimbos hot?

What were her motives?

you know why

What was his endgame?

What was ANYONE's motives? They were all stupid.

why was hajime such a goat protag

Because he wasn't a total pussy like Makoto.

Until DR3 anyways.

Explain her motives; they're too complex for me.

To get out of the death trap and save her friends.

It's impossible.

That's just it. It's a recurring theme in the series that when everything piles up on someone at once that they shut down emotionally and make bad decisions. They just want out.

Does anyone else feel like Danganronpa's quality slipped off after a while? I loved the first and second game, but I was kinda sick of the whole "7th grader's hidden poem collection" way they talk about "hope" and "despair". I'm partway through 3 (anime, not v3) and I'm really starting to believe that they don't actually know what they're talking about.

But why was she so obsessed with despair? Don't give me a bullshit answer like "she was just born that way."

I love danganronpa but Junko's motive is just weak. at least she's entertaining.

The first game was also garbage.

2 was the only good one so that points to it being a fluke.

Prolonged use of recreational despair does awful things to your brain

suffering without purpose. lol

I find her craziness hot.

I make bad decisions when I get panicky, but it's always understood in my mind that it's a thought of trying to survive, like climbing out of quicksand but struggling just makes you sink deeper. Quicksand in real life is typically not deep enough to cause you to sink to your death actually but nevermind that for now

If their world is gone, people get panicky, but they do it to deny the idea of hopelessness by trying to survive. They're not fully convinced that the world is gone up; they're not convinced that despair is there until they start moping and wallowing in pity that nothing they do can dig them out of their hole. For that, they'd have to see 0% chance of just about anything working to bail them out.

Of course, that's where the idea that killing your friends (and getting away with it) works, and you see the dark and more cynical side of life, and people think too much of the short term investment (which is where you're getting at with panicking) without thinking that killing everybody singles you out as the killer, and makes you guilty by default, so you've just gone and killed some people and there's nobody else to blame. Of course in the USA you an argue self defense and the force was necessary to deter a threat to your life, but they're not there.

There's your answer, fishbulb.
If it's any help, V3's whole thing isn't Hope vs Despair but Truth vs Lie.
That said, Kodaka actually mentions that even after V3 was done the staff argued about what it was supposed about.

The anime is trash, almost everyone will tell you that.

Probably pretty complex and something about killing dogs.

The truth is that she was just planning the most incredible surprise birthday party for her sister that she'd never see coming, but everything went horribly horribly wrong.

>that she'd never see coming
But she would. That was the problem. She sees shit coming, that's her ability.

The dub elevates it 'unintentionally amusing' tier, especially since they fucked up the ending.

Y-Yeah she sure is good at foreseeing things.

Sorry, I thought you were refering to the sister in the picture throwing the party.


Hey everyone,

I just started the game and I'm loving it! My favorite girl is definitely Junko, though. She's so pretty! And I think she likes Makoto judging by the free time events I've done with her so far o_0. I hope everyone gets together in the end and beats that mean Monokuma!!! :D

>being capable of doing anything but killing

Kaede dies in chapter 1.

the best way to danganronpa is to ignore the larger story and just focus on the murder mysteries
Hopeman aside, of course

Because Junko is just there to be the villain/

Why was DR3 real and IF imaginary. It should've been the other way round.

Junko's talent is "super analysis". She can predict just about anything with proper data. And thus she finds the world boring.

But things are only perfectly predictable in a peaceful environment. "Despair" in people makes them do irrational things. So to Junko, despair is an escape from perfectly predictable life.

You're locked in an empty school with this crazy bitch, she's full bored and you don't have lucc. How do you survive?

But user. DR3 IS imaginary. :^)

Utilize my ultimate talent as "Ultimate Masturbator" to keep her at bay.

As well as more of V3. Fucking FICTIONHACC

Ignore her.
She'll find some way to entertain herself.

I mean, at the very least making her laugh at you might keep you alive for a tiny bit longer, so I guess that's a solid plan.

You can't feel hopeless if you felt hope in the first place.

Convince her that if she doesn't kill me she'll be in despair that she hasn't killed me, and by keeping me alive she'll be able to use me to farm for despair, as there's no telling when she'll find another person

Put my finger up her butthole.

I don't know what'll happen after that, but it's what I want to do to her.

Might as well kill myself.

She explains it in DR3 the anime.
All her life she has been able to decode and analyze things with great ease, really get them down to their base parts and know every inch. Turns out the most interesting thing to analyze is the hunan brain. She spent a time learning how humans tick: all their quirks, personality, and relationships. But after a while that got boring too. In times of peace people are little more than machines that go about doing the same thing over and over. In order to have any excitement or surprise ever again, she would need to throw some chaos into the mix. Despair, or better put, Fear is what makes people unpredictable. The desperation to live or keep your reputation in tact and how it spreads in unpredictable ways that even Junko couldn't fathom is what she strives to get from people because she's so incredibly bored with the clockwork of every day peaceful life.

>purposefully asking Junko to keep you on the brink of death for an indeterminate amount of time

>implying she'd let you

It's also explained in DR0, so don't go claiming it was invented just for that anime.

I can try.

I don't like it when japanese anime/games use the wrong word for something. They repeat "despair" over and over, but if what you said is accurate, then it's really "chaos" that she's after.

Can't feel any more despair if I'm already the ULTIMATE LOSER

Might as well just grovel and attempt to do pic related before jumping straight to sudoku. She'll probably get bored after five minutes, but hey that's five more minutes you didn't have.


Besides the fact that she's crazy, Junko's biggest flaw is that her hair can't be properly cosplayed.

This fat bitch has a plan to expose and kill the mastermind, do you help her?

That's a flaw with reality, not Junko.


Become my wife

Sure, but can I use the bathroom first?

Best Boy

I'm not sure if you thought that through completely.

I have.

Alright, but have you considered this?


Good, because piano baka is not for lewd.


Not a bad choice

This bitch wants to take you into her room and show you all of her new inventions, what do you do?

Take her to my room first to show off all of my new inventions.

Ask her if she has any inventions for the bedroom

>take off my pants
>show her my cock
>ask her if she can fix it

The real question is if she has any not for the bedroom

I feel like you might regret asking that, user.

Then she sticks the drill bit down your pee hole.

I want Miu to rape me

I see.


>Lets himself get experimented on just to get into a school and helped a nutcase screw over the world.

Yeah great protagonist.

That sound kinda hot


I want to rape you as Miu.


NISA is fucking with us again

This. Hajime fucked over the world. Komaeda would have saved billions of lives if it wasn't for him.

Nagito would've found some other way to fuck the world.

Honestly, him unchecked would be a bigger danger than Junko.

>NISA's twitter account is just professional shitposting
Yeah, sounds about right.

After V3, where do you see the franchise heading? Do you hope to see more games, and if so what are you hoping for?

Dating sim with Junko. You get to marry her and everything.

Retcon V3 out of existence and make an actual reboot this time.

I'm still waiting for that RPG spinoff.

What kind of RPG?

It can be anything. Turn-based action-based. Shit make it a S/TRPG if anything. I like those too.

I'm not entirely positive that the game would benefit from being an RPG, but it would be fun as a spinoff I suppose. Personally, I'm interested in playing as the blackened/mastermind in one of the installments.