ITT: "games" that nobody seriously plays and are just excuses for people to dump softcore porn

ITT: "games" that nobody seriously plays and are just excuses for people to dump softcore porn

Uh, "What is Persona", Alex?

I want Kat to sit on my face.

I've only played Shinovi Versus and I actually really like it as a game
character customizers are also my weakness, so that got me to like the game even more


I've played Estival Versus and had fun.
Yet I've never posted porn, is something wrong with me?

everything on Vita



I like the SK franchise for the gameplay, characters, and setting.



Dragon's Crown

what's the game under P4?

good image

interesting how every game in that list is actually at worst decent.

waifus save games

>freedom planet
>not sonic
Come on.

yea man, those neptunia games, totally decent. I'm going to post and pretend i have taste.

>Gravity Rush
>Ragnarok online

U is pretty decent man.
I highly reccomend U.
Also, Nep1 is really good too.

I don't care what you recommend, its clear that you would be satisfied with anything.

Guess which one ;^)


I'm not satisfied with you.
So, it seems you're wrong.

I want to marry this YOUNG woman!

Black Desert

Fuck off

>no persona game
You failed.

I want her to go on a honeymoon with this woman!

>Playing games seriously
>As a hobby

Gravity rush is a movement system attached to a pile of garbage
Touhou are all awful shmups with the laziest excuse for level design and patterns that focus more on looking pretty rather than being fun to dodge. Not to mention that every single scoring system is absolute garbage.
Catherine is literally Q-bert: waifu edition
skull girls - "hey guys lets make marvel but instead of a large cast for team building lets have 7 characters"
ragnarok - piece of garbage kmmo grind fest that only is remembered because of its sprites.

yes they are all bad

*old hag


someone should add comfy to the list of quotes

automatic trash when someone describes a game as comfy

you failed more



>hear that Shadowverse is Hearthstone but balanced
>play it

Its a total fucking lie.

You ok?

I want express my love to my waifu though!

What compels a person to make an image like this? I sort of get regular shitposting since it's so low effort, but this?

Does Rin want to fug Kagura?

And suddenly I see why Sonyggers defend their systems so rabidly.

This image is for the most part true

Odin Sphere and Rabi Ribi actually are good games. It's a shame Rabi has such cringe worthy aesthetics.

Everything else is bad to mediocre, sure. Nier aside since it isnt out.

I don't believe you.

>Level Design
What? Also
>comparing Catherine to Qbert

Trigger reddit in one image.


Give moero chron to me please.

I wouldn't believe me either. I've played Neptunia V and VII, Atelier Ayesha and Logy, Shantae, Shadowverse, and SK all on the premise that they're actually fun and they're not.

But Rabi and Odin are indeed good.

Overwatch, FE, and Persona 4 are...ok.

No way fag.

I still need to get the rest of the panties I'm missing.

That's alot of effort just to shitpost about games you and I have never played. Well done, dork.

You forgot that hard as fuck Sonico game on Steam though. I actually own that. Bitch will not stay the fuck still. Hardest photography minigame I ever played in my life.

Have you checked yourself for depression?
Nep games aren't for everyone. But Atelier Ayesha was the better of the dusk games.

Every leader and their mother has something that cucks him. Nice try though, if you posted daria, I probably would've agreed with you.

If it wasn't for the Witcher erroneously being on here, this image would go from instant bait to factual truth in an instant.


>But Atelier Ayesha was the better of the dusk games.

Thats sad. It only had like 5 enemy types.

>delusional slavcuck

>>Level Design

That's exactly the issue. And yes catherine is qbert.

stop posting sluts.

Even taking out that Nep games aren't for everyone, I wouldn't say they're good. Feels like it could be potentially interesting with the battle system but they don't do enough with it. But I only played a couple of the games.

Yea, its always everyone BUT you, right?

Don't listen to this madman.

But I wasn't posting Ryouna.

How is Catherine qbert, please enlighten me

Have you played persona?

Neps are medicore.
They make no attempt to hide that neps are medicore. Personally, I enjoy them for the characters more than the actual gameplay.

How is RO on there?

its a tile based game where you need to move on the tiles to clear the stage while obstacles follow you literal qbert, like you ever wonder why no one ever posts gameplay of catherine? because its garbage and you like it for the waifus.

I play Senran Kagura competitively. Gonna speedrun it and try to get it into EVO.

I kind of understand that. I still enjoyed the game to an extent, I just feel like they could do so much more with it.

Autism I assume.

>Personally, I enjoy them for the characters more than the actual gameplay.

Oh wow really you dont say


mad cus shit taste

>ITT: "games" that nobody seriously plays
>"seriously" playing a game
Hopefully most of them

You're a waifufag

>its a being intentionally ignorant to conversation context to avoid addressing the argument episode

Do you have autism?


I love Mirai!

>be a feminist and complain about waifus like me
>create strawman arguments and a false paradigm where these evil internet trolls only play games to fap and offend feminists such as yourself
Reality: Nobody does that

Exept nothing follows you in Catherine outside of boss fights, the blocks collapse. Theres also the fact that you push and pull blocks to move while continuing to move up, and getting to a goal unlike Qbert where your goal is to make every color the same.
There's also a different variety of blocks that have different effects on the level.
Just because both games involve blocks doesn't mean its the same thing.

rephrase it all you want, its still fucking qbert

>Odin Sphere

the gameplay of the original is pretty grindy and mind numbing

Not enough porn of her.

Good argument

So what you're saying is Catherine is a DUMBED DOWN Qbert

you also spammed this in the Nep Thread

You can't hide the truth weeb

>More mechanics
>dumbed down
Fucking what?

that you are desperate for attention?

Wheres sengoku rance

>nobody seriously plays


>weeb dodging the question

Darkstalkers / Vampire Savior

Does that game still have male characters?
I haven't kept up with the series personally, but from what I've seen here they all seem to have been removed.

Sup Forums only plays as the girls